Truth that hurts the Witchercuck:

Truth that hurts the Witchercuck:
Dragon Age: Origins is a much better game than Witcher 3

good joke.

i sure loved buying the best gear in the game from a vendors

Is that kind of red hair even natural?

Neither Leliana in the trailer or Triss in Witcher 3 have natural red hair.

I would know, becasue my family has natural red hair.

>fantasy worlds with monsters and magic
>that hair, ya know, looks unrealistic to me

true that

Well, at least that's better than TW3 in which there isn't any worthwhile gear rewards or drops (DA:O still has plenty, even if items like Felon's Coat or Andruil's Blessing were from vendors) in which the best equipment is available from awful crafting system the recipes for which are acquired from unthematic follow-the-arrow-and-loot-the-chest quests while the game actively mocks you with quest rewards like Hattori's sword turning out worthless.

I mean, DA:O isn't the kind of game where getting gear is very exciting (especially considering the bulk of character power comes from leveling up and gear is of relatively low importance), but TW3 has possibly the worst gear progression system I've seen ever.

I agree. Dragon Age is a proper RPG. Witcher 3 is just a clunky action game ala Ass Creed.

And each Witcher game by itself is better that Dragon Age 2 and 3 combined

This statement is comically and insultingly false.

Bioware hasn't made a good game. Ever. They make anime-tier pandering bullshit for teens. I'm not even talking about something so elusive as "soul" that is present in TW3.

You'll have to pull up something better than shit published by EA to compete with TW3.

The only joke here is Witcher 3 and it's so-called "RPG" aspects.

>What is pre-written character
>Why can't I be thief blood mage in TW3
Fuck off.

>They make anime-tier pandering bullshit for teens
The CDPR drone said as he posts a Gary Sue Sephiroth rip-off who has a katana that deals over 9000 damage and he is super badass and all the bitches love him because he's so perfect in every way.


>What is pre-written character
Not an RPG?

How is Witcher 3 more of an RPG than BamHam or Ass Creed? Origins has 9 origin stories each more engaging and open-ended then that one linear Witcher 3 plot.

>implying he's wrong

No, but it's better.


>How is Witcher 3 more of an RPG than BamHam or Ass Creed?
It's not. And I don't give a fuck it's just a good game with amazing writing. Something that Origins fails at.

Origins was a true RPG in that every choice did fucking matter and there were so many alternate branches to go down to.

Meanwhile Witcher 3 is a set story with a good/sarcastic reply option to give the false impression of freedom.

Lol, what.

>you hunt for your gear in hidden tombs around the world
>you improve them with looting the enemy bosses



t. Hasn't played the game

>Something that Origins fails at.
shit taste mate?

why would the truth hurt? this is a dumb comparison anyway - different types of games. Tactical crpg vs a cinematic arpg.

unironically I agree

Origins story had a million different branches to go down in each more engaging than Witcher 3's "URGENT GO AND FIND CHARACTER WHO IS PLOT DEVICE URGENT".

It's fucking tragic how dead RPGs are when something as simple and linear as Witcher 3 gets to call itself one. An insult to the genre as whole. CDPR realized there is more money in the Ass Creed Hold X for Cheat Eyes audience than the actual RPG audience.

Okay, I am not the biggest fan of W3, but how is Geralt a gary stu?
He is wrong all the fucking time. The guards in the cities can beat his ass.
If you just follow his "deductions", you fail every quest. You have to go out of your way to find out the real answers and everything he investigates and concludes is usually wrong.

He fails and gets his ass beat CONSTANTLY in W1, W2 and W3. Hell, the entire plot of W2 starts off with him getting bamboozled by Letho, failing his duty to protect the king, getting fucked over and having to rely on another character saving his ass to escape.

The entirety of the Witcher franchise is a moderately competent fighter with supernatural advantages being supported by powerful side-kicks.

t. Hypocritical CDPR fuck being OK with a Gary Sue Sephiroth

nah lol, i like da:o but the combat is just "activate all your buffs and click as fast as you can" and the story can't carry it above a 7.

you just described TW3.

