What does Sup Forums think about that?
What does Sup Forums think about that?
Is this a response to everyone shitting on that one guy who got stuck for an hour at the tutorial?
Leftists are becoming more and more self-destructive even hipsters are seeing them as freaks.
I'm loving this timeline
>Dante Douglas is a writer, poet and game developer
>games // dev // poetry // lover of horrible things // critical & leftist // mixed-race blk boy // he/him // @DSA_Eugene //
What a shocking surprise.
>the real problem is not he couldn't do something a 6 year old could
>the problem is the fascist idea of skill
sjw opinions matter, because you can't stop caring about their opinions.
The article is just a shitty way to justify the lack of competence (see, competence, not skill) of many gaming journalists.
If you review games, a bare minium of competence in playing videogames should be mandatory. And critics should have the sensibility not to judge a game of a genre they don't undesrtand (a reviewer of FPS shouldn't judge a platformer and viceversa).
So that article is stupid. And yet, it says something accurate: you don't need to be a hardcore player to review a game. You just need the bare minium competence, you don't have to be a competitive player or some kind of obsessed player. Still, that being said, the article is still poop and the guy that can't surpass Cuphead's tutorial should hide himself in a far away place from videogame criticism.
Stop fetishizing everything!
git gud fagbag
>Actual argument starts 50% through the article
>Devotes a single paragraph to it, then goes off on some tangents
>Argument boils down to the fact that video games have evolved as a medium
That was not worth my time at all. I'm sorry to have read it. I only write this response so that another will read it and not waste their time on this awful article.
>What does Sup Forums think about that?
Hmm, let's see. Anti skill means anti meritocratic post modernist vomit. When i see this type of bs i picture planes crashing, people dying in hospitals because of malpractice, pipes bursting because of incompetence, car crashes thanks to poor driving skills, it goes on. It's basically death.
Skilled people are keeping this whole thing we call civilization going.
>girl fetishists
we're on the verge of having a second gamergate but this time they won't have any women or trannies to hide behind
it will now be revealed who plays and enjoys videogames and who is actually a hack who writes about vidya because he would be laughed off any other industry
And just in case you can't help yourself, here's the archive link so that the faggot journalist doesn't get the precious click:
reddit XDDD
Sounds like he's assmad that the readers of his chosen field expect him to be competent about the the thing that he is critiquing, so he just wrote a bunch of shit justifying being garbage at games for kids
GamerGate was a CIA scam. What we need to do is put these people in labor camps
cute animeposter
>>the problem is the fascist idea of skill
These douchebags just assume they can attach words like "fascist" and "nazi" to de-legitimize anything.
Why are we letting the insanity go on?
wtf is that in Italy we doesn't have that kind of thing
that the people who write these articles need to play games more geared towards their tastes because they clearly don't understand the thrill of being challenged and the joys of overcoming it. they can play point and click adventure and puzzle games.
there's no such thing as hetero people in 2017
Um sweetie? Sup Forums is a safe space now, you can't make threads like these that bait toxic opinions from GooberGators.
>the real problem is not he couldn't do something a 6 year old could
We had a video of a fucking bird able to figure how to get something too high for him
the dude in his video is a genuine retard
he thinks I don't know how triggered you people get
Your fetishization of journalistic skill is concerning.
>we doesn't have
Santo iddio
The Journos are striking back with a vengeance, they're pumping out articles left and right defending their right to have absolutely no ability to play video games and instead rate games based on sociopolitical issues.
>moots and mods chose this side in 2014
still hilarious
>b-but both sides are bad!
>Why are we letting the insanity go on?
you should've asked Sup Forums mods 3 years ago
>they clearly don't understand the thrill of being challenged and the joys of overcoming it
>overcoming it
The thoughts of "overcoming" something or meeting a challenge is extremely triggering for them.
Use archive next time.
>Why are we letting the insanity go on?
two options
1) either leftists get genocided by themselves
2) they genocide us with the rest of society and everything goes away
I mean, I hate Dara O'Briain these days since he's hosting fucking everything, but I still think his bit on vidya is pretty much the summation of this whole argument.
The fact of the failure state existing is one of the most unique aspects of the art form.
Just reading through it now, it barely qualifies as an article. Word count is 461 - that's just over four tweets. Not to mention the ending sentence:
>After all, they're just games.
If this is your attitude about games, why are you writing about them? If you ultimately don't care about them, why should we care about you?
Yeah man, my little 3rd grade sister should be able to compete with top composers when she's playing her toy piano!
Fuck musical skill and talent!
>they can play point and click adventure and puzzle games
They can't do that either, LucasArts-style adventures disappeared and were largely replaced with Telltale visual novels.
>movie lovers fetishize watching
>music lovers fetishize listening
>sport lovers fetishize physical ability
>car lovers fetishize driving ability
>there are people in this thread right now that dont watch EVO to jerk off
get your shit tier fetishes outta here
You're joking, but Vice released an article saying almost exactly that, and claimed it was "scientifically proven"
this is the world we live in
Not sure what I'm posting but it's AM so it should be good for a depressed hyuk
Why don't we forget about GamerGate™ and focus on something more spicey?
