ITT: Perfect games


That's right, Metroid Zero Mission is the only perfect game.

chozodia is lame and neither the art style nor music are as good as Super or Fusion


>can't move with dpad

Wtf is this for real? Already hated smash 3ds because of this shit.

I get being mad for no dpad in metroid but dpad in smash? How the fuck do you play lol

someone give evidence. this is impossible for me to swallow. why would they do something that stupid?

now they activate your aeon abilities
also they want you to abuse "3d aiming"

With a busted circle pad

circle pad is terrible for side scrollers, how could they manage to fuck up something so major


Come on, i prefer dpad for sidescroller too but it only needs little adaptation to get used to it. Plenty of sidescrolled use the stick nowadays.

>No Super Metroid in this thread
Time to fix it with the best of the best. True classic Metroid game i still love to speed run.

my best is 50 minutes. not that good but i'm glad that i can get sub hour.

try getting sub-2 hours in Prime


What I meant is why the fuck would you want to play smash with a dpad

AM2R > that shit

>Be doing a semi casual 100% run on 3ds
>Get ready to take on motherbrain
>Mfw I missed a missle pack and have no clue where it would be so I need to essentially play entire game again.

What's that one item you always seem to forget Sup Forums?

holy shit. i have yet to try and get fast in prime. i think i'm going to run original metroid next, now that i got it for my nes.

i can only imagine that people would like to play it with dpad because the 3ds stick breaks easily.

now, even with metroid i could live with the stick but mine is busted.

For real. AM2R managed to hit so many buttons I don't even know how SR is gonna compete.

Like AM2R had the room from the start of fusion and og Serris as a boss. SR either needs to have these or will be instantly inferior.

your points are kind of true. only fans can see the potential that can be done with this shit. i doubt we are going to see any interesting connections to other games. they have a chance to expand on chozo too but they are going to jerk it off.

however SR can still be an awesome game, because they have actual competent level designers. sm2r had nice atmosphere but the levels were a dirty mess.