What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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he's an entitled little bitch

Terminal autism

Getting cucked by the country where he was a king and the people he saved. Not gonna lie, I'd be a little mad myself.

*tips fedora*
*says something that only 12 year old would consider clever*
*teleports behind u and disappears*

wasnt he mad at everyone because he saved a bunch of people but got shit for it because he used magic or something?

>What the fuck was his problem?
... wait until the movie based on him gets made...

He got usurped after going to literal hell for his people.

I'd be okay with that.

>he unironically wants another shitty FFXV movie

I never said unironically. I'd ironically be okay with enjoying it, like i ironically enjoyed KG.

in a bad game

he accomplished his goal

there are no more kings of lucis

>I'm just watching it to laugh at it... hehe right guys? I'm just watching it as a joke

Exactly. Same way i ironically enjoyed Advent Children (+Complete), even though it was a poor entry in the "series", it was still ironically fun to ironically watch, whilst perched on my fixed speed bike, sipping a soy latte.

being in a shitty game

Uh, he wandered around the world curing people and selflessly taking in their literal demons and storing them in his body slowly corrupting him. Crystal decides to protect mankind because shits getting bad. So it decides to give powers to his family, but he gets rejected because he has to many demons in him so it tells him to fuck off and gives it to another in his family that did fuck all to help anyone.

Its probably one of the most tragic and fucked up stories in a final fantasy game. But he accomplished his revenge in full, even moreso than kefka or ultimecia.

Basically he's objectively the best villain in the series, despite what you think about the game.

Not being on PC.

But it is OP. Are you fucking stupid or something? They just made the announcement a few days ago which is literally ancient by internet standards. God, I feel bad for you and your embarrassment. I'll understand if you want to kill yourself because of how fucking terrible of a person you are.

You can just say you enjoyed it. If you don't take it so seriously and don't get butthurt about how it ruined some story shit or whatever.

>What the fuck was
Are you fucking stupid or something? Also it still isn't on PC. As you said, it was announced, it's not yet released.

>You can just say you enjoyed it.
I was. I was just taking the piss out of your reaction.
It kinda did ruin the story, though. But one needn't take later, extraneous additons as part of the original gospel.

His motives are not that clear because he was written in late in development because they changed the antagonists (Stella/Luna & Ravus) to secondary non villain roles

This honestly, he's pure spite but he's a damned good villain.
He even manages to complete his goal and ascends.

>it is
No its not
>a few days ago
It's been weeks.

Op said was.

>take all the evil in the world inside him
>expect to not be considered evil
Ardyn was fucking stupid, if you sacrifice yourself for humanity then do it and don't whine about it like a pussy.
Ardyn was the worse villain i've ever seen to what amounted to an entitled child throwing a tantrum because he couldn't have his cake and eat it.

>get fucked for it by the very people you've been saving and curing of terminal bullshit

Gee whiz user, I don't know.

I don't consider him a villain really, he's just an antagonist.

You really can't grasp what sacrifice is.
And Ardyn couldn't either.
Don't criticize anything ever again.

Thing is the corruption claim was literally just Bahamut/Astrals considering it so simply because he had them contained in his body, there's absolutely no evidence for him doing anything evil or corrupt BEFORE he got fucked over.
In fact it's very heavily implied that his, the Lucis Caelum line, were the ones supposed to be the Line of Kings but he got usurped by a literally who from Izunia family who then took the Lucis Caelum family name for himself, making Noctis and his entire line defacto a bunch of frauds from Izunia family by proxy.

Jesus got rewarded by becoming his dad's right hand man in heaven for his sacrifices.
Sandniggerhamed got rewarded with 72 ripe virgins.
Ardyn deserved a reward.

He deserves jack shit. HE. BECAME. THE. EVIL.
He doesn't get to pretend to be good after that and if what you say about the bible is true then jesus didn't have an ounce of selflessness in him.

>GOD IS DEAD PICKLE RICCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not pretending to be cool, i'm arguing with fuckers online.
My hate for this Ardyn goes beyond the scope of the cannon, it's a shit character and FFXV would have been better without him, anything else would have been better than Ardyn.
I have arguments for that too.

I take a bullet for you. You spit on me for bleeding on your carpet and kick me out of the house. I'm the bad guy for being irritated.

The fuck you're doing in my house?
But the difference is you took a bullet, you're still you.
Ardyn took "the evil" inside of him, he is the host of the evil in that world. Would you let Literally Satan into the throne of your country or even let him hang around the place? No you exile him for his own good even.

What they did makes sense, him being pissed also makes sense.

>What the fuck was his problem?

pay for his eventual DLC and you might find out.

Fuck XV for giving you a very minimal story and expecting you to shell out for DLC & other media (Kingsglavie and Brotherhood) just to get the full picture.

>it's a shit character and FFXV would have been better without him

You literally could not have shittier taste. He's the only redeeming thing about that trainwreck.