Thank you, user. Your sacrifice will be remembered.
Hopefully option 1 happens, because they're self destructive anyways.
Leftist logic:
>abortion is great
>having children is problematic
>never have children
>avoid any sort of responsibility for themselves
>believe they're entitled to shit
>believe the world should take care of them
>believe it's unfair other people have it better
>complain about it until death
>die with no legacy to leave behind.
>no children to carry on their insanity
This is the ideal road at least.
I think this will not fare well with the normies and they will get even more irrelevant, if such thing is even possible.
Figthing autism with autism was the absolutely stupidiest idea the game journalism ever had, specially when they desperately NEEDED to be seem as a serious thing if compared to the youtube superstars.
I mean there's some basis in it with the implication that sexuality is a fluid thing but if you suggest that gay people aren't gay or lesbians aren't lesbians that's erasure and appropriation and that's wrong.
At first I've misred the line as "How do you feel, Logic?", which was kind of fitting.
those games still exist. yeah the ones from the 90's are bullshit and you're more likely to learn icelandic than solve any of the puzzles in those, but still. also puzzle games should be comparatively easy to craft for indie developers, so all you'd have to do is end some people out scouting and REPORT these games like JOURNALISTS instead of making 50 "adventure games are dead" articles a year.
>how do you feel, Low Orbital Ion Cannon?
we must hope they destroy themselves before they destroy society. It's a real possibility so we must bet on that even though it's not 100% guaranteed.
>It's okay to be an inept retard
"Everybody is a winner" was a mistake. No wonder these fucks can't get a real job
Rofl, look at this fucking guy. It's safe to say you can discard his opinion.
game journos community is a GIANT circlejerk, everyone knows each other and subbed to each other on twatter and other shit. Attack one, attack them all.
Yet again, America ruins everything. No Child left behind was the start of the slippery slope.
>>"Everybody is a winner" was a mistake.
It's equality!!!!!!11!1!!
Pick one
The title is cancer. Game reviewers don't need proficient at Dark Souls but they do need to be good at games in a general sense to where they don't need to look at the buttons or get stuck staring at the sky. The reason he thinks otherwise is because he writes for paste magazine, whatever that is. Just like how shitty movie reviewers write blogs because they don't know what makes a movie good.
I'm not saying you're entirely wrong but you're definitely exaggerating. I don't think I've heard any leftist say abortion is great or act like it is, just that it should be an option.
this. also moot works for jewgle now. that copyright script/mechanism is his jewish handy work.
The problem is that yes, they're self-destructive, but they're also destructive to others.
They want communism and they want mass shitskin immigration (for no discernible reason-- someone tell me why racial diversity is actually a good thing and how it benefits society)?
So leftists not only stop having kids and exterminate themselves, but they replace themselves with 5x the number of immigrants. Who then fill up all the available infrastructure.
Leftists are on the road to destroy themselves, but they'll drag everybody else down with them. And there is no simple solution to that problem.
Oh lets look at some other articles written by this waste of human cell material. Yeah
Very soon people will start to tell that we are giving them attention and therefore we keep them alive
This is not true but people will never understand the problem is deeper. The thread will be deleted soon
>mystery-meat alt-left terrorist demands that people stop drawing attention to his incompetence
>I don't think I've heard any leftist say abortion is great or act like it is, just that it should be an option.
The word "great" wasn't the proper meant to use. I was just putting it in there because I believe it's part of the path to their own destruction. They will most likely not have children because abortion is available to them.
The issue with it isn't that they're unskilled, it's that they aren't objective. Their feelings get hurt by being bad at the game, but rather than say for example:
"Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy retains the same intense platforming difficulty from the original games and more modern players might find the systems of lives and game overs hard to keep up with, the game is still a satisfying, well-designed experience for those who can put in the work to succeed.", etc, etc.
But if you can't be objective and think everything is unfair when you lose, then you shouldn't be reviewing videogames.
>"sjws won't ruin games! Go back to Sup Forums!"
>that pinned tweet
Gamergate 2.0 when?
Right, it should have read 'sjw feels'
>I don't think I've heard any leftist say abortion is great or act like it is
>Speaking before a sychophantic audience, Plimpton somehow shifted the conversation to speaking about not just her one, but several, abortions.
>“Seattle has some particular significance for me for lots of reasons,” she started. “I’ve got a lot of family here, some of whom are here in the audience tonight. I also had my first abortion here at the Seattle Planned Parenthood.”
>The crowd applauded this revelation before she went on to explain more.
>“Notice I said ‘first.’ I said ‘first.’ And I don’t want Seattle — I don’t want you guys to feel insecure, it was my best one,” she joked.