>vs a cinematic arpg.
It's not an RPG period. It's way too linear and restricted to allow actual role play. If you want a proper cinematic ARPG, play Dragon's Dogma that also allows role play.

Also, chicks dig Geralt because he has the grizzled mature look that a lot of women dig COMBINED with superhuman endurance and physical prowess that probably means he is superior than any other man in the sack. Witchers are just fuck machines basically when they aren't killing monsters.

>activate all your buffs and click as fast as you can
you haven't actually played the game, have you?


Origins was better written on every single level though

Witcher 3 couldn't be bothered to come up with a single engaging villain in 100 hours.

And Origins was all original. Witcher 3 just took characters from the books and the last games, but barely any survived the shitty writing filter this game had. Like most of them became uninteresting or generic, Eredin, Triss and Avalach, Ves being the biggest examples.

And then the main plot, which latches on and continues on the last books...but again completely retcons it in a way that the books don't even make sense now.

>using potions

lmao fucking loser

i played it for fucking ages because i didnt have the internet at the time and needed something to do, i played all the origins as well

Dragon Age Origins is bad and overrated.

all you do is spam whatever bomb/sign the monster your fighting is weak against between fast attacks. sometimes you dodge. combat in DAO wasn't great but neither was TW3s. and yes i played on death march, i almost never felt challenged by it and only got caught offguard by the olfieri mage in HOS

Ok you say that Origins is good, better than TW3 and I say "No, TW3 is a much better game"

So I ask you: What are some good scenes in DA: Origins that can beat this one?
It's one of my favourites - it subverts the expectations, pays off things that were set up earlier (the "Moon"), creating lots of tention and makes player decide very quickly based on things he learned throughout the quest. Now I know some of it is from "Pan Twardovsky" movie and play, but still shows masterful reference and great writing on CDPR's part.

So my question is: What can Origins offer me?

>He is wrong all the fucking time. The guards in the cities can beat his ass.
>If you just follow his "deductions", you fail every quest. You have to go out of your way to find out the real answers and everything he investigates and concludes is usually wrong

What the hell are you talking about? There isn't anything Geralt can't solve by following the red line, whether it's finding a random monster or plotting an assassination of a king. Like there isn't anything. And he has the biggest plot armor I've ever seen,everything about Novigrad was ridiculous and nonsensical

You can cuck a young elf guy, joke about it with him and then he kills himself later.
Top that, cuck.

Most of the quests, you look at the superficial clues, then he makes a conclusion and says "yep, that is what happened". But being a player, you want to see the bonus objectives and shit like that, so you dig in deeper and find out that his initial conclusion was wrong. Then he is like "Oh, so that is what happened".

Of course, if you follow the trail he manages to figure it out, but if you just go by his initial conclusions and trust the character, he is usually always wrong.

He is no Batman.

Even Mass Effect is a much better game than Witcher 3.

>you can defeat an overdone anime character by defeating him in a "mind game" which makes the bioshock infinite card puzzle look hard

lol really brilliant, literally changed my life

Nice bait.

DAO and ME2 are probably the last good games Biocrap made. Now you can kill yourself.

this is the dumbest shit I have ever heard, you Witcher shills have mental problems

>he can still solve every single problem but his first guesses without all the evidence are incomplete


What the fuck do you mean by "even" Mass Effect

Both were good games, that I enjoyed very much.

I enjoyed them just as much as people here enjoy cheap drama and arguments.

He can solve the problem just like the player can, you mongoloid. He is ultimately a player controlled character.
What I am trying to say is that he isn't some genius who is always right. The player has to go out of their way to put him in the right path and lead him through the breadcrumbs.
He isn't any smarter than the player (assuming you aren't a mongoloid who can't put 1+1 together).

