It's fun!

it's fun!

Other urls found in this thread:

She looks like a space age prostitute

DVA what are you doing get back into your mech

No it's not.

>LITERALLY changing the art in Korea to try and stop everyone in NA from dropping the game and refunding.
>This was their "solution" to the censorship problem.
*breathes in*

>only noticed this game thanks to this slut's delicious legs
>she wasn't censored

Why would i play a game made by Devs who pander to people to don't play games and complain.

Who admitted they listed to the vocal minority through fake spammed "surveys" and emails

Who think a lewd toggle is undermining their "Moral" cause

I'd rather play Paladin by Hirez because at least they Devs are honest and speak their mind about dumb casuals and sjws.

everything is fun to an extend, son

i dont tolerate censorship. shill your garbage somewhere else

>it's fun!
Yes, yes it is! Please consider buying our game!

By the way if you know any women with big breasts, they are less than human!

The game looks like shit, the only thing it had going for it was the waifus

Here, let me laugh with you.

i dont even like mobas but this does look fun why do you fags ruin everything


Sorry, I don't play censored games.

Did the koreans even care?

What exactly was censored? I'm on the main website and females look par for the course in a game from Korea, especially the one called Celine. Is the change ingame?

It was over before it even began user.

It's censored!

For some reason sweegees aren't sensitive about the depiction of asses and legs as much.

I think it's because they can easily think their own lower bodies are decent while breasts are more imperical.

Keep in mind it's a.perception. In truth they are chicken legs slathered in cottage cheese. Still, the butt, thigh, and gams are safe until they stop being so lazy as to get a full body mirror.

>giving money to cucks

yeah right

Wouldn't be surprised if this was actually an FtM tranny

Doesn't matter to me. Why would someone else's reaction affect my dislike of censoreship?

I don't care about "censorship" per se, i just liked the big-titty version of the game and don't like the smaller-titties version as much so I'm not gonna play it

those supid korea faces are so fuckin ugly.

this kind of censorship doesnt even change the game why are you even worried about it

>What exactly was censored? I'm on the main website and females look par for the course in a game from Korea, especially the one called Celine. Is the change ingame?
They basically reduced the breast size of a lot of characters, covered up cleavage with poorly shopped clothing and removed breast physics from the game entirely. Most the changes affect the in-game art but they are in the process of remodeling the characters as well.

> I don't buy these games because they're fun, I buy these games because they have cartoon characters with big boobs.

Gotta love weeaboos. They'll buy a game just to jerk off to it instead of just looking up free porn on the internet like us normal people. They're literally on par with furfags who pay hundreds of dollars for people to draw porn of them getting eaten and then shat out

>Based on our internal review, we deemed that some of the artwork that is currently causing so much discussion was creating a hurdle for certain players, who find that type of artwork uncomfortable, stopping them from playing Hyper Universe for the first time. In other words, the art in question was harming the game’s accessibility. We decided in the middle of preparing for Early Access to change the direction of that art; the changes would also be applied to the Korean version of the game in a patch at the end of the current season, on 9/14, before the new season began. We are deeply sorry that we could not keep the content consistent, due to difficulties in managing the revisions for both the Early Access and Korean versions; we will work harder to keep the content consistent across regions in the future.
Sooo...basically they want to make it impossible to mod the original assets back in. Bravo.


>when you appease people who don't even want to play your game

ayyyyyyy lmao

Quit shilling censorshit faggot.


>dude just double your workload lmao

How to spot people who have no idea what game development looks like.

thread theme

It's always this. The people who complain about this shit were never going to buy/play these games but game devs are such beta pussies they cave to a group of people who don't even matter.

>This nigga thinks SJWs will be happy if the option exists in any form

I'll admit, I'm not too familiar with coding but if they've still got the original assets couldn't it just be a simple manner of including them in the game and then just adding in an option that switches it over to the original models?

some comparison pictures around?

Absolutely loathe the "Korean plastic surgery" faces you see in every single Korean online game.

Stop assuming things you think will be simply will be.

If there's nothing already in to let them toggle they would need to make that, then once that's done they now need to maintain 2 separate versions, it doubles the number of places bugs can appear in, etc. And now instead of having a single unified art direction they have 2 to maintain.

the refund claim is retarded as well, that just means 3k people saw it and went "this is ass" no one that's actually played the game would be able to refund. That or people bought it JUST to refund it.

Why. You would rather see real Korean faces? They are not a pretty sight.

This game looks fun, like a new Awesomenauts

Most bad reviews I see are people complaining about the censorship. Is it seriously that bad or are people just blowing it out of proportion again?

>boobs and jiggle physics now make people feel uncomfortable
For a generation that's been crying freedom of sexuality, that's some pretty fucking Christian thinking. Whatever happened to accepting shit as it is?

>paid beta

naw nigga, naw.

Not him, but if that's the case they could easily write a post saying that it isn't that simple, instead of completely ignoring everyone who mentions it.

