What should i be expecting?

What should i be expecting?

Other urls found in this thread:


Spending the rest of your life as a mentally retarded lunatic, to be quite honest w/u pham.


A simple game you can just pick up and play.

What do you mean
I pirated all the dlc

Being able to RP a wizard who puts Dumbledore and Gandalf to shame

To learn a lot about geography very quickly, only to discover your knowledge is 99% out of date.

I knew where Burma was but not where Myanmar was for the longest time thanks to Vicky 2.

My best friend plays this and I don't but he tries to talk to me about it all the time when I have no clue what the fuck he's saying. This game seems boring as hell if you aren't the absolute worst kind of nerd.


Pirate the DLC if you have no intention of buying it. It's worth the effort, and can be done even if you own the base game on Steam.

Where do you pirate the dlc from?

>if you don't enjoy staring at and clicking on a map for 200 hours, you're a normie

Yea whatever dude, I'll go play a fun game instead.

The way you type and your general attitude is the normiest thing imaginable.


Well I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I'm not a well-adjusted human being. Enjoy your alternate history clicking simulator I guess.

This place gets dumber by the day I swear to god

>person accurately describes you as a normie, which you admit
If it's dumb it's only because of normies like you. Fuck off.

My god your autistic

Oh, forgot to mention. You probably shouldn't be going for achievements with this cause you'´ll unlock DLC cheevos despite not owning the DLCs, which might light up some alerts.

Thanks ladm8

Trolling is a art.

Like I said, this game seems to draw out the worst kind of nerds. You need powerful autism to play this shit.

>admit the other person was completely right the whole time

DLC up the asshole

>admit you're proud of your powerful autism

several hours of staring at a boring map

You don't even know what you're arguing about.


Back to the topic you should expect endless blobing and painting map your color with numerous crappy DLCs which do fuck all to address gameplay issues (you should just pirate them)

>you're autistic for participating in this argument
>i'm not autistic for participating in the same argument

claim: you're a normie, fuck off
response: no i'm not
claim: yes you are
response: okay i admit i am and you were right all along. wow so dumb
claim: calling someone dumb for being right is what's really dumb
response: fucking autism reeeee

>Run Notepad as administrator, open the file ... and add these lines somewhere:
Won't that give them access to the ports?

No. The hosts file is the first thing your PC looks at when it wants to do a DNS lookup.

When the game tries to send analytics to opstm.paradoxplaza.com, it asks the system for the IP of the server, gets the response (which is localhost), tries to talk to it, gets no response (because it's trying to talk to a service that's not running on your machine) and fails silently.

imagine being this autistic

Why mister user, whatever you mean?

