>HR ends with Augs going insane and killing thousands, if not millions, of people
>players bitch that MD doesn't just ignore that there would be divisions between augs and non-augs after such a disaster
Explain yourselves
HR ends with Augs going insane and killing thousands, if not millions, of people
the stakes in MD were stupidly low compared to the other games.
people bitch because it was (once again) rewritten and delayed as a result, and still we got only a half of the game, which also runs like absolute shit on PC
It's not the fact that they didn't ignore HR's ending, it's the fact that they handled it very, very poorly just to make an apartheid analogy
>they handled it very, very poorly just to make an apartheid analogy
How did they handle it poorly?
Non-augs not trusting augs seems like a very logical step to take. Even if it wasn't the augmented peoples fault, there is no guarantee something similar couldn't happen again.
It's inconsistent or maybe too consistent.
People should (and some do) fear augs. Yet they call every augs "Clanks". It'd be alright if they only did that to civilian grade augs. But they see this walking fucking tank and goes "Piss off, Clank!". I don't know about you but I wouldn't go and tell a heavily armed black guy "Fuck off, nigger!"
It's like they have a deathwish
>Non-augs not trusting augs seems like a very logical step to take.
Yes. People who can afford augmentaions worth thousands of dollars livin a a ghetto is all kidns of retarded
Story not withstanding, the exploration in this game was the best across the entire series and it's a damn shame I can't explore another city as nuanced as Prague.
Hong Kong comes very close though.
Not defending it but most people need neuropozyne and it's expensive so they kind of ruined themselves
You do realise that they are being moved to the ghettos by the government right? Did you forget that there is an entire level dedicated to seeing one of the ghettos?
Did you forget that augs are required to take a drug to stop rejection/side-effects? And that the drug is very expensive?
>dude forced apartheid lmao
Because the division was shown poorly and contradicted its own canon on multiple levels. Nobody's butthurt about muh sjw parallels, they're butthurt because it was a shallow, entry-level conflict in a series known for depth in its storytelling.
if only MD was actually finished
Neuroposine is a hardware DRM for your body
I loved the amount of small details in Prague. Every other game world since have looked so sterile and empty
Augs in the original game were rich. Rich enough to afford neuropozyn for their entire lives AND insanely expensive augmentations, mind. Them living poor, in ghetto, like some kind of niggers is absurd.
it's easy to draw similarities to the real world in people buying cars n shiet they should not be able to afford here
loads of augs in HR were poor
Turning a story about mainly about the dangers of technocratic authoritarianism to one about being mean to people who cut off their arms and legs for no reason was stupid.
I'm glad the series is dead, if that's what they were going to do with it.
>You do realise that they are being moved to the ghettos by the government right?
Yes. And one of the main points of the whole DX setting is that goverments are weak. They just shouldn't be able to force segregation on that many people. I know about Neuropozyne, but again, people who could afford augs in the first place were in a good economic position to begin with.
It's not that the idea is bad, is that the execution is piss poor. They should have take a more subtle approach.
what? did you think bombs were the real threat in all this?
heck, thanks for making plot more subtle I guess that not everyone got it
do yourself a favor replay it more thoroughly
HR and MD both have the same problem of being almost entirely focused on the aug "debate". It's pretty disappointing when you consider the original Deus Ex cover every conspiracy under the sun and then some other topics. Every one in HR and MD just wants to talk about augs one way or another. It makes for a less believable world and poor world-building in general.
>which also runs like absolute shit on PC
what do you think will happen now if augs became real?
religious people will go haywire, and there is a shitton of religious people
Well IIRC the lore in MD states that Prague is now being run by corporations, or else it's changed legislation to be in favour of corporations.
You don' t know why or how people got augmentations. Sure maybe they were rich, but others could have been given them by their companies, they could have got it on the black market (either shoddy augs for a discount, or for favours), something went array in their lives etc.
There is no good reason to think only the 1% got augmentations.
and in addition, loads of poor people would've been forced to get mortgages or loans for augments in order to not be forced out of the job market by augs who would be able to work more effectively.
He isn't wrong though. Yes, shit is getting real in the background of the setting, but (You) have no agency in that story in MD. While it's true that's the case because Squeenix wanted sequelbait, it really fucks with the sense of purpose in the narrative.
companies often pay for their employees to get augments, especially construction companies
You do realise HR and MD also go into areas such as the control/influence of media, right?
