Really good thread about fighting games

>Really good thread about fighting games
>Gets deleted
End my life. Is anyone interested in fighting games but finds them too difficult to play? I'm really interested in helping beginners get better, because I love fighting games and really want more people to play.

Sure, you EU? I want to play some SF4.

Why do so few people bring up the issue of frame data bloat? It's the thing that will singlehandedly kill fighting games.

>frame data bloat
Explain yourself, fiend.

Go play Divekick then

Too much fucking frame data. Most fighting games are simple garbage deep down and try to hide the fact under tons of frame data.

You are an idiot.

Not an argument.

Legitimately the dumbest post regarding fighting games I've ever seen.

>tfw interested, but no one to play with and there is too much choice

Then how else should a fucking fighting game work?

I was going to type out an entire post about why you're an idiot, but I thought it would be a waste of time, apparently it isn't.

A fighting games runs at 60FPS, that means that every move that you press lasts for a certain number of frames. There can be no such thing as "Too much fucking frame data" because there can only be as much frame data as there are frames in the game. These frames of animations dictate how the game plays and how specific moves work. All fighting games have frame data, they have never not had frame data, this is why saying that "frame data bloat" is the thing that will singlehandedly kill fighting games is 100% wrong. Fighting games have exists for over 30 years and it hasn't killed fighting games yet. You say that fighting games are simple deep down but they try to hide this fact under tons of frame data. This doesn't make any fucking sense. Frame data, whether observed or not, exists in every fighting game.

I could continue, but you are a total fucking idiot.

1. having to learn things is not a negative. it ma not be intuitive, but its how games from the beginning of games have been so its not to much to ask people who take it seriously to be good.

@Its fun being the know of what frame data is. fuck (YOU)

pretty sure hes just talking about frame traps, which there more ways of defense than just blocking

>Game is hard because of shit controls
>Can make the game better by improving controls
>Don't do it

Fight games literally require more memorization to play than Dota 2. Do you really see no issue with that?

sht. im tired. you can read through the typos. also please dont respod to me. gn

Go play Fantasy Strike

no because i'm not a whiny bitch that thinks every game should be a brainless "point a to point b journey with some bullshit in between" and prefer to play games with depth to them

Stop trying to learn whole fucking tables of frame data and only look at shit that's punishable and what your optimal punishes are based on distance/startup.

>fighting games
>tier list's


You don't have to memorize the frame data on every single fucking move for every character in the entire game. You can play the entire game without knowing the specific amount of frames that each move is, however, you can look up the frame data for certain moves and form strategies around those moves. If you know that a move your opponent is doing is -2 frames if you block it, and see that they do a light punch afterwards that starts up in 3 frames, you now know that if they do this, their light punch will take 5 frames to come out, which is enough for you to do any move of yours that has a startup of 5 frames or less.

Please stop being an idiot and observe this man's post:

Complexity is a side effect of depth. You can't just artificially increase the complexity of something and say it's deep.

I like fighting games but I can't really play them anymore because I get RSI and they're too strenuous on my arms. I feel like a fight stick might help with that but it's too expensive for me to drop the money on without being certain.

i'm sure somewhere in that half-functioning brain of yours, this seemed witty and poignant but i'm sorry to say that it wasn't. kill the other """working""" half and save everyone around you from having to deal with your retardation.

Is that suppose to be hard?
I don't get this fucking meme.

The essence of these threads always entertain me. Where else do you need to look for a group of people who abhor the idea of self-improvement than Sup Forums and in a genre were practice means so much to improving ones knowledge of a game.

You got your game with simpler, 1 button motions in fantasy strike, go fucking play that then.

>you have your unreleased game without funding
Did you think this was an intelligent post

Which fighting games include good visual indicators of how long characters are disabled during animations?

how has the complexity been artificially increased

So how is skullgirls?


Your character does a specific animation when they are in "blockstun". If you leave the blockstun animation before the animation for their attack is done, their move was really unsafe.

Or you can go into the training mode and set the dumby character to do their fastest move (a jab) out of blockstun and you can see which moves of yours are unsafe.

Only the first one throws me off. What's the problem with the rest?

What would help newbies the most is not a tutorial, but a slow motion feature you can toggle on and off with a rewind, so in training you can see the move happen, pause it, rewind, play it back slowly, so you can really study it. When shit flies out at 3 frames it's faster than an blink and they can't see what's going on, let along learn from it.

Mixups are all fundamentally the same. The opponent can do one of X things, and for each of those things, there is an action Y you can take to optimally counter it. The only thing that differs most of the time is the buttons that have to be pressed for X and Y, but why should the buttons be different?

>wanting to turn games into Smash

>tfw jurifag
>tfw she's practically ruined in SFV and is literally the lowest tier character
>tfw Rashid is way more fun to play now

It's not fair