>“Heads and tails above the rest,” she continued on her abortion. “If I could Yelp review it, I totally would. And if that doctor’s here tonight, I don’t remember you at all, I was 19. I was 19, but I thank you nonetheless.”
>Literally Who Quarterly wrote an article about video games
Can we all agree that no name video game based sites that host an opinion from someone who has no voice in the industry are just as bad as eceleb threads?
Why is xe assuming his own gender.
>Three modes of male sexuality
>Mettaton has three modes
go back to Sup Forums
That user was bait. Leftists literally made a festival in my city to celebrate abortion was discriminalized
>I don't think I've heard any leftist say abortion is great
dude you, like live in 1960s? and in a cave?
It's almost like they write this shit specifically for easy hits. I wouldn't be surprised if OP is the writer or works for this site because someone is constantly posting their shitting articles here.
"agitprop" shills took longer than usual to damage control the thread tonight
>And there is no simple solution to that problem.
There's already a (very) small group of more moderate liberals vocalizing that they're against the insane SJW's. There just needs to be a new group of liberals that differentiates themselves from the insane ones while actually coming up with good ways to solve liberal issues instead of just shouting everything down as racism and sexism.
I know user, the whole thing carries a danger to us all.
Like you said, they can leave the world in ruins if they had power to do it. We can't let the commies win.
But also, just thinking about this the other day.
They basically want 100% open borders, with no checks whatsoever. But also want a nanny state that provides basic income and other commodities. How in the world can anyone think this is sustainable?
this is why OP is meant to pastebin instead of giving them clicks
SJWs make no sense.
>Your beautiful/smart/genetic trait doesn't count because you didn't have to work for it!
>Your skill doesn't count because you worked for it!
Why are they encouraging uselessness? I don't subscribe to conspiracies but this feels like a concentrated siege on prestige and status being earned, weakening everyone they can into a useless mass of shit.
>Why are we letting the insanity go on?
GG should be a good enough reason to tell you why nobody wants to try.
You simply don't have enough numbers and you will always lose out once the issue drift towards sexism and racism, which is not a far issue from the original issue here.
The correct term for anyone identifying as something other than He or She is "It".
By adressing people in third person with "he/she/it" you are basically including every possible gender by using the core pronouns. Checkmate snowflakes
>here's already a (very) small group of more moderate liberals vocalizing that they're against the insane SJW's
Thank Christ, I know they exist but I wish they had a more visible platform.
>Reddit spacing
>Why are they encouraging uselessness?
Yes. Welcome to their victim culture.
This is true though. Not using an archive is giving them clicks. Clicks are clicks no matter if the reader thinks the article is terrible. A good chuck of modern journalism is about baiting people into getting angry rather than providing good information. It is a model that sells well and that is what counts. Calling them out on this is good, but it is counter productive to so so with a link to the article in the opening post.
you're still reading and responding to garbage clickbait
>most leftist board
I think that /his/ is pretty balanced,the only leftist boards are /lgbt/ and Sup Forums
Nice Reddit spacing you fag
>funny video of people being bad at cuphead comes out
>people make fun of it because it's good and right to make fun of game reviewers
>now it's an ideological war and both sides are in full boogeyman mode
can we all just go home
>How in the world can anyone think this is sustainable?
There's the key issue. They don't.
If you criticize border policy you get shouted down as a racist. If you criticize welfare policy you get shouted down as a racist or privileged.
To avoid being branded by these social taboos, people don't speak up. So the left wing of Western society gets increasingly unhinged every year in a continuous circlejerk of poorly thought through ideas which aren't critically addressed.
>I don't think I've heard any leftist say abortion is great or act like it is, just that it should be an option.
You haven't been paying attention. Lena Dunham literally said "I haven't had an abortion, but I wish I had." There's a hashtag right now called #shoutyourabortion that celebrates women getting abortions. There's a fucking comedy play "Abortion Roadtrip"
Leftists literally see both single motherhood and abortion as being laudable and desired for society.
Stop posting clickbait articles.
No but seriously, at least post a pastbin or something, don't give them ad revenue.
>cucks can't even think in an argument
>Reddit spacing
Quit this fucking meme already dammit actual morons are starting to take it seriously.
Because a meritocracy is inherently oppressive user. Why don't I get the same opportunities without trying?
The worst part is that they could have some argument to make for it if they weren't so retarded about it.
Yes, some black kid from an inner city is going to have a harder time proving themselves and getting ahead than some rich white kid with daddy's money, but at the same time you just put that support there and focus on the achievement just as much as the finances, if not more. But it's not enough to give someone the opportunity to succeed, everyone must be complacent with failure.
I didn't open the article
I went through many of them when I was around 10-12 and English isn't even my native language. The only people who say they were bullshit are people who only grew up on bing bing wahoo or press X to progress games, with no observational powers and can't follow a thought or connect the dots further than the next jump or waypoint.
/Lgbt/ is pretty moderate as well user
Inb4 fag