People at Nexon NA bitched so hard that even the Korean version will get patched later to match the NA version, thinking that it will make the censorship bitching go away.
Take that what it will.
Game borderline looks like PS2 era dog shit and the combination of Nexon + MOBA + not F2P by itself makes it less appealing than a dog turd, censorship or not.

Nah, it's just that there's little variation in the faces. I get it's their beauty standard, but holy shit it gets tiresome and boring to look at.

This is the 2d moba right? characters look good and gameplay looks horrid if so.

>instead of just looking up free porn on the internet like us normal people.

Why do so many porn addicts feel the need to normalize their disgusting lifestyle, and how does this of all things give them the nerve to look down on people who still have a functioning sex drive and as such retain the capacity to enjoy light sexuality in media?

post comparison shots please, i need to fap

also, they don't patch the korean version because korean girls love looking at attractive girls with massive tits all over the place because they're so flat themselves. they're the opposite of sjws, they're so repressed sexually

Games companies NEVER talk about their back end tech or development pipelines. (well, okay at GDC they talk about specific things) They're secretive as shit. And on top of that it won't do anything except prolong it. If you just ignore it, typically it will just go away with these "outrages" and odds are the free publicity from it will more than make up for it (consider, I didn't know this game existed until people started bitching about the censorship, and I imagine quite a lot of people also didn't.)

koreans are fake and gross

get some taste beta boi

Isn't there a feminist party in South Korea that's super influential or something?

>sn't there a feminist party in South Korea that's super influential or something?
They are so cucked that a ministry of women (later rebranded as ministry of gender equality and family) exist. But no feminist political party.

>It's too hard to make a toggle option

This is how i know you don't even know how to code you nigger fagget. I bet you suck Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds cock don't you nigger fagget you don't even know how to write compiler you dumb nigger fagget. You couldn't even draw a circle with a single line of code you nigger fagget. Go be a nigger fagget somewhere else.

Nope. They do have some REALLY insane feminists though. Like homicidal feminists who fantasize about raping little boys and murdering them or castrating them.

This change isn't to cater to Korean SJW, it's to cater to American SJW.

yes, they're very influential but they don't rally against beauty because they're super venomous against ugly girls, as juxtaposed by sjw culturue which vilifies beauty in an attempt to uplift ugly people.. korean sjws are more for housewife rights and affirmative action than social issues

Ah okay, explains the outrage

The spoiler the concerns me more to be honest, we'll see how it turns out

>radical feminist version of Sup Forums


>ugly girls

that means nothing in a culture that promotes plastic surgery. You might as well be saying this barbie is hotter than this barbie. Check yourself retard.

You appear to be retarded. I know better than to assume something is easy in a coding environment I have literally never seen. Game companies weird ass fucking structure all the fucking time. Especially if they just iterate on what's already there. Take paradox who at this point have a game where you can't go back to main menu any more because they've developed on top of it so much that it just breaks itself trying to revert back to default.

i seriously doubt you read that whole article in 2 minutes

it really does mean a lot, because it ensures that they keep becoming plastic fuckdolls with thin waists instead of fat sjws like western women that think they're "beautiful." korean women (and western women when they were smart) self regulate beauty standards and keep the fuggos out of the light

Already new what the retards at megalia are. Not the first time material regarding them were posted on Sup Forums
>“Do you know why Korean man bugs are upset about the comfort women issue?
It is not because of human rights or ethical reasons. They just hate that foreigners used Korean women who should’ve been raped only by Korean men. When police chief Kim Gang-ja rescued 14-year-old girls from a brothel in Miari, Korean man bugs complained that a cheap brothel disappeared.”
thanks for the laugh, friendo.

Yes because the west is so fond of shoving anything other than models at you in media and advertisement.

It's not as if they're so bad at it that they advertised a "plus size" line of clothes with women that had sizes still just slightly lower than the normal ranges.

Does nobody do squats there

you do realize it's vogue right now to model fat women instead of attractive women, right?

>For a generation that's been crying freedom of sexuality

Nah that was the young adults and adults in the 60s and 70s. The people screaming about free sexuality now are just third wave feminists trying to squeeze out as much power out of their vagina as possible which in practice is actively limiting male sexual freedom.

Unff, K-stars has the best midriff and legs.
Their faces can be a cointoss

I think you're fucking delusional. Pay actual attention to the advertisement you see. Most of it is still dolled up to fuck. They just occasionally don't advertise clothes for fat women with models that are slightly skinnier than most skinny girls.

no one works out at all, it's considered unattractive to be bulky... you can be "skinny ripped" as a guy, but being actually ripped is considered weird if you're asian (they like ripped foreigners though)

girls only do cardio or yoga though, they never lift

>it's fun!
top heh

There are fun things that don't perpetuate practices I dislike, sorry.

His tiny little dumb sape brain can't even analyse a single line of code and reverse engineer an entire system octree.

Please just end yourself sape you are a waste of space for this world and this era where only the strong and intelligent survive your weak genetics have already reached its maximum growth, you are chum for me tiny sape, i have 400lbs of muscle compared to your malnutritioned, vitamin deficient wasted organic biomass you call a "body" my brain runs at 3000cc so fast i run rings around you like superman you can't think and you can't even see me you are lower than a subhuman, a proto sape. Begone sape.

