Sister's sons 9th birthday

>sister's sons 9th birthday
>I buy him bloodborne for the PS4
>he can't even make it past father gascoine like some retard
>chucks a shitfit
>normie-chad brother in law has a go, he also sucks balls
>they beg me to have a go
>I easily defeat the boss in one go without even trying
>they're all amazed
>sister is standing there with her arms folded shaking her head at me and grinning

Why do chads suck at vidya?

Other urls found in this thread:

> expecting a 9 year old to be good at vidya


>9th birthday

*tips fedora

>taking vidya that serious
>anime image
Op, are you literal manchild, don't you?

They could probably beat in sport games

*tips reddit theme fedora*
Well done sire, for the win!!!

haha guys I bought dark souls to my 6 year old son haha that fucker couldnt even beat the asulym demon haha but then I showed him how its done and I only had to use 3 estus flasks haha fucking millenials am I right guys

>9th birthday
>I buy him bloodborne for the PS4
the madman

Did you fuck your sister afterwards?

Of course.

>buying this shit for a 9 yo
You are the retard faggot

no one was actually impressed and you know it

>your chad brother in law is right now pounding the pussy that is yours by birth right
>you bragging about playing vidya online

Nah, I already humiliated my nephew enough with bloodborne, I didn't want to ruin his birthday by banging his mother right in front of him

Maybe next year

'Should have buy the Crash trilogy, bloodborne isn't for kids.

Nice bait, but check this 7

I too am an enlightened video game enthusiast, it is rare to meet an individual that possesses as much skill as myself

The only reason why the current generations are having a hard time with Blood borne, dark souls, demon souls type of games is cause video games are more about story than gameplay nowadays.

This was obvious when shooters became so mainstream.

Bitch I beat f-zero gx and circle of the moon in 6th grade.
I struggle nowadays.

Kids can get stupid good at vidya.
Skip to 16:31

Its some french 10 year old playing in a KoF tournament.

Only fags care about pussy

Its not about the pussy necessarily but more about retaining what is yours.

How did you even get here, Chad?


At age of 9, I was playing games like Doom, Resident Evil, Crash... etc, and did them all on my own without complaining. And without knowing much of English.

>sister's sons
why not just say nephew?

I think you should've shared your insights with your brother on optimal strategy and guided him to victory instead of being a smug faggot.

you are autistic

>Im an accomplished chef
>ask non chef to cook food
>sub par spaghetti
>Another non chef attempts to cook spaghetti
>Sub par
>I cook spaghetti
>restaurant standard

Why do non chefs suck at cooking?

Autism: The post

>letting a 9 year old play a M rated game

>food analogy
oh I get, you're just trolling right?

>he doesn't like food analogies

>Be me
>At McDonalds
>Eat a burger
>Hand a burger to my 9 year old son who has never had a burger
>He can eat the burger
Fucking wow

All of those games are pretty straightforward with no complicated mechanics, though

Quiet piggy

so is bloodborne though

John Green sounds like a cuck

>learning how to properly time rolls and parries for every enemy isn't complicated
0/10, weak bait

>Be me
>36 years old
>Eating Solid Foods
>Give some to infant
>Infant chokes and dies

When will they learn, Sup Forumsrosephs?

trial and error gameplay isn't complicated, though
moreover, young children have better reaction times

you dont need to learn boss patterns, viable builds and upgrading your stuff.

also in all of those games there's literally no penalty for losing, you only have to restart the level meanwhile on souls games you lose your souls if you die twice.

I played all of those games and more as a kid too but it's easy to see they're easier than fucking bloodborne.

You're missing the point user, all the games you listed are pretty much straight forward run and gun games, whereas you get punished in Bloodborne for even the slightest mistake
>young children have better reaction times
Fuck off with your pseudoscience, mongoloid

Solving puzzles or applying strategy can be complicated. Pressing dodge when an enemy attacks isn't a complex mechanic, just muscle memory and reflexes. Nice la.

>later that night bro-in-law drills your sister in her ass while she scream his name


>actually got to gas coin


>le hardcore gaymur soulsdrone calling anyone a mongoloid
praise it XD

infants are whiny faggots that can't take a dick like a man

Why do you care about your sister's son.
I bet you take care of your wife's son too.

Name one game where failing to solve a puzzle or applying the proper strategy nullifies almost your entire progress

>I have no argument so I'll resort to using buzzwords
This site is 18+ kiddo, come back in 6 years

I already presented my argument, dumbo, and so did >Name one game where failing to solve a puzzle or applying the proper strategy nullifies almost your entire progress
any game with checkpoints, miyacuck

>any game with checkpoints
And guess what, pretty much all of those games have automatic save points, which coincidentally save right before the big bad boss fight or the really ""difficult"" puzzle
You don't have to trek through the whole fucking level again, which is exactly why it lacks any sort of challenge and doesn't punish you whatsoever
top kek m8, I've literally only played bloodborne once, but keep flinging those buzzwords, it won't make you any less of a brainlet

He is

...what? In any rts I've played poor strategy will result in a loss and impede progress of a story. Any game with puzzle elements like Zelda, Resident Evil or what have you have keys locked behind puzzles which... impede your progress. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. But I definitely think learning behavior like dodging and spacing can be more intuitive and capped by reflexes.

