What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Idk looks like moonrunes so im gonna go with either anime, low reproductive drive, facism, or the fat man and little boy?
I miss when these threads would get a solid discussion going.
He got old and had a daughter
give me the rundown.
Gamergate. It divided a lot of us that day.
sa went wrong
LPs got better
You're not going to run into too many unregistered hypercam 2 videos where the player gets up to eat a sandwich two minutes in now.
>the fat man
good guess
Slowbeef drank the Tumblr koolaid like a lot of goons. Stopped making fun of shitty lpers because he felt bad.
It's very simple.
They aged. As we all have.
Slowbeef got into Danganronpa and became a tumblr-by-proxy via rubbing shoulders with tumblrites in the fandom. Became a whiny bitch for a while and lost his edge. They started acting ashamed of their classic videos because they were too mean spirited or whatever.
Also, most of the old SA crew finally settled down and had kids, which always changes people
Slowbeef is a bitter, jaded shell of a man whose own cynicism broke him, and has only gotten worse with time. He spent his whole young adulthood mocking people to the point where his own insecurities took control of him and snapped him in half, and now he's not much better, or even outright worse, than the people he used to make fun of.
Lowtax is in the same boat.
>Stopped making fun of shitty lpers because he felt bad.
He didn't feel bad. It was because of and the fact that retards would spam the player's channel whenever someone got ripped on.
And whatever it's worth, the best Retsu content was never RPs. It was always Wrongpuraes and Ambition.
>and now he's not much better, or even outright worse, than the people he used to make fun of.
He's married with a kid. Seems to be doing alright to me.
At least Lowtax isn't as SJW-ridden as his underlings. He's tweets to Jim quite a bit
Every time I've seen his stream with his daughter it's him teaching her how to be a judgmental asshole like himself. Or is that Lowtax? I confuse them because it's literally been a decade since I've done anything SA-related.
having a family
god i miss retsupurae. The long play of Dark Seed 2 was so good
I hate how frequently I want to reference the "because I'm a terrorist!" line in real life, even though I know noone would ever get it.
They stopped being top tier cyberbullies.
Bummer Man.
Diabetus' LP of DS2 is comfy as hell.
Slowbeef trying to climb back to relevancy by making intentionally shitty content by parodying DSP
Do they even make videos together anymore? I know slowbeef became kind of obsessed with DSP and trying to watch his stream is mostly him trying to make his baby stop crying.
Forget retsupurae, what went wrong with lowtax's channel? Ever since he kicked the furfag out it has gone from streaming games with his daughter to playing shit games with some guy to some rabidly insane podcast no-one listens to. Is the 10bux mine drying up?
They didn't get worse, you just got older. You realized they were just pet old men who weren't really all that funny and at times really embarrassing.
>Stopped making fun of shitty lpers because he felt bad.
No, they stopped making fun of shitty LPers because the shitheads that watch their channel started harassing them. They even got their channel removed at some point.
Lowtax was brave enough to get in the ring with Uwe Boll over how shit his movies were, even if he complained afterward that Boll didn't pull his punches like he'd been expecting.
Fuck you I nearly spit out my drink.
They became pussies so it turned into another one of slowbeef's shitty let's play channels
>Call someone a faggot, make up stories about how their mother abuses them, wish they would die for playing video games you like in an annoying way
Yeah, what's the problem? That's the same thing as us shitting on someone here on Sup Forums as opposed to going and raiding them.
Unless you're an ebin leejun retard, in which case I'm done speaking with you.
It's almost as if they were joking, princess. They were mean jokes, but still just jokes. Also I don't recall them wishing someone would die, it seems they mocked one of your videos.
>get into a personal argument with some guy in real life
>have a cult of about thousands of fans
>they all go to his house and harass him
>You end up feeling a bit shitty and guilty, and it's also really embarrassing
Obviously it's not as extreme but you get my point.
>Someone paid to post this
>Someone paid to view this
God, what an obnoxious cunt.
>Going to hbombergoy's channel
You only have yourself to blame
Friendly reminder that Sexy Hiking is sexiest game ever
>Top tier cyberbullies shitting on subhuman LPers that produce god awful "point camera at TV screen" LPs, unregistered hypercam videos, etc. Weren't afraid of using words like "gay" and "retard". Slowbeef even had the balls to call a girl a "dumb slut". Oh, and they were just plain funny. "You can make these fat guys bra straps snap too, I think."
>Apologizes to SJWs and tumblrinas for their past slurs. Now wag their fingers at people for the "wrong type of humor". Don't make fun of LPers because they don't like when their fanbase to go after people (even threatens to block people that do) and now they hide past videos if they're asked to. SJWBeef was anti-GG and Diabeetus is now just a flat out c.u-c.k. Also just really lame videos like Retsufrash, because really, who cares about really old Newgrounds flashes? And the less said about their "hilarious commentary" over old video games, the better.
>John Bergman: You know what's funny about this situation, 6 months later? Dina turned out to be a really shitty community manager.
>Retsupurae: Not really.
That's what happened
What happened to Diabeetus? I only hear about Slowbeef lately.
The Jack Orlando stuff is funny to see how uncomfortable they get. I can't wait for them to get to the bar with the drunk dude and he just calls Jack a faggot.
They were never good. The only halfway decent video they made was the one with the british guy playing SM64, everything else was them just repeating the same unfunny jokes every video and generally whining about shit nobody cares about.