>it's considered unattractive to be bulky.
what a shame


how good is he at broodwar though

Is this a k-pop thread now


currently fapping to this

Don't worry he'll die in a couple years time, HGH fucks your body up permanent by enlarging your organs. It does wonders for tiny people as you can see he boosted so much body mass in a short amount of time.

It's bizarre the people who actually fork over money for early access have less weight than this nebulous pool of people that may or may not fork over money if the game is sanitized.

so using your obvious expert opinion, how difficult would it be to change portrait art on the fly (it's literally just images pasted over the screen at times), and turn on/off physics in a game when so many other (western) games are capable of doing it (Physx being the basis of that statement)

everyone on here knows how to change filenames so why would it be too much of a chore to implement it as part of the program?

I love how dismissive the discord is of people leaving while they complain about fifteen minute queue times, and if one player in the EU goes to bed they don't have enough for a full game.

They said the changes were subjective from their personal perspective that their decision had no impact from the people complaining.

Yet then say they changed it because a small number, a minority complained through forums, "surveys" (who nobody knew existed) and emails from "people" who stated they wouldn't play or buy the game anyway.

Whoever hired this person to work for Nexon NA doesn't have a clue what they are doing, this is all to do with doubling down on their "Moral Justice" so they don't lose their neogaf friends and its so plain and simple to see.

Now they are even gloating that the changes will be made to the Korean versions as well, so lets see the shitstorm happen when the kimchis pipe up.

There's any number of retarded ways that it could be a pain in the ass to associate 2 files with the same character, especially if they never intended to release extra costumes (I don't see any for sale on the website or anything and that suggests to me there are none).

And physics is often done not by them, but it's pre-made stuff which they integrate because they don't have anyone that specialises in that kind of thing. (try getting just any programmer to go do tech art, it's not gonna go well)

The jiggle physics changes are literally setting physics to zero instead of one in a .Ini, you can do this right now yourself until they pull it. Calling one set of images instead of another for the splash art should be trivial. Nobody capable of coding this game would have a difficult time figuring this out. They don't have to make 2 different versions of heroes going forward, just provide access to the currently available assets.

they definitely dance better than japs

black hair white sweater best ho

Do people have a player count for the Nexon launcher? I keep seeing steam related stats for a game where the main playerbase of Koreans are probably using the Nexon launcher. This is just like Lawbreakers or Quake Champs where the main playerbase isn't on Steam and every thread falseflags about the health of it by only posting stats about the Steam players.

>Art isn't part of the game
Wanna play some hurtbox fighter 5, user?

But they do, otherwise they end up with clashing visuals.

Also never underestimate the ability of game programmers to trap themselves in fucked up situations. Especially east Asian ones *though it's gotten a hell of a lot better since unreal you know, put out Japanese documentation)... and especially Korean ones.

If they made this quick and on the cheap by hacking another game of theirs to pieces all kinds of weird shit could be there.

I feel like I want to make a game just so I get bullshit from SJWs that I can ignore and then make fun of them

Who let this retard touch a keyboard?
The actual toggle button takes no fucking work when things like skins basically function the same way. Hell even if we were talking about a game with 0 alternate cosmetics you'd still have different models for the polygon count setting often called "model details" or "geometry" in the option menu (no, we're not talking about tesselation and no, this is still usually manually done). It's literally a copy paste with a few sources changed here and there.

As for having to work on twice the number of assets, they're already doing that since the korean version and the censored, international version have separate art. If you had played any korean game you'd also know that the western team never has any power on the content of their version and just blindly apply korean patches as they are translated.

Please don't try to sound smart or clever when you have no idea what you're talking about.

t. someone who actually programs for a living

Poor gooks. They get jailed for possession of porno right? Bouncing tiddies are the few things they are afforded.

>As for having to work on twice the number of assets, they're already doing that since the korean version and the censored, international version have separate art. If you had played any korean game you'd also know that the western team never has any power on the content of their version and just blindly apply korean patches as they are translated.

Except that everyone was saying that they intended to make the korean version the same. If that's not true then ofc this changes everything. But I tend not to just randomly assume people are talking out their ass.

And I have no idea what settings this game has and I didn't see any cosmetics for sale. I'm just saying it's really easy to get yourself in a position where something isn't actually easy and games companies do this all the fucking time. Even the ones that are usually good end up with a bunch of stupid shit in some of their games.

t. Programs physics simulations for a living.

it's only a matter of time before k-pop videos get blacked. I think there were some video with whiteboi already. koreans are in process to eradicate their hideous genes.

Not really. Tone down the boobage of the later characters from the jump, let people choose from the existing ones. It's not like they all have the same chest size to begin with.

And we're talking about a genre where they are ideally adding skins and characters constantly. We're literally talking about calling one set of images or the other, and setting physics=1 or 0. I can literally do this manually now by replacing the assets and tweaking that .Ini. Give them a little credit here.

>Devs give a character a shirt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Thats what this sounds like