Nerve-responsive artificial limbs already exist and nobody gives a shit.
they'll care once we put a gun in it
I know it won't fucking be the only thing people talk about every day. The characters in HR and MD aren't believable by any stretch compared to the original.
>Sure maybe they were rich
not always, some are just workers with augs provided by corporation to build those crazy buildings you visit
these threads happen because nobody reads the books and newspapers in-game
Yeah, people are totally going to cut their arms off to get a job as a manual laborer.
My point was that not everyone was rich. Maybe I didn't articulate that properly.
they talk about it because the illuminati wants the people to talk about it, plus there was a global riot, augs going crazy and killing people all over the globe, people will talk about that shit guaranteed
>couple years earlier 99% of augs go insane and kill their families and anyone nearby plus themselves
>50% of the population, including fucking hobos, have expensive augs on every limb now
Wow what impactful storytelling, what an immersive world.
it's not manual laborer directly, they need augs to build that crazy shit it won't be built without it
Story and questionable ending aside, I think the game is fantastic in terms of gameplay, exploration, level design and Artstyle/Music
Sure, that's a good point.
But those exceptions to the "you have to have money to have expensive things" shouldn't be as fucking numerous as to create the need to big-ass ghettos to be made.
A more logical and subtle approach would be to make most of the people in the ghettos to belong to the military or private security firms or whatever. Also more lore friendly.
They'll care when they start seeing people with augs daily.
yeah they would
>i have no argument but Sup Forums doesn't approve, so take this abortion
Even in Deus Ex's world a company would have to pay you a fucking fortune to make you an amputee. That's just an excuse, not a justification.
yes, and i'm agreeing with you, by pointing out that nobody read in-game lore and makes assumptions from first two levels without knowing what led to all this. It's well enough explained in -game if you bother.
>It's well enough explained in -game if you bother.
It's not. It's hand-waved in the laziest way.
>A more logical and subtle approach would be to make most of the people in the ghettos to belong to the military or private security firms or whatever. Also more lore friendly.
Whilst I'm sure plenty don't belong to either of those, we don't know who everyone in the ghettos are.
MD also did have you see someone who worked for some security/mercenary company, and you saw how he hated how his life turned out.
Sure, I even indicated as much in my post. But it's still almost entirely about augs and that's all that anyone really talks about. It's extremely contrived and speaks to Eidos Montreal's shitty writers. These are the same guys that brought us the 4-button ending.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad HR was made. It was a light in the dark at that time in the video game industry. But things like this are a testament to just how far behind HR is compared to the original and how the devs still don't "get it" in a few departments.
>I have no argument so I'll reeeeee about Sup Forums for no reason
Top shelf user.
>hey dude want to lift a ton with one hand?
>sure sign me up
this is how I would react, because it would lead to more better paid work
neuropozyne is a tiny fraction for ROI at that point because economy on the huge rise
nobody can anticipate crazy cripple ruining everyone's day right?
>But things like this are a testament to just how far behind HR is compared to the original and how the devs still don't "get it" in a few departments.
Well, I'll still absolutely take the new Deus Ex games. There are no games quite like the Deus Ex series and VTMB.
It's all they talk about. That's the problem. There was the grey death killing people en masse in the original, did all the NPCs just act like JRPG npcs repeating the same shit over and over about "greydeath this" or "greydeath that"? Hell no. The world was way more fleshed out.
Yeah, they just didn't do anything interesting with the setting they created. All the game says is discrimination against augs is like racism and racism is bad. There are no interesting questions asked of the player. They should either have put in situations where the view of Aug racism being unreasonable was challenged or if that was too controversial for 2016 make the main focus of the game about something else.
I knew what the underlying threat was with the bombs and the poisoned wine and all that, but compared to the possibilities you hold in your hands at the end of any other Deus Ex game, it doesn't come close to measuring up.
>These are the same guys that brought us the 4-button ending.
compared to 3 corridors ending in original game?
Can we just agree MD is essentially a simulation of what canadians think being a nigger in modern america is like?
>you break and enter into apartments
>you attack people even when you have a peaceful option availeable
>police randomly frisk you calling you names
hm, I guess, depends on your outlook
personally I am tired of EPIC story lines, something more grounded seems like a better story
Lawyers exist. No company worth of surviving in a cyberpunk setting would risk huge lawsuits for forcing somebody to lose a limb without proper compensation
there is this thing called " free will" or "of your own accord"
if you agree to something legally you agreed to it.
