Monster Hunter Stories

>tfw Capcom made the best Pokemon game in years

what the fuck Sup Forums. why is this so good. it shouldn't BE this good

Other urls found in this thread: hunter

Not really

USUM is going to wipe this game off the earths face when it comes out and it's not even a sequel

I dunno man. Haven't been seeing a lot of hype for USUM and I LIKED S/M

I'm a massive Pokemon fan and don't really have a reason to be "hyped" for the Ultra's at all

>see some random Rathalos sleeping on the ground and decide to attack it in its sleep
>"hey wait isn't he kinda pi-
>it was a Pink Rathian
>get emasculated
Very close to the Hunter Experience that encounter

I wish I could save this game at the menu, other than that, I'm having fun. I love the idea of having monsters I already know and love in a taming game, it's like Dragon Quest Monsters all over again, I wish the 3DS DQM games were translated..

I hope this series don't die here, a sequel with improvements would be great because there's lots of potential here.

To be fair, they've given us close to no information. I mean we JUST got to see what the new MCs look like..

Do I need to worry about completing subquests before advancing with the main story?

Any point of riding other than using an Ultimate? If I could use the monster skills while on my monster, it would feel way more worth using it.

See, I never understood the fear that people have with pinkie because I bodied it with hammer the first time

I think it boosts your attack, also it's a good way to save either yourself or the monster from fainting as it resets your health when you're combined (I forget if it reverts when you get off though)

It's always worth it to ride on though as soon as it's up, especially during bossfights because you do stupid damage while riding and the ultimate demolishes everything

Great game.

Sad future where this kind of game have no place.

>Arzuros special move
>he grabs a fish in his mouth
>and so does the MC

this fucking game

I'm so glad my boy Royal Ludroth is early into the game and he can shutdown monsters skills.

>sent me on a quest to slay Royal Ludroth
>didn't even pay me a cent
Fucking Jewish Wyverian scum, going outside of Rider Village was a mistake

I got to the snow place, when do I get to start crafting weapons/armor?

when you finish that story arc and move to the next hub

So how is the game story? Is it like pokemon? Aka no story, you just go collect shit and beat some generic villain

You go explore the world, beat a generic villain and put infected creatures out of their misery.

When can I get my first fanged beast egg for that one sidequest?

So far it's pretty light, weird shit has started happening and tainting the land and monsters which ends up turning standard childhood friend into Sharp McEdge, on the other side you want to go on big adventures while making friends and fixing shit on the way

You can already, go egg hunting in the caves more and you'll get one

Is it possible to get a monster with all gene slots unlocked?

So the eggs we find in caves are random?

A bit, they tend to have a theme of what kind of eggs you can find if you try and pick up multiple eggs in one nest, and if you go in a cave near where Zamtrios spawns, it's highly unlikely you'll find anything but Zamtrios eggs for example

If you like a guarantee though, it's best to paintball your enemy so they run away, and then you can chase them back to their nest

Afro for life

Nice, I also didn't knew about the paintball thing, or didn't pay attention to the tutorial. Thank you.

>Capcom wastes money on this crap (target audience: 5 pre-pubescent boys) instead of Dragon's Dogma 2 (target audience: one million troops)


hello r eddit

>(target audience: one million troops)

Can I be a qt girl?

So how come people say that this game is for kids when one of the first scenes is a Nargacuga razing a village where a kid loses his mother and the little Rathalos that tried to defend you is knocked off a cliff? This is too much, man.

No you get to be a VERY qt girl

Crapcom's advertising in japan alienated their usual audience into thinking that.

If your taste in girls isn't shit, yes

Do monsters die and get carved in this too?

Yes, but the carve is automatic and you don't get to see your cute avatar doing it. Would have been cute.

Well you don't see them get carved, but you see pieces of monsters in the buildings, which imo is even worse.

They're also far better at it than hunters too

That's even better.

What do you think.

Did anyone watch the anime it got?

Female avatar is not the lead, fuck it

>all the same kind of wing

You make monsters kill their own kill and loot them while being a cute avatar.

This game is so damn pretty. I sure wish it got an hd sequel with this artstyle.
Also, all these pretty colors is honestly what MH:World is missing, it looks way too greyed out compared to past MHs.

its rathalos, they deserve it


They are making that game for the west and think they love "real is brown" which absolutely bullshit, real life is not brown, is colorful as fuck.

