how smart is Sup Forums?
/fit/'s thread's average is like 120. I'm guesin v's like 20.
How smart is Sup Forums?
i'm too smart for vidya
Hah my IQ is closer to the intelligence peak than you!
>tfw to intelligent, but underachiever
How reliable are those anyways? I doubt I really have 119
last time i took this i got 123
im a blazing retard who cant do anything on his own so i normally assume these are skewed
I got 101 IQ by impatiently clicking on random shit
All those hours of watching anime and playing video games finally paid off!
i scored 100
triple digits at least
Will you take me on as your pupil, master?
Reminder that even CWC finishes games and gets 100% achievements
15 points deviation doesn't sound too bad for a free online test.
Common sense > IQ
You'd be surprised how someone can be a Nuclear engineer yet doesnt know you aren't supposed to mix whites with colored laundry
Because they don't need to do their laundry
i'm a fucking retardant
dumb racist frog poster
I got 110, I really didn't understand the last few ones at all
>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend this area as soon as we have gathered more data. Remember that it is a good idea to practice tests such as this - there are many others available online.
lmao eat shit brainlets
Didn't get the last few at all.
I really don't get why mensa thinks that testing pattern recognition is an indicator of overall intelligence or why anyone would believe it was a valid measure at all
they didn't say which end of the scale you were at :^)
I can teach you. Just answer nothing and click finish.