Jack Orlando and Mystery of the Druids (except for damehasclass, she's annoying and keeps it from being 10/10) are so fucking good
>the fat man and little boy?
spot on.
Recommend me some classic Retsupurae videos.
Slowbeef grew up and had a daughter, something you lonely autistics would never understand.
They grew up and got wives and kids. Pretty easy to understand.
TippingForties Final Fantasy X LP is the best SA related series
Which reminds me, did Seanbaby ever get his match with Uwe Boll? Or is Boll still a gigantic faggot who only fights people he knows he can win against.
One guy was funny, the other wasn't.
How did this meme even start? Diabeetus was no more funny than Slowbeef was. Ever seen any of Diabeetus' solo shit? It's boring as hell. Far worse than Slowbeef solo.
Maybe funny isn't the best word, but at least far less forced.
any of the billyMC ones.
He's a fuck of a lot more based than SJWbeef, though.
Billy and Lime are so fucking depressing. They're like guys who never grew up even though they're in their 30's.
people can only do a "this channel stinks and has no content" threads for so long until they just lose interest all together.
desu i always thought they were trash, SA garbage that thinks they're way more important than they are
>g-guys we know everything about LPing because we invented
>h-hey took look at our socialblade though, we're clearly experts
>just steal the LPing model from the japanese and pretend they came up with the idea
I stopped liking them when they defended that DoA game not coming to America.
Glad their creation gets exploited now
I actually like the videos where he mocks some of the more righter wing faggots, but I get the feeling theres probably more cringe in his twitter or something. Least annoying SJW though.
They grew up and moved on. Slowbeef still does weird videos on his channel, but no one really gives a shit enough to mind it. Diabetus usually does pretty chill streams, but it's clear he's also moved on. Still out of the two, Diabetus seems to be better, Slowbeef on the other hand is kind of a faggot.
Dark Seed 2 seems almost like a proper finale. It was downhill from there. There were some good moments, but after that longplay, it only got worse.
>slowbeef makes a channel to make fun of people for being bad at games
>slowbeef makes fun of people who make fun of people who are bad at games, because he's now friends with patrick klepek and the boys at polygon
How the mighty have fallen.
>le gamergate boogeyman XDD
t. SJW from reddit
More like CISbeef and DiaKILLALLWHITEMENbeetus.
>At least Lowtax isn't as SJW-ridden as his underlings
Nigga what, Lowtax let known diaperfur/pedophile/tranny Shmorky alone with his kids for several hours.
You know who else has a daughter? Proteus.
He now posts on Kiwifarms and makes fun of all the SA faggots.
Mellowed out, low-quality LPs aren't funny-bad anymore, they're just depressing, so there's nothing to make fun of, lost a few of their collaborators like Proteus and that one guy with the very slow voice for absolute trash.
Pretty much the only content I've enjoyed from them lately is their Creepypasta stuff.
This is legitimately hard to watch.
Depressing? What do you mean? They seem to be having a blast and hearing them together is fucking hilarious. Lime's got wife and kids and I don't know about Billy, he could really be CWC-tier for all I know.
Something a bit more recent: youtube.com
>4 years ago
My God.
You're right, watching them together is really great. But they haven't done anything together in years. Retsu fans destroyed their friendship.
sexy hikers never give up
I've seen alot of hiking during my time, but that game, hoo-boy, that is sexy as hell
Ok, I'll bite. Is Shmorky really a pedophile? All I see about him are ERPs and weird diaper shit. I obviously think he shouldn't be around kids anyways but still
Slowbeef got old, had a family, and lost his edge.
Diabetus got a really good job and moved to Texas and doesnt have time for this stuff anymore.
Nobody cares aboit the other RPers.
What's the deal with having a youtube career and cuckolding? I'm afraid of making youtube videos at this point just because it might eventually lead to getting cucked.
decide for yourself
>implying kickstarter nonstarters werent funny as hell
Am I retarded if I still like them? People change but they're still cool to listen to. I want more retsutalks.
Does he goes as Proteus there? Or does he have another name he uses?
>it's only ok if I make jokes but if you also make jokes that's wrong
Does anyone have the deleted video where the guy has a really fucked up voice? I think the first line in the video after the guy speaks is Slowbeef going "OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUR VOICE?"
88% sure he was playing SMB3.
Do they even do videos anymore?
Lowtax broke up with Shmorky and trashes him hard now.
What does this have to do with pedophilia?Are there coded messages?
They stopped insulting and bullying people
In january, a 96-page chat log of Shmorky doing diaperfur roleplay with a 16 year old was leaked. Shortly after he quit the internet 4ever. Also Psychedelic Eyeball and Voidburger got banned from SA for defending him.
Check their channels, yes.
Slowbeef's solo stuff has always been garbage, big shock.
16's legal in my country, it ain't pedophillia by any stretch of the imagination.
I loved Ambition, Deep Fear and Darkseed 2. I still go back to watch them.
wait, when you say Psychedelic Eyeball and Voidburger defending him do you mean like, they were defending him when people weren't sure what was going on and if this was legit or after everything was confirmed as true? and like, defended him how?
Diaper implies baby which is totally pedophilia, which is much worse than the common ephebophilia (15-19).
I feel like watching some Retsupurae, what's your favourite series, Sup Forums?
Thats questionable, but still legal in some countries.
Though I don't know about chat logs in general though.
How does everyone feel about chipcheezum these days?
Not that guy but I'd imagine it was after since even Lowtax dropped him after everything came out.