Soulsborne games are easy as fuck.

>In any rts I've played poor strategy will result in a loss and impede progress of a story
you can literally savescum your way through an RTS
>Any game with puzzle elements like Zelda, Resident Evil or what have you have keys locked behind puzzles which... impede your progress
Impeding your progress is not the same as punshing you for failing, you idiot
Imagine if you had two doors and opening the wrong door would force you to restart the game from the beginning and the door is random each time, that is punishing

After playing them for a certain time, yes, but saying "DURR A 9 YEAR OLD KID SHOULD BE ABLE TO DECIMATE THE GAME THE FIRST TIME HE PLAYS IT" is fucking retarded

Burger is just a sandwich nothing special

cuck cuck my buck fuck cuck




cuck cuck cuck the fuck buck and wew my wew lad fuck the buck with cuck!!!!

>sister's son
Cuck spotted

I'm worried you're moving the goalpost. Or trying too hard to troll. Puzzles in games will prevent progress if you can't solve them, that is objective. Souls games are always able to be completed at level 1. So if your argument is that Souls games are more punishing is... confusing. Furthermore, if you aren't spending souls as soon as you have them and death proves to be too punishing, you might have more fundamental issues.

>being such a faggot cunt to your nephew instead of teaching him how to vidya
You sound like some butthurt fag with a sister complex tbqh

>Get a press copy of Cuphead
>literally can't beat it, even the first level is impossible task
>sink in hours after hours on it to no avail
>my wife's son comes home, wants to try it
>let him (like I could say no to him)
>he's good, like really good
>blazes through the tutorial in under a minute
>clears the first level like on the 15th try
>I'm left dumbstruck at that display of skill
Is he some sort of speedrun genius? Should I just start his HRT right away?

>savescum your way through an RTS
Consoleturd, please.

Sorry let me tl;dr. The argument never began with which is more punishing, but stating that souls is complex. I don't think souls is complex beyond skill required in timing.

>sister's sons
That's called a nephew.

This, if you're not fucking your mom and sisters you are just a beta cuck.

>Souls games are always able to be completed at level 1
Sure, if you have a metric fucton of hours played, same way I can say that you can memorize the solution to every puzzle, thus making them useless
Also, you're still missing the point, stop being such a fucking brainlet, breathe in deep and read what I'm actually writing
Impeding your progress isn't the same as punishing you, if you fail a puzzle, boo-hoo just try again until you get the solution, the puzzle is still in front of you
If you die in Dark Souls, Bloodborne, whatever, you have a huge chunk of progress taken away from you, since the distance between your goal and the nearest checkpoint is marginal
Jesus christ, user, how many fucking times does someone have to tell you that 1+1=2 until you finally understand
>save your game
>load and try something different if you fuck up
wooow soo hard my nigger

Circlestrafing doesn't require timing.

>>if you aren't spending souls as soon as you have them and death proves to be too punishing, you might have more fundamental issues.

Souls games arent complex my dude.

>>load and try something different if you fuck up
You aren't going to gain shit by savescumming in an RTS because you're still going to have the same units you had before the engagement you lost, and the enemy is going to have the same units as well. Positioning and micromanagement may be different on the second try, but this probably isn't even a factor in our hypothetical scenario outside of lucky coincidence.

You'd be better off loading a save from 5-10-15 minutes before and change your composition/strategy entirely, at which point it is hardly savescumming anymore.

Good job beating the first boss.

By that logic, any non-turn based game can be completed at "level 1"

Who are you quoting

>at which point it is hardly savescumming anymore
>reversing all the actions which caused you to fuck up the game in the first place
>not savescumming

Consoleturd, you don't even know what savescumming is. Stop posting ANY time.

>Get proven wrong
Jesus, user, you're just pathetic, even my 14 year old brother is less retarded than you

>gas coin not the second boss

umm, sweetie..

jesus christ he wrecked that other team

Is that not true?

My offer still stands.

Souls games aren't complex, my dude. I included a funny meme to help you understand.

one of the signs of growing up in the 2010's is being able to admit that the souls series is difficult

he should've just sold the game immediately 2bh

So he played Blood borne at his bday party for several hours?

You don't usually end up at gasgone very quickly if it's your first play through. I call bullshit


You'd know all about taking dick, wouldn't you user?