The 4-button situation was several orders of magnitude lazier than 3 corridors. The latter at least gives an illusion of your actions affecting the ending by giving you different tasks to perform.
nobody forced anybody, but a company will prioritize hiring guys with augments, so if Billy wants to stay employed he better get augmented cause Tom is around the corner and his augmented arms and legs makes him 100% more effective than Billy
That's not how things work when we're discussing employment but whatever
>you're the world's savior and insanely accomplished operator in HR
>in MD you're treated like some random fag in interpol and your bosses don't respect your abilities
this pisses me off so much
That's another argument all together
>where the view of Aug racism being unreasonable was challenged
But it is - people don't want to be near ticking time bombs. Admittely the devs were a bit biased, but it absolutely doesn't show that everyone is terrible for being afraid of the augmented.
Jensen himself even has dialogue options with the psychiatrist to say he doesn't support the augmented fight.
Not him but there are things in contracts that are not enforcable because they violate your rights or well-being or some shit. So no, you can't literally agree to anything and have it legally binding.
It absolutely is. Companies can force you to get degrees/PhD's just to keep you employed - not even to get promoted.
Companies prefer people who have a car to those who don't, so why wouldn't it be the same for augs?
are you sure? I was really annoyed at that point they made me run in circles so much
4 buttons seems like a better idea, both are bad don't take me wrong
anything that isn't against the law directly - goes
that's how contracts are built, if you can make a loophole you do it, any corporations does it
they didn't cut their augs back after firing them right? all is legal, they just don't have money to buy drugs to keep yourself alive anymore
>so why wouldn't it be the same for augs?
Because you have to chop your own limbs to do it? Because it has serious health consequences?
An employer can demand PhD's or car licenses or whatever, but they can't ask you to chop your own dick. And if you did and later it was discovered that you need an expensive treatment for the rest of your life that wasn't agreed upon, well, that employer better hire the best lawyers in the world because they are going to be hit hard.
nobody forced you to do it
That's... that's not how things works. Not even in the most stinky of third world shitholes
the problem with it is going from augmented people being rising to near-prominence (over a fifth of the population, nearly all the 'elite') to universally reviled and in ghetto/death-camps within just a few years. the logistics of that transition, especially under general public awareness of the Aug Incident as a terror attack that the augmented were all innocent in. it's supposed to be 'illuminati is forcing the meme to make augs scapegoats', but its still stressing plausibility.
It's entirely because MD was supposed to be the first entry in a trilogy of games. IOW it's entirely because of squeenix being totally incompetent retards who are choosing to burn all their known-profitable franchises in order to keep propping up the completely failed Final Fantasy.
Video game industry example - AC creator got a boot without anything.
People in DeusEx at least got their augs left.
You are making argument that if someone willingly cuts his arm off to work for corporation its a no with the law?
>general public awareness of the Aug Incident as a terror attack that the augmented were all innocent in.
But that doesn't matter - there is nothing to stop something like that from happening again.
the fear doesn't just go away
so government had to either segregate or expect riots everyday
>You are making argument that if someone willingly cuts his arm off to work for corporation its a no with the law?
Yes. If the corporation was the one who offered the aug to the employee like we are discussing, yes. One hundred times yes.
Unlike OP, I found Sup Forums before 2017, here's what Sup Forums had a problem with:
>rpg elements dumbed down to nearly invisible war levels
>malek replaced by sassy negro
>pritchard replaced by sassy negress
>sarif voice actor inexplicably replaced
>franchise about anti-globalism now promoting globalist agendas with blacklivesmatter/aug lives matter
>"hurrr we're gonna tackle the evils of apartheid" (more globalist crap peddling)
>every hub and dialog in the game designed to make you think "wtf, i love blacks/muslims now!" (more globalist crap peddling)
>game abruptly ends to make room for dlc jewing and adam jensen trilogy
The amazing part is that despite the studio and the head writer Mary DeMarle being a libtard and promoting libtard globalist agendas in the game, they were attacked by their political fellow travelers the black lives matter retards. BLM being largely managed by blacks were too stupid to understand that the game was race baiting in their favor and began attacking the studio over culturally appropriating their movement.
