Is PS4pro & small gaming laptop the most kino console combo?

Is PS4pro & small gaming laptop the most kino console combo?

>JRPGs and weaboo games on PS4
>oldskool WRPGs, RTS, MMOs and grand strategies
>easily avoid all the nintendo SJW crap, dudebro normie trash, and modern PC feminist wrgs

If you play video games and you don't like Nintendo you might as well end yourself desu senpai

>That pic.
>small gaming laptop
Oh come one come with more creative ways to shitpost.

>PS4 anything

>gaming laptop

>Have a laptop with a GTX1070 that doesn't look like razer shit but is actually subdued and looks like a normal laptop. (Auros laptop)
>Also have a PS4Pro
It feels nice to have relatively small boxes that just works you know.

Nintendo died with Iwata. Kimishima is just Japanese Kotick.



>gaming laptop

No surprise that a nygger would buy that overpriced trash.

>Is PS4pro & small gaming laptop the most kino console combo?
The best combo is whatever has games you enjoy and not saying kino you cancerous Sup Forums crossboarder

>overpriced trash
What is a Shitch?

You can buy a PS4 and five games and still end up saving more than buying Nintendo's plastic toy console.

Learn what sjw means before you post next time


What a fucking retard.

>gaming laptop
I have a ps4 pro and you're a faggot

Or I could get a PC and a DS/3DS and play more games than a sonyggҽr ever could.

one time i tried instagram to fit in with the normies
i got spam messaged that i was ugly and that i should never pass down my genes
i took down my image and closed my instagram account asap that day
i'm never doing social media ever again

also, why not just build a gaming PC since they're cheaper and more reliable than gaming laptops

PS4 Pro and a Macbook Pro is the official best combo.

last nintendo console i have gotten was the Wii and i dont regret skipping the WiiU and so far don't feel like I'm missing out on the switch

know any good games for macbooks?

psp has way more games than ds and 3ds
It's a shame, the DS only "won" because of the amount of shovelware. The PSPs best games can't out sell Barbies horse adventures and brain training. Similar thing with the 3DS, only a few good games worth having with a mountain of shovelware. The PSP was a fucking good little handheld.

>and PS3 and PS2 and PS1 and Vita and 3DS and GB Micro

Are you me?


Even more of a faggot than OP, macs are even worse than the xbone.

>psp has way more games than ds and 3ds
Not good ones.

>using a laptop for vidya
>using "Kino"

I knew Sup Forums was trash but you fucks literally have no standards do you?

Does anyone actually find this hairstyle attractive?
It just looks so lazy and boring.

what thinkpad model is that?

What's the cheapest best gaming laptop out there?

but it does unless brainage is better than patapon
i want to know this also my computer broke and im broke

What's wrong with gaming laptop?

>the DS only "won" because of the amount of shovelware
Come on, you know that's not true.
DS won because of parents wanting something for their children and brand recognition


that's why i said shovelware moms buying their kids brainage and barbie ds was a really good handheld but that shit...
3ds was a little better

So you only have a problem with socjus tripe when it's not Sony then? Because they are the single greatest driving force behind it.

>Iwata killed Nintendo.



>switchcucks really believe

My bad, I thought you actually cared about their games and wasn't just a WiiUfag getting hissy about that catastrophic failure with a whooping 4 games library getting phased out for the Wii U 2. Carry on.

All this Shitendo and Shitch rekking. Holy fuck when did Sup Forums get so based?

Fucking this to the end all the fucking fake fun shitendrones have with their Shitch is amazing
>wowee Zeldarim XD
>Hahahaha Bing Bing wahoo in Mario 06 Odyshit lolololo
>Wow so fan XDDD shill shill shill
Shitendcuck in a nutshell. If you didn't buy a PS4 in spite of SJWtch you need to kys.

This is the most kino thread on Sup Forums. Shitendbabs Btfo.

This is what shitendo cucks looks forward to playing on SJWtch

I'm finally glad we as a community agreed that nintendo is the fucking cancer of the industry.

I'm glad too. Sup Forums is the most based site in the world because of this.


>Sony isn't SJW
>when Gaystation, Uncharted 4, and Horizon exist
>meanwhile nintendo removes gays from games and panders to fetish waifufag sensibilities yet they're the SJW's

>still thinks gaming laptops are bad
welcome to last year where laptops are only about 10% weaker than desktops and they're only slightly more expensive.

I sold off my desktop and I just use a laptop with a dock now. Way more comfy, yeah it means I have to get a new laptop every 4 year since I cant just upgrade but whatever the convenience factor for me since I'm traveling a lot is huge.

>welcome to last year where laptops are only about 10% weaker than desktops
How's the far future treating you?

Nah, fuck off sonigerros.

Shitendo shoehorned niggers in Pokemon and added trannys to Zelda and FE. They're SJW and all Sup Forums universally agrees that they are cancer

Nintendo added polynesians to a game that takes place on a tropical island akin to Hawaii you fucking retard. There also isn't a single tranny in BotW.

holy shit this.

fucking wrekt shitendo

It's not just sonyfans cuckdrone, its all of Sup Forums that agrees. Go back to your plastic toy were you have fake fun with Zeldarim memeshit and Mario 06.