I really feel like I know everything about Ardyn that I need to.

it makes sense for him to be pissed if he's a idiot that expected the crystal of light and good, enemy of evil to embrace him after bathing himself in that very same evil.

Redeeming? Don't get me started on this. By no mean FFXV was a wholesome game but Ardyn made it even worse at any turn he could. Everytime he shows up he shits on a better version of this particular event.

Ardyn did nothing wrong.

>Sacrifice yourself to save humanity
>Get shunned by humanity and the gods for your selfless act

>You literally could not have shittier taste. He's the only redeeming thing about that trainwreck.

Ardyn was okay until he started with the immature mocking in chapter 13.

God, it's like that one fuck from Mass Effect 3. Seemed intimidating but was really childish

>expect things from others
One or the other, bucko. One or the other.

i dont know, the game barely touched it, apperently he saved the world from darkness became a demon and everyone shun him away. He went from being a prophet to a demonized hated creature of the world.

The way i described it was prolly better than what the game did lul

Never said he expected things, but I do suppose at the very least I think he expected to not be reviled by the people he saved, which I would say is a fair expectation in this context.

This is such bullshit. Ardyn doesn't want to be embraced by anything, he just wants to die after thousands of years of suffering. It's made fairly clear that Ardyn had no idea he would be cursed to eternal life by taking in the star scourge. It's a nice twist on the usual trope of someone making the "ultimate sacrifice", ie, sacrificing their life. Nothing special but still more interesting than anything else in the shitty plot.

Cultures universally praise and revere heroic figures because self sacrifice sucks but it's easier if people love you for it. If we treated firemen etc like shit I bet we would have a lot less people doingi t.

>that midgar section at the end where he nonestop taunts you
>it drags on for so long his dialogue loop constantly
>"don't you feel weak without your friends"
>"no dude, my ring is overpowered i don't even need to doge"

"embraced" "accepted", whatever he needed the crystal's power to be king, right?
Crystal isn't giving its power to the very things it has been created to fight.
Even if he had no idea, if i could deduce that why didn't he? That makes him an idiot and i don't like morons in my stories. Ardyns stands as the shit king of juvenile writer self inserts.
This shitty plot MIGHT(might) have been a little more interesting without him entirely.

>doesn't think liking something ironically is possible
Face/Off is complete fucking garbage but is still entertaining as hell. I love it, but I would never call it a "good" movie.
The parts that make it such a trashy, campy movie are also what makes it fun.

>Ardyn was okay until he started with the immature mocking in chapter 13.
Honestly thought his haughtiness in the earlier chapters seems more out of place in contrast to what we find out.
>Noct, you're really freaking me out, dude!

I think you're using the term wrong. Like, Godzilla movies are dreadful, but I enjoy them for the spectacle. It's not that i'm being ironic. I just enjoy them whilst knowing it's not high quality.

>"embraced" "accepted", whatever he needed the crystal's power to be king, right?
Crystal isn't giving its power to the very things it has been created to fight.

You're just moving the goalpoast here, or being intentionally retarded. Ardyn's main beef isn't that the crystal isn't giving him it's power, it's that he CAN'T DIE. As for him being able to "deduce" that taking on the curse would make him live forever: why would he? He's essentially just a normal human with a magic ring at this point, how would he know that would be the outcome?

Hell, even if he DID know this and did it anyway, and then realized he wasn't able to deal with the eternal life shit, he would still be more interesting than every other character in the game. He would still have a more relatable motivation than Sephiroth or Kefka. Your point of contention is fucking retarded though.

He seemed mainly pissed about not be able to keep his throne. He's even sitting on it at the end all "it's mine now" and saying Noctis is a false king.

Obviously at this point all he's interested in is taking revenge. I'm simply saying that it's perfectly understandable how he ended up that way. He's a virtuous person who makes a sacrifice, and that virtuousness is eventually eroded away by time. It's relatable because we all know deep down that eternal life would drive anyone crazy eventually.

I actually don't have a problem with him as a character. I just don't like how his plotline swallowed up the Empire's and made everyone on Team Niflheim not him completely irrelevant.

Yeah, you could say that Kefka did the same thing much earlier in VI, but at least until then the Empire there was shown to be a consistent, in-your-face threat, with most of the cast having a personal, well-narrated stake in defeating it.

>I just don't like how his plotline swallowed up the Empire's and made everyone on Team Niflheim not him completely irrelevant.
Totally. I kinda like that he was using them for the whole thing, and they get fucked over, but it really was The Ardyn Story, with Ravus and the Emperor being wacky sidekicks in the background.

I can't believe this dude is THE villain of XV. He's just some hobo, is his presentation in the game at least appropriately dramatic?


I think they forgot to write him so he got mad at that.

Its because of Ardyn that the Oracle exists. The Astrals needed someone needed to be a vassal to take in the starscourge. In Ardyns time there was no Oracle, at least no mention of one, or he didnt want the Oracle to sacrifice themselves.

"Yo fuck this guy, the gods regected him and so shall we" ya, I wonder why hes obssesed with revenge and dying