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Dragon Ball Fighterz
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I just hope i make it in.
but will there be danger time
>tfw even if I make it in, I have to play with all the spanish lagswitchers
I can't wait for the dozens of complaints about quarter circles being too hard or why arn't beam struggles in the game.
>tfw no pc beta
Hopefully not
>tfw signed up late
Would you rather an old op gets recreated for the game or Daisuke makes an original song?
Something new so Daisuke
is he doing the music?
He has only said he isn't working on the game, but I'd be surprised if he had no involvement with some aspect
I want Daisuke to do a cover of Rock the Dragon.
>this will never happen
Yamcha when?
I want this song remixed.
who was that guy again
can Gohan beat the shit out of Goku yet?
Wouldn't Saban force this to be removed?
I want this to be the OP song for the game
Kami-sama possessing some average dude to fight young Piccolo in the tourney.
next arc
Hola amigo!
>not wanting a Kageyama Opening composed by Ishiwatari
I hope they do something interesting with his spirit ball
You will probably be able to input the direction, but since Yamcha can't move during the Spirit Ball, it won't be like Millia's Sacred Garden
>but since Yamcha can't move
If it comes down to canon vs functionality I think they will go with the latter
Bandit Yamcha is his best design you CANNOT prove me wrong.
Jobhan can't beat the shit out of anyone.
I'm hoping for a long-range rekka style thing. It's an idea I've had for fighting games for a while, a projectile that can be issued additional inputs to change combos or to zone better
piccolo you are only 3 years older than gohan
There's plenty of that in Guilty Gear, look into it. I-no can move her notes vertically while Kum can do whatever the fuck he wants with his fireballs.
>His parents named him Kum
Poor bastard.
Btw, if they decide to do a GG dlc character who do you guys want?
More than just his best design, it's clearly different and unique than any other character with a kame outfit. If they put Yamcha in, I'm sure they will choose this one even if they have to put later moves in his moveset.
Kum is a small Korean girl inside a bearded old man robot.
>Kum comes out of an old man
It keeps getting worse
I love that character tho, just never knew the name. I heard she's hard to play? Also I-no is the jojo guy with the shadow stand right?
They should have brought Yamcha in to fight those werewolf faggots
I-no is the slutty witch with a guitar, the stand guy is Zato-1. I don't think Kum is that hard to play outside of axe kick loops.
I-No is the Witch Lady with the guitar, the guy you're talking about is Zato-1
guess I'm gay now
Any confirmation when emails will be sent out?
I hope I make it into the beta. I need a fun game to play. P5 second playthrough is boring, Sonic Mania was fun for the first playthrough but once I unlocked Debug mode fun just dwindled.
You've always been.
Oh yea, zato. What a cool character. The only DBZ character I could think of playing like that would be something like Babidi and Dabura
You've been replaced by 16 so they can push their dyke rule 63 copy of you into the game and since you're popular you'll ruin their plans.
>we will never get Ginyuu Force fighting as all 5 characters, with remixed theme song, body exchange super and unique victory dances depending on how many characters are alive at the end of the match and what body Ginyuu stole.
No buy
>left to right
Nani the fuck
Such is life
Its called Galo Sengen and its a pretty popular night culture in planet Vegeta.
Too much work, maybe we can get Ginyu Goku instead
It seems so unlike him now, he's become such a nice guy. I wonder if Yamcha regrets being a bandit in his youth. Do you think he's ever killed anyone?
Yamcha's character development went into dumpster to make room for more sayans, it's not really a secret. Also due to the memes. This post explains it well Before that though, he was a cocky bandit with a badass fighting style. He probably did kill someone, considering how he doesn't hesitate to blast Goku's crew with a panzerfaust and generally has no moral qualms about beating the shit out of children (Goku and Chichi). It's funny how his main character flaw - cockiness and tendency to underestimate his opponents - kinda became Goku's thing now.
Id protect little girl Freeza
His return in Super was great. He's like Vegeta, except actually cool and competent.
>Yamcha's character development went into dumpster to make room for more sayans
He got pushed to the side way before that. Krillin as Gokus rival and Tien as major antagonist. The anime gets credit for making Yamcha look like he was on the same tier as Tien.
He's right. Yamcha and Tenhinshan both got the shaft. Yamcha should have gotten an arch where he overcomes his issues as a fighter, finally wins something of consequence or at least manages to help out, and finally fulfilled, meets a girl, gets married, and starts a family. Tenshinhan should easily be the strongest human since he dedicates every waking moment to training and becoming stronger. He should be at least on Piccolo's level if not Gohan's level. There's no reason Tenshinhan can't be stronger than Piccolo, other than shitting on humanity. He should be developing some new fucking techniques, the writers should stop forgetting about his Dodon-Pa which is more powerful than a Kamehameha, stop forgetting that he is a very talented martial and formidable artist, and stop having him spam the Shin-Kikoho which has been nerfed in Super as appearing weaker than even a Kamehameha. I swear even fucking Sup Forums would be able to make a better Dragon Ball series than Toei.
Meanwhile Yamcha is nearly unsalvageable. He's become a living meme that exists only to be laughed at. He's given up fighting, he's given up on his life goal of having a family, he just sits around in his shitty apartment until an opportunity comes up for him to embarrass himself.
I'll post the other two pics
Well, Yamcha got this bit way after Tien was introduced and it seemed to imply that he still has a lot of potential.
Also his first death to Saibaman was completely in line with his character - he was stronger, but got too cocky and lowered his guard. He could have returned from King Kai's place as a powerhouse, with some character development, but instead Toriyama decided to pussify him completely to make Vegeta look better.
Vegeta fans still think that he completely deserved it (pic related).
last one
Vegeta looks like a trenchcoat flasher
Nothing beats his badman outfit
No Tablos, no se vende.
>blowjob princess
Eww, nigga you gay
>american music and soundtrack
How bad must your taste be, leave ishiwatari out of your crappy music
Refer to this picture
Are you retarded? Ishiwatari fucking loves rock and metal music
Did you somehow not notice?
So, you like the man that has a skyscraper sized boner for western music, but you hate western music?
I understand the hate, and most of it is deserved, but I kind of liked GT. There are at 2 characters from that series that should be remembered for fighting games though, SS4 Gogeta and Omega Shenron.
I know that Super 17, Baby, SS4 Goku, SS4 Vegeta, and Nuova Shenron have their fans too, but I don't really care about them. Baby is kind of cool I guess, at points.
yeah too bad he hasnt done shit in the tournament yet
He's going to kill Krillin again.
When was the last time he killed Krillin? I'd prefer him killing Vegeta again.
Oh, yeah, I forgot that his death triggered Goku's super sayan transformation, so pay no attention, my memory is just shit.
Would be funny if he went out of bounds just to get to Krillin and make him implode again for fun
This game is shit. Looks great but fighting is boring. Just hitting random keys and that's it. Played it for a long time at the Gamescom
Shitpost or not, this is what your general audience for DBFZ will be
Oh shit I completely forgot about this. Late sign up, boys. I'm prayin for a chance to play my main boy Piccolo.
Potential moveset ideas for these two?
Who made this?
In the trash
On my dick
I want an Opening of this quality, please Arcsys
So is this game actually a fighting game or are the mechanics too shallow?
I just want Ishiwatari to do it and have them NOT fucking do Head Cha-La for the 15th fucking time in a row
Is this officially the most homoerotic scene in the series?
Not if TFS has anything to say about it