I never finished W3, btw. I didn't like the game. I thought it fell for the "le MASSIVE open world" bait that modern games like to do. I was just pointing out that he isn't exactly a perfect character. He fucks up and gets his ass beat all the time.

>So my question is: What can Origins offer me?
Far better written characters, story, lore, quests.

Couldn't even care about any of the characters save for Ciri, she was cool. The rest are shit. Geralt is fucking dull. Yeniffer, Triss are fucking
one-dimentional strippers.

>it subverts the expectations
not mine.

> The player has to go out of their way to put him in the right path and lead him through the breadcrumbs.
He isn't any smarter than the player (assuming you aren't a mongoloid who can't put 1+1 together).

There's no putting anything together in this game you fucktard there is no fail state on any of the quests. There is no player agency you're just clicking on highlighted items. You're not doing anything,you're just watching a cutscene where geralt mumbles to himself

>So my question is: What can Origins offer me?
A proper multi-layered story with diverging branches and a narrative that fuses the mythological and political into one while the player sets out on an adventure to define his own hero and party - the true RPG experience and not just a glorified TV show.

Now this image is of a character in DA:O.
How in this context can you call o'Dimm an anime character?

Witcher 3 is a good movie ;^)
I'll be in my corner playing videogames

>Far better written characters, story, lore, quests.
>A proper multi-layered story with diverging branches and a narrative that fuses the mythological and political into one while the player sets out on an adventure to define his own hero and party - the true RPG experience and not just a glorified TV show.
Look I believe that you probably love DA:O with all your heart, but when you decide to argue you have to be ready to have precise examples to back up your statements. I've heard my part about how great Origins' characters and story are, I'd like to see examples now.

Let me start by saying Mass Effect 1 is the greatest game of all time. No game in existence has better characters that the player can relate with, few pieces of literature or film can even come close, and especially not the garbage writing of most other video games.

Despite the alleged "clunkiness", the combat is fresh and fun even after repeated playthroughs, offering wide variety through the various classes, weapons, and party combinations. Want to take out everything on foot in the vehicle sections? You can. Want to be the tank of the group that soaks up all the damage? You can. Want to be the support character? You can.

It has the best world building in any video game. Even without the lore that Mass Effect 2 and 3 expand upon (and ultimately ruin), Mass Effect 1 has the most interesting and varied science fiction setting in all of video games. It has an attention to detail and consistency that all other video games lack, and a synthesis of lore and gameplay elements that other game developers should be taking classes on.

The audio is on point and has aged well, with each gun having a distinct sound that the player can tell apart from the other, to where they can tell what weapons enemy NPCs are using without even having to see them to confirm.

The exploration is unmatched, with countless meaningful sidequests being available to the player that they never have to see. You can do all 50+ side quests on the Citadel, or the 50+ side quests available on all the optional planets and have a 60 hour emotional adventure with some of the best characters in all of video games, or you can skip all that and rush the main story missions and be done in 10 hours. Your choice. Because unlike 99% of other """""rpgs""""", your choices are actually respected and matter.

Please discuss this legendary masterpiece and why people who naysay it have autism. Fuck Witcher 3. This is the GOTYAY and is still unsurpassed.

A good example is the town where only two people live - Husband and wife. These people are part of a side quest, wherein you're looking for the friend of a half-ling. These kind people tells you that he had fucked off to a different location (Or they said he was killed by wolves, can't exactly recall) And so your quest is updated.

You can follow the blood tracks, leading to some wolves and a corpse that you can assume is the dead friend. You can then return to the quest giver and deliver the news. However, if you ignore the couple's words, and instead break into their house, you find the corpse of the Half-ling's friend, eaten by the husband and wife. You can then promptly introduce them to the game's combat mechanics, if you choose

You've never played the game? Why would I need to explain when all you need to do is olay the game and see for yourself?

The Dwarf succession dispute is one example how far more complex and engaging the stories in Origins are compared to Witcher.