Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
The metallicity of the Sun raises by a trillionth or so and nothing much happens, JC Dentons are evaporated.
Does JC have the regeneration aug?
They can just wait until night.
A bomb?
If all of them picked the GEP gun at the start, then it's quite possible.
You're gonna burn alright.
JC Denton likely weighed around 70kg, this would give 7x10^13 kg of JC Denton, but humans are 10% hydrogen by mass. The Sun weighs 2x10^30 kg roughly, with metallicity at 1.34%. That amount of JC Denton would change the metalicity by around 2.3 quadrillionth of a percent.
Neat. I went by just my memory, looks like I wasn't off by too many orders of magnitude
>JC Denton likely weighed around 70kg
JC is a cyborg shaped like a refrigerator. There is no way in fuck that he weighed 154 lbs.
Probably closer to 600.
add a zero then, 23 quadrillionth
How many points did all the JCs put into swimming? This is crucial in deciding the victor.
I agree, I'm a short and slim, and even I weigh 65 kg.
JC's probably at least 80 kg.
One JC is enough if he maxed out enviromental training.
average human weight is 62kg, fatty
>enviromental training.
>on the fucking sun
brainlet pls go
With maxed environmental training he could wear a sun suit.
I don't think you guys understand logarithms. Literally even if he weighed 7,000kg it wouldn't make a difference.
Not for men. Also, muscles weigh more than fat.
I don't doubt your calculations, but we're talking about JC's body weight here.
if it's 1 trillion JC+Helios' then it would be JC since they'd manage to make a dyson sphere and harvest the sun
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Helios JC is pretty much the same as The Patriots from MGS right? What is he capable of beyond controlling information?
well in his ending in Invisible war he's able to literally control the entire population by Helios inserting himself inside people's minds via nano augmentations
jc is augmented you stupid fucktard
he can use JC's nanomachines to disassemble and reassemble matter, including making more nanomachines. When you find JC in invisible war he's reconstituted a chunk of Antarctica into a mishmash of places JC remembers
JC Denton's vision may be augmented, but can he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunchâ„¢?
Well that just shows I should probably play IW. Thanks fellas.
don't, it's buggy as hell on pc and drops bellow 30 fps on xbox
just watch a review with a story summary of it on youtube or something
Could JC view an eclipse directly?
I played through it on PC on a toaster laptop and the game only crashed once near the beginning
it resets itself every time it loads a new area
it managed to crash on my pc a few times while doing that
But what if they're all augmented with Lv.4 Regeneration and have infinite biocells?
So what?
JC, but the Sun if it's albino JC.
okay hear me out here
what if they were outfitted
with solar cells
I think they could pull it off
>tfw trying to play Deus Ex but it feels to clunky and dated
What a shame
>tfw trying to play literally any video games but I'm clunky and dated
He's a cyborg of nano era rather than obsolete tincans of human revolution.
That's my body weight only if you count the upper body, manlet.
Get on my tree chopping body level.