The biggest fall from grace was the libtard studio using a franchise that has always been anti-globalist and cultural strife,and using it as a vehicle to promote Soros-funded subversion and cultural strife. Being staffed mostly by left-wing nutjobs, I doubt they even got the irony of that.
when did anyone do that
>I found Sup Forums before 2017
So, 2016?
Game was great but ended too early.
Will never not be fucking mad that squenix has dropped this franchise.
Read the thread
Sounds like you went out of your way to find things that you think have an agenda and disregard whether or not they fit the world of the game. And my favorite
>Deus Ex panders to Sup Forums's conspiracy theories (Jews control the world)
>GOTY greatest story ever written
>Mankind Divided panders to Sup Forums's conspiracy theories (White genocide)
>Fuck this libtard bullshit
no, defend your position
so, corporation giving you a car is forbidden?
you are way constricted into contemporary way of thinking since the tech is not here
but i'd imagine augs would be no different from a car
they are identical to your hands but better, you can even feel a touch with them no problem
Everybody's favorite racist BioWare employee attacking the Deus Ex team.
>sarif voice actor inexplicably replaced
It's because he went off the deep end.
>sarif voice actor inexplicably replaced
the dude is a fucking nutcase who makes vlogs about the bugs in his walls
EXACTLY the mad man that we needed voicing Sarif.
>so, corporation giving you a car is forbidden?
If said car caused you to lose limbs and be dependent of a expensive drug all your life in a way that's not your fault (i.e not a car crash), then yes.
It's apples to oranges anyway.
The issue was the stupid way the whole incident was treated in-universe. It was clearly mass sabotage since everyone who replaced their chip went ape at the same time, and Darrow incriminated himself on live tv by saying he was sorry and pressing a switch. Anyone with half a brain could put two and two together without necessarily finding Tai Yong at fault, but somehow everyone in the Deus Ex universe is quarter-brained and "doesn't know how the incident happened", with a good percentage of them being even stupider and thinking the whole thing was deliberate on the part of the augs. The premise's foundation is mud, and that's not even touching the false equivalencies to racial divide.
The games take themselves too seriously now. Deus Ex was like X-Files with outlandish conspiracy theories being the main point of the game, but now it takes a back seat to whatever current event that the writers turn into their agenda that they want to shove down players throats.
When the conspiracy stuff actually came up in MD it seemed so out of place because the tone was completely different from the aug lives matter shit.
>using a franchise that has always been anti-globalist
no it wasn't, game gives you the choice what you want it to be
all 3 of them do(IW didn't happen)
but you cling to what you think is right
Warren Spector told a story how in a bar after a fan meet or something two people were arguing: one said DX is liberal crap the other blamed it to be ultra right or something along those lines. That's the whole freaking point of these games.
If this piece of shit can go on countless rants against whites on a twitter account linked to his professional job with a game studio and still keep his job, David Sarif should not be fired because he thinks there are bugs in his walls.
Heir was actively alienating consumers from Bioware products by denouncing an entire race with his idiotic tweets. Which idos consumer was Shellen hurting by thinking there were rats or bugs in his walls?
One of them is an insufferable faggot, the other probably carries a boxcutter to work because he thinks you're looking at him funny.
He wasn't fired, he's been arrested a bunch of times for taking drugs and going out in public all crazy like.
HR worldbuilding is nonsensical to begin with, so MD would be a lost cause no matter what it did.
you seem to miss the point - company gives you money
it is you who decides to take the money or not
they do not give you augs directly
They shouldnt have made a direct sequel to HR anyways
Didn't they learn with Deus Ex and Invisible War?
That's a different case. We were talking about a company offering you an aug ('cause you wouldn't be able to afford one otherwise). If a person got and aug on their own accord, well, the company has no fault at all (but a company which only employed augs would probably get some legal repercusions too)
But there's a lot of examples in DX's universe where the employers were the ones that gave out the augs. Jensen, for one. Navarre and Gunther in the original.
Also, according to the original Deus Ex, most of the aug people were soldiers, private security and elite employees, not random fuckos. That would have made more sense, but then they couldn't have made their 2deep4u apartheid analogy
Human Revolution had a really interesting conflict that we will probably see in the future. Mankind Divided had a generic oppression story line that we've seen many times in the past.
God forbid someone in the entertainment industry act like that! Why, we should have that person swept out immediately!