GOAT of the year for 2017?
GOAT of the year for 2017?
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It's not even gonna be the GOAT for that day.
but muh kangz and sheeeit...
>Can't enjoy Egyptian A E S T H E T I C without shitty Sup Forums memes
Melanin was a mistake. We should have just kept our fur.
What the fuck are the games even about now?
they've been about history revisionism since Ezio went to Constantinople and teamed up with the good Ottomans to stop the Christian terrorists
>implying the only difference between whites and blacks is the skin color
I hate modern education so fucking much
A minute of your time, sir, if I may. Did I comprehend your utterance correctly, which in other terms could be described as: our people were of descendants of soverign entities and fecal matter discharge?
This bodyguard is very talkative.
Fuck off Sup Forums
homo sapience is homo sapience
differences are so marginal it took years to find at least some(there is still so little of them) genetic markers to differentiate people from different regions
Fuck off /reddit/
It took seconds the first time I saw a black person to see some differences other then the color of the skin.
>us sapes are all dimwits
>if I quote him in all caps, I'll look smarter!
Fuck off /gamefaqs/
they aren't, but it's not genetic problem
it's their culture and lack of education
I'm okay with racists turning into "culturists"
attack inferior culture not race
how? no one on the development team is industry famous, shit there hasn't even been a single piece of decent melodrama to come out of this whole advertisement campaign. This game us going to be as boring as a bread sandwich and you know it franchise history aside.
>RPG Elements
>Less stealth more action
It's going to be trash. Anyone defending this crap is paid by Ubisoft.
>trigger warning before you're allowed to watch the video
Fuck off, nigger. Go back to Africa and while you're at it hand back whitey's computer, internet, mobile phone, TV, cinema, video games, language, cars, planes, trains, cities, infrastructure, medicine and technology. Go back to your mudhut you parasite.
It's homo sapiens, you dumb nigger
You non-whites make me sick, you disgusting subhuman filth. You'd still be wallowing in your own piss and shit in the Sahara if it weren't for other races, you sub 80 IQ leeches
The lion and the tiger both belong to the feline family through a distant relative ancestor. Through hundreds of thousands of years of geographical separation those primitive felines adapted to new environments and evolved to the point we now call them entirely different species of the feline family. Same thing with humans you dumb niggers. It's simple science. Divergent evolution. Niggers evolved to be dumb primates whilst whites evolved to be the Gods you take everything from because you couldn't even comprehend a wheel even if your races' existence depended on it
oh hey, I can throw unrelated videos too
Have you even seen it, how the fuck is it unrelated to the comment it replied?
oh hey, 1920s science talk, cool
how about you update yourself to 2010 at least? I'm not even asking you to know something from this decade, just learn basic anthropology and genetic stuff from late 90s
>80 years
>africa is still shit
Chinks and Indians are surpassing white nations, so are they superior?
"whouai?" where is this accent from?
I'm not versed in US shitholes enough to know
>Chinks and Indians are surpassing white nations
You mean "white" nations like Poland and Argentina?
No, as in Britain, Germany, Russia, Canada, and America.
Oh really, I had no idea! Source?
I'm sure you can do the Google searches yourself, but here.
I forgot to mention Japan, but their population is in decline unless they start importing immigrants anyway.
>GDP based studies rather then HDI
Sure buddy
Even if we started from the bottom we will be still better than China "the no air and killing babies while everyone is watching does nothing is just an average day" and India who is dirt poor and literally cant poo in loo. And this countries have 1billion+ population, this is how useless non-whites are
this is why i'm telling you to read on anthropology and society development books
northerners adapt technology better because they would die without it, you can live on water and peanuts in africa
there is not need for more, human do something only if they have to.
egypt developed because there was climate and river for it, there is almost no civilization south of it
notice how shit societies in middle of south america are? and we have maya in northern parts, same deal in africa
how about northern indians? or heck NA indians? they may not have written calendar but sure as hell they do have oral one, you can fit whole encyclopedia of type of spiders, flowers or trees that one single guy knows, does it make him stupid for not having a wheel?
they are overpopulated if anything, 140m people on that tiny island is too much
>northerners adapt technology better because they would die without it, you can live on water and peanuts in africa
Once again a retard opens his mouth, please elaborate why eskimos never ever developed, protip: they are not white
>human do something only if they have to.
primates do, not humans, humans strive for more.
>northerners adapt technology better because they would die without it
>egypt developed because there was climate and river for it there is almost no civilization south of it
This makes no sense, so the bad weather is good for whites and asians but bad for black people? Also egyptians are semitic peoples.
"notice how shit societies in middle of south america are?"
There are historical civilizations in pretty much all of south america, just do some research.
>greatest of all time of the year for 2017
Lol but the whites are so dumb their own jobs in their own countries are being taken by fucking indians and asians. Google is headed by an indian, Nasa has nig at the top. Every white country is bitching about losing their job opportunities to foreigners because they are too dumb but want biger salaries. Whites still think they are superior. Top fucking kek
Wow you got the joke!
>their population is in decline unless they start importing immigrants
That doesn't increase their population.It adds a new population to their area.
>killing babies
They have too many people
What good does it do to simply look at how many people are in an area?It's important what kind of people they are.