While I did enjoy the demo and plan to pick this up at some put, that's not really saying much considering Pokemon has been complete shit for a long time.

More like someone needed some Rubies that day

Holy shit is that Geo? Fuck now I want another Star Force.

But it had more waifus

But all the focus is on the damn MC, literally yokai watch.

Is it worth getting this game if I never got into Monster Hunter or does it ride (pun intended) mostly on fan service alone?

>I just realize basic male MC is an expy of geo
Ah shit, dick move, crapcom.

It actually goes more in depth in regards to the village stuff before the narga attacks and then follows edgelord mcrevenge and the MC

I just played like 1 hour but I can certainly tell you that no, it does not ride on fanservice alone. It looks like it is pretty much a pokémon with a few monster hunter mechanics added on to it.

Do the demo, it's basically 8 hours of the game that can even be transferred to the main game just fine if you like

Does the loli still does this bullshit in the anime?

You don't even know, man.

Lilia is there pretty much every episode if I remember well.

Pretty much. She has a rival and a sister too

Is worse? How? What can be worse than telling an angry and close to be edgy kid what their dead familiar would think of their edgy impulses?

It's not her fault he was in a new dimension of twathood, normally that kind of thing smacks sense into peoe

Im what?

Does the American box still has the amiibo logo?

It's been a while but i think it happens twice even, with the first time just getting angry about it and the second time he accuses Lute about the whole thing being his fault. Later on Lute understands that it was partially true.

They wanted to be Riders, but Lilia decided against it. So she's kinda angry about her rival dropping out. Definitely a lesbian though. Same with Lilia itself and the guild girl.

>"Energy" drink

They only spent the money to make it. NOE published it in the west.

DD is dead

>Definitely a lesbian though. Same with Lilia itself and the guild girl.
Nice. Wait, are you yuribaiting me? That's evil, user.

>Guild Girl

There isn't any point of no return so you can complete them as you please.

I wonder if NOE saw potential and realized that it was crapcom's marketing what killed the game in the Japan.

No, see for yourself.

I mean hell, in such a kiddy anime you'd expect the main girl to fall for the MC(they're even childhood friends) but both don't give a single shit about it and are just friends. Meanwhile i don't think there's a single frame of Lillia and Simone(or Violet, whatever) talking to each other where either of them doesn't blush or is overexcited. Same for the rival girl, only that the blush is just hers and is a tsundere.

Post more pics of her blushing to the cake, please user.

I'd like to see the female MC in action as well, even Yokai Watch had a manga with the female MC as protagonist, I wonder if there's something like that for MH Stories.

>The cake blush to the loli
Wait, WHAT?!

Is it best to rush the story to unlock more monsties? So far I've been just bobbing around, and my blue kut-ku has pretty much curbstomped everything up to qurepeco with no trouble, and Im sure it could continue

Why can't I make my Felyne fight

That's sweet. I just started watching and was enjoying for the monsters, but now I'm hyped for more Lilia as well.

He was designed as a yokai watch bait. If there is a sequel they may give us a customable feline that can fight so is ridee, monyers and feline in a fight.

user, you can't say a cake blush to a loli without evidence, that is EVIL.


>age difference yuri on a children's show
How forbidden. Too bad with the target audience for the series, there's no art of these two.

She is not blushing, BUT SHE IS GIVING HER A ROSE?!

The yurifags just killed all passion I had for the game, thanks guys.

He's a special one, you'll find out further into the story. Also we probably will get a second game since the anime is now doing something after muh darkness

Maybe is because they are pushing MC with other cute girl.

You're welcome.


Ayuria is going to get an arc about her now, right?

Ok, why the fuck my country still doesn't jave the game?! They better say later today they have it!


Just donwload the episodes user hunter

No! I refuse to watch the anime without beating the game first!

Pretty cool, also high resolution.

Yes but does it have best monster KLACKKLACKKLACKBZZZZ

Fuck Japan, stop making cute Blonde Blue Eyed girls. My dick can only do so much.

He's in (along with the subspecies) but unfortunately it's no rideable.

>no riding
no buy

Bad capcom. Bad.