>There also isn't a single tranny in BotW
What is Gerudo Link

>sonygers shitposting in an echochamber and claim victory over nintendo

r8 my set-up Sup Forums
>PS4 for the occasional exclusive (gonna sell it eventually)
>Vita for emulation and jap games
>gaming laptop for new releases and mods/older games
>$40 thinkpad + iPad (that i got for free) for uni work, coding and browsing chans in bed
Can't get much comfier, wish i had a pair of accessories for everything though, like earphones for vita that i never have to disconnect and use on anything else and a mouse specifically for the thinkpad so that everything is always ready to use

As long as you don't use Shitendo sjw plastic toys you're good for us.

Drone this much in denial. Lol get rekt.

I don't think you know what a tranny is.

Sony shoehorned niggers into Horizon and made the entire game about how white people ruined the planet. Don't forget Uncharted 4 and the DLC (what's up with borders?), oh and the gaystation, oh and don't forget the interracial lesbian kissing in TloU DLC.

similar to me, except I own a switch + 3ds as well, and I don't do uni work anymore but I build websites on the side to supplement my full time job

>gaming laptop

>i got spam messaged that i was ugly and that i should never pass down my genes

Go play your womyn empowerment simulator jamal.

>laptops sre now only 10% weaker and cost a little more
Is your replaced desktop from 2003?

>PS4 Pro
I'm thinking of getting one but I'm not interested in muh four kay on a console. Can I tell it to play at 1080p 60fps instead?

this isn't true.
Laptops are a lot better now, nvidia has done some good shit at making GPUs work in that form factor.
But the thermals, the price, the inability to upgrade kills it.
You're still getting a shittier CPU, you're still not getting the best GPU (unless you get one of those showroom monstrosities) even if you travel a lot a purely gaming laptop is just big and shitty.
You will easily pay 2 or 3 times more for desktop performance in a laptop and you still have to deal with the thermals, fan noise and having to buy it all over again when it's outdated.

That said you can game on laptops, don't get me wrong.
There are a lot of newer ultrabooks and notebooks with decent GPUs that are light enough to be good as a laptop but powerful enough to play modern games on low.

>Not only did he buy a fucking MacBook, he's also retarded enough to think it's a functional gaming computer

Jesus Christ kill yourself


This DESU.

Yeah everything before the Wii I can agree with you but if you support modern Nintendo you're a retarded manchild, literal child, or a normie who bought into the marketing hype

i couldn't hear you over your fan
by the way it needs to be replaced, again

>this is what nintendocucks actually believe

Modern Sony and Microsoft are worse than Nu-Tendo.

Spanish blood women are so sexy.

When they mix with black people though, doesn't look too good.

Even Applefags hate the new Macbook Pro buddy, my boss returned his after like a week.

Also its GPU is outclassed by much cheaper ultrabooks.

Technically. Nintendo is still worse though because Microsoft and Sony were never any good.

you dont have to buy a ps4 just dont buy the shit that is switch

Sup Forums is neogaf 2.0. Got addicted to that sweet Kaz dick.

Why does Nintendo make you so angry user? Mommy won't buy you a switch?

>Microsoft is making consoles that have power worth comparing to gaming computers
>Sony actually has games and great exclusives
>Nintendo makes a tablet with 7th gen power, $80 "controllers", and a 3 hour battery life (for a console whose main draw is being portable) with no games or 3rd party support

>nintentards STILL defend them

>this is the brain of your typical nintendogs
i wish i was memeing holy shit

No we just love laughing at the worst company in all gaming get rekt over and over again.

Seriously how does shitendo do it? How do they get so many slaves to have fake fun with Thier baby toys?

MS and Sony need to DP those shitters hard.

Bump for shitendasspain.

But you're the only ones thinking Nintendo is being "rekt"

Honestly, the fact that Nintendo can make you this upset just by existing is pretty funny.

See Shitendo is holding gaming back, which is why we shit on them all the time. Deal with it toddler.

why are there so many anti-nintendo shitposters on Sup Forums right now? is it just like this at this hour?

Shitendo BTFOing on the front page!

>PS4 Pro
>gaming laptop
I hope you get run over

Lol Shitendo cuck still in denial. Face it fanboy, this entire community hates your company and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

>unironically using rekt for baiting and shitposting

grow up my man.

At least he doesn't play casual Nutendo shit that betrayed their original fans, such as me.

I mean you're the one holding a hissy fit over something that doesn't affect you in any way. Pretty sure you're the one acting like a kid.

>gaming laptop

Former fan of this shitfucking disgrace of a company reporting in.
See Nutendo affects us by fucking our childhood in the ass with game versions of beloved classics and casual gimmicks like shitch. If you were in our shoes you'd be atleast a little offended too.

I've been a fan since '96 but you don't see me spending so much of my time, effort and attention on something I hate.

You guys seem really obsessed with Nintendo.