Post your battle stations lads
Post your battle stations lads
hi I always see you posting in these threads and replying to other people but I just wanted to tell you that I think you're cute
I can tell that the dark souls is photoshopped
>gregor enters the server
that cabinet is exactly what i need but in ash black, any idea where you got it from?
>tfw no gf
Girls are ucky, user.
Here you go.
editing/gaming rig
The station!
and outdated pic but movie watchen setup
My hurricane Irma bst. Currently staying at a hotel in South Beach to pass the storm
what lighting? I like that yours are soft and even on the wall, so many I see are fuck ugly and have super bright sections and fade off quickly
Not very clean...
>lavender vanilla
Isn't perfumed lotion kinda bad for fapping?
It's not for that, I use it to stay soft and smooth.
My neck hurts just looking at this.
Also, I think your cat might have ebola.
>Lightning returns is the top game on the ps3
Why am I not surprised.
I used to have that same USB fan
that lettering is really weird, doesn't look like it's supposed to be there
mismatched monitor sized also bother me, but not much
nice and clean, I like the under/over monitors is also nice
>gaudy rainbow LEDs
>meme keyboard
stay safe user
I don't really like it if that's in the center of the room, otherwise it's a bit messy but looks functional
looks cramped
>3 different monitors
>meme speakers
/fit/ detected
My casual rig...
Thats just normal FFXIII not LR.
Why am I not surprised that a Sup Forums user knows nothing about a video game.
You should really clean your room bro
Its not USB though.
Someone post the one with the pc in the corner and a guy sitting on a treelog
Im not that user.
Wheres that alchoholic user with like 20 wine coolers?
I know you're in here bro. POST IT
Let's hope it doesn't get destroyed during hurricane Irma
If this was my room, I'd be constantly turning around to check whether someone is walling me in.
>A box specifically for rolling up
My negro, wooden boxes are top tier aesthetic
Hang in there, Floridanon.
How fuxkiny hipster try hard.
Didn't you live in Florida?
>Rick and Morty
>Funko Pop
Please die
Please be my gf
you won't delete my feet janny
Yeah, in Saint Petersburg. Hopefully the hurricane is merciful.
Sorry user, I'll be gone in about 24 hours.
Why do demented tranny's crave so much attention, even more so than real women?
Meh battlestation, awesome lizard.
>those movies
>those books
>rick and morty
>star wars
>game of thrones
holy fucking shit is this the best that 4kidz users can get
please die a horrible death
I'm in the treasure coast we can ride out the storm together if you know what I mean.
There is no trans person in this thread, at least that is being open about it, you dense motherfucker.
>jew dick
Getting stronger every day.
How's life in P.T.?
I don't even know where that is, honestly. I can't go anywhere anyway, I was about out of gas and didn't think to get it until about three days ago and everywhere here is already sold out.
It's not for that!
This fucking guy... There's a trap tranny fuck every time in these threads with 3 or 4 demented anons talking to him unless it's hint replying to himself
I have that Boba Fett helmet.
Which guy?
It's around the west palm beach area. Stay safe.
not him but obviously the fag who obsessively posts the same picture in every thread with the lotion and dual monitors, seems typical of the sort of poster you'd find in a steam friends thread or one of those anime girl hair sniffing threads
Same to you, at the very least it's not tearing straight up along the east coast anymore.
Have I offended you, user?
That dude is just gay you idiot.
the existence of gays and assorted queers offends my being
Stop being such a snowflake then?
don't garner your meaning
That's even worse. He's more annoying than regular gays to the point he comes off as a disgusting trap
You are easily destroyed by the idea of hot gay loving.
>it's not tearing straight up along the east coast anymore.
Thank god. Space coast user here. Was getting kinda worried.
just don't like queers laddie-o
Gay user posted a post in relation to the thread then is responding to direct conversations started to him.
You have come into this thread and just started spamming your hurtass around.
You are way more annoying than him.
I wish it would've killed you degenerate disgusting faggot ass you fucking queer.
Are my cocksucking ways against your religious beliefs?
At the very least, Jose looks like it's not coming near us.
Stop defending the worthless cuck, he's not gonna let you fuck him
Pretty average, but gets the job done.
My shelves of games are on the other side of the room
But user, I'm not gay. Unless you want me to be.
don't garner how this particularly snide response is congruent with my post either
I'm not gay. I'm just not so fucking "cucked" that I give two shits about some guy's sexual attraction.
Mine. Be gentle
Yo, same keyboard. Nice.
Yeah sure you trap loving fuck
Degenerate weeb cock loving queer. Who would've thunk
>multiple screen
>weeb pape
everytime we have this thread I see how many of you I would not like and would bully
I will never understand 'muricans defending dick mutilation on babies. FFS you can't even fap like a normal person and you think it is a good idea?
>inb4 Tales
I'm aware.
user, this is the third or fourth time I've said this thread alone that I don't use it to masturbate.
What is it with nips and the fear of being separated from the floor?
messy,shitty games,fidget spinner,tv on 360, EVERYTHING is to close together.
End your life
I like tales.
I pack things away like a squirrel just in case it breaks and i need the box to send it back.
Why would you do that?
to low to the ground, gook or weeb either is bad. Uses shit fight stick and I can tell you only play anime games