where the fuck are the goddamn terrorist? Haven't they really thought about that?
Where the fuck are the goddamn terrorist? Haven't they really thought about that?
Tom Clancy said that you would never play as terrorists in his games.
fuck this cocksucker then
In Terrorist hunt.
Siege is about training simulations for the Rainbow team.
But don't you play as American soldiers? Xaxaxaxaxaxaxa
Old fuck is dead now, who cares
>ops throwing canned auschwitz at each other
>training simulation
I like how it shows a SWAT team vs actual criminal terrorists yet in-game it's all about mercs.
>in-game it's all about mercs.
you wot
You literally have no counter point.
>on release
>guys in SWAT gear with tacticool shit, faces covered
>a year and a half after release
>ops are all special snowflake stronk womyn with retarded anime hair and cringe cyberpunk getup
Did I ask for your opinion, faggot?
Don't reply to me ever again.
You're making this too easy cupcake.
the announcer voice for both teams is the same
Your entire post is cringe
step it up
The game is fine
Ela would look better without the green hair and the yoga pants that are only there to give another character for Reddit to spam thicc at.
There's some odd "gather your team from all available resources to counter this threat" justification for the fact that different organizations are working together, which is what he's talking about.
It's still silly as fuck that FBI agents will shoot at FBI agents. I wish they just made all the defenders terrorists and all the attackers different counter terrorist organizations. Maybe they thought it would glorify terrorists too much, despite CS doing the exact same shit fucking forever ago.
Go outside
>american police-forces
>not terrorists
Don't you play as terrorists when you defend a bomb or take an hostage?
where are the fucking rainbow operators
what the fuck are they attacking each other for
where are the fucKING TERRORISTS
>something completely ruins the immersion of a game
>however you're not allowed to point that out because whiteknights go full retard
CT operators larping as terrorists for training sake, yes
>Siege is about training simulations for the Rainbow team.
is it in VR?
>training simulation
>use explosives that can destroy walls on ennemies
Did you not beat the final Simulations mission? OPFOR is lying in wait while R6 trains to beat them in every possible scenario
That's one of the main theories, yeah.
The lore of the game is every multiplayer match is counter terrorism training. The only real non training mission is article 11 or whatever it's called
I bet you like hats in TF2 don't you?
fuck the gaylord simulations mission
i want proper missions where you assault banks with multiple teams and shit like the old games
>people just now discovering Rainbow Six multiplayer is CTU vs CTU
It's been like this since 1998.
So what, are those rubber bullets? What about explosives? Or Caveira clearly using her knife to finish off the ennemy?
the game doesn't even have a fucking campaign or anything
its just esports™ garbage
just change the name of the game then
I think so, according to the books apparently.
Good, something focused on multiplayer without a shitty campaign shoehorned in is fucking good.
The game is called Rainbow Six, as in the leader of Team Rainbow, you fucking idiot.
VR or even just spitballing how the firefights would go
>where the fuck are the goddamn terrorist?
In the terrorist hunt mode.
That's not how law works.
it's a video game
But you have Russians and Brazilians in this game. You're already playing terrorists.
>tfw the major complaint about this game is that it isn't like the other R6 games
Honestly, if the netcode was better this would be the best FPS game released in a decade hands down.
add muslim ops if you want to play terrorists so bad
you rang?
the game is NOT fine, that's why I stopped playing it after those horrible navy seals
don't mind me just killing everyone but the opfor
>nerve gas
>claymore mines
>trip mines
>grenade-through-wall thrower thingy
Half of them are terrorists already.
I haven't played in a while, how do the changes to Fuze's puck trajectory feel?
Smoke is good boy
Don't forget
>car batteries for electrocution
Why do you think they call this guy "bandit"?
I'm only mucking about
They didn't change the trajectory, they changed some network related thingy that made them stop to behave so fucking random.
Now those grenades don't pass through walls and kill everyone on the wrong side anymore.
I just went from Gold 1 to gold 3 in a few games I had no idea it was so easy to gain and lose rank
>I'm only muckin' about
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
>where the fuck are the goddamn terrorist?
They are online, they have a ping of 200+ and they barely speak english.
Thank sweet baby Jesus. Now I can join with Big Boy Fuze without as much fear of TK
yeah but does anyone want to play original rainbow six multiplayer or vegas coop?
Adulthood is realizing Raven Shield is the best Rainbow Six ever made and that Siege is casualized garbage.
heh... nothin personell kiddo...
>ops are all special snowflake stronk womyn with retarded anime hair and cringe cyberpunk getup
You mean 2.