Diversity in video games

>do you want it
>is it important

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Yes, because it ruins games

Lazy token characters who are only allowed to be noble savages. Great.

don't care
not at all

sick of the conversation

don't really care

Diversity is good when the characters are good ideas that benefit the end product. It's not so good when characters seem to only exist to check a box. Tokenism isn't good.

no but i'd like more games in different settings. a game full of blacks in africa or full of arabs in arabia would be fine. diversity is good in war games, i'd like a game about the spanish reconquista for example


Yes, it's important because you shouldn't put people where they don't belong

I don't mind as long as it feels natural and not forced. Sadly that seems almost impossible these days.

Do you think if SMAC was released today it would've been branded as SJW shit with how diverse the cast is?

>do you want it
I don't mind
>is it important
not to me personally, but it is to a good amount of people

Overwatched has proved that DIVERSITY IS AWESOME!

There is obviously a quota to include minorities and women in video games.
But some creators want to tell a story with a minority or woman without pandering.

fault of the creators like the post above you or are you just talking about how it's hard not to preserve something as forced in
current political climate?

Don't care one way or the other, i've never played or decided not to play a game because it has too many niggers or too many whites.

Black people is the least offensive thing in that game. They completely raped the lore.
>People where they don't belong
That's actually racist, user.

Don't care
Not really

It should be up to the writer how diverse they want their game. Not some fucking agenda.

>blacks in lotr


As long as they aren't token characters added in for the sake of diversity

>If a game includes anything but a straight white male they are pandering to SJWs and people who don't buy games!
You idiots go on Sup Forums too much, holy shit.

Only diversity of story and character archetypes matter, not skin or gender.

Abolsufuckinglutely not


Oh look, it's yet another thinly-veiled Sup Forums thread.

>do you want it
No, but I don't mind as long as it actually makes sense within the universe
>is it important
No, I don't think diversity in the sense of adding different races of real humans is important or desirable at all. I don't think it's necessarily bad or undesirable, as long as it makes sense in-universe, but it doesn't actually add anything interesting to the world. Diversity in the sense of adding all kinds of different in-universe races can be nice and interesting as long as they aren't all uninspired analogues of real races meant to virtue signal and nothing more.

>>do you want it
Depends on the game. If I'm making a game set in medieval Scandinavia, then I better not see any chimps
>>is it important
Absolutely not, and anyone who suggests otherwise is a piece of shit faggot.

Both, I think a lot of the time it feels like characters are very deliberately diverse for no reason (eg a bunch of ethnic characters in a game with a historical setting where their were none historically). Other times it's just because it's such a huge thing it feels like someone in post production just changed a shader to avoid media issues. I never even thought about the ethinc characters in HL2. Prey also managed to not beat you over the head, you're just asian.

Who are you quoting though? Loads of games with non-white or female protags are really popular on Sup Forums

it is important but only if you actually make something of it, not like fucking battlefield 1

why was harlem hellfighters scene only 10 min but was in all the promotional material

Only popular because WE WUZ reddit memes.

i don't care either way
not really

just make good games. i'm not gonna sperg out like some turboautists here but it won't necessarily help you gain any brownie points either.

I couldn't give less of a shit about black people in that game after what they did to Shelob.

accidental tagged you sorry about that

Uh huh, for sure. Just take your meds, user.

what did they do to her

Don't care
Add a character creator. It solves every problem. 12% blacks in story 88% whites. Anything else is unrealistic.

>do you want it
i want white-twink-Luke-Skywalker-type heroes back, more than i want diversity, but I don't mind it otherwise, so long as it's making people actually happy and not fueling vindictive resentment
>is it important
no. it's having a detrimental effect by limiting the types of games that are allowed to be made: we're pretty much only allowed sci-fi and fantasy settings, where diversity can be pushed. A game like Age of Empires II couldn't be made today, which is a real fucking shame. Again, I want my hero-twinks back. Still have Link, but ... actually maybe what I want is like masculine heroes: there's gonna be no more masculine Bungie-Era Master Chief type characters for a while

>but want diversity depending on the game


You already know, so why do you ask?

Thoughts on this game?

their both symptoms of (((the same problem)))

More games set in different cultures/perspective is good. "Forced" diversity or whatever the meme is isn't so great.


Yes, I want diversity in video games. Every developer says they have diversity but all I see are black people being the only quota they're filling.

I want real honest to God diversity. Not this leftist bullshit developers are using to say they have diversity in their games. Black people aren't the only non-white race that play videogames. They aren't even the majority, outside of sports games, which again, has only black people as the only diversity in their games.

Tl;Dr it's time diversity means actual diversity and not just code for black people.

>depending on the game
Good job on pointing out something very obvious.

I liked everything Dishonored so far, so I expect to like this one as well.

They turned her into a sexy sorcerer.

It all comes down to how well they're written

If all the cast are fairly well-rounded individuals, with flaws, pros, and cons, then yeah fair enough, especially if you're not drawing attention specifically to the fact you've got a diverse cast.

If you're having diversity for a selling point, but can't actually write the characters you're involving in the game to a good quality, then you can shove it up your butt for exploiting the current market for a quick cash grab rather than making something positively memorable

Believe it or not, but some of us can not like blacks without being faggots about it. They buy games too. If they want to see more people like them in games then they have every right to ask for it. I just don't want them shoehorned in because there shouldn't be any there. Same with games in Africa and south America. Everybody shouldn't be white there.

Damn, that sucks.
Imagine if they just kept her as a giant spider but she could still talk to you in some really creepy raspy voice. That would have been sick.

referring to pandering to the crowd? pretty sure it's the exact opposite demographic though


call me when theres white people in african tribes acting like its normal

The best I can do is some gay twink i picked up from a bar
Maybe a stereotypical Japanese guy if he's up for it

>You already know
they refer to shelob as a her in RotK, I genuinely don't know what they've done to her
but why

>>do you want it
>>is it important
unfortunately yes

I imagined the reason they could speak was because of Celebrimbor's wraith powers. I was really excited to have a fucking eldritch spider as you quest giver, instead I got a poor Morrigan rehash.

>but why
Waifu bait/Pandering

I'll take fucking twinks over black people. They're not ciswhite scum so they are diverse.

>tfw no Mafia 3 didn't have a twink as the protagonist working to help Chinese immigrants make a better life for themselves
>tfw twink falls for a Chinese guy but the Chink community tries to kill them, along with racist, bigoted cops.

I don't think it's important no. Do whatever the fuck you want with your games.

yeah I get that but the question was do YOU want diversity, are you saying you want blacks in games because you want them to get the representation they ask for but still racist enough to call them chimps?

Mom im racist !


Of course there should be diversity in videogames. But when it croses the line like the new COD has, that's when you've gone too far.

>he hasn't been out in the real world to see how they act

>he's not even in Destiny 2

what the fuck happened to him


eh true diversity would just replace more white people in games and replace them with other races, and even the few white people left would not be American

"Diversity" isn't really the right word to describe what devs are bending the knee to.

This is a part of a Marxist narrative, with evil oppressive white male bourgeois and stupid helpless proletariat (note that Marxists don't really like or respect the proletariat; they look down on them) who holds zero accountability for where they end up in life. Marxism ends with the bourgeois being oppressed and killed, which we already see with cases like Evergreen, the attempt to end due process in rape accusations, and the Baltimore riots. Yes, people are more right than some of them know to be angry and disgusted at this.

The answer is I don't care. Calling them chimps is irrelevant.

If they made my dream game and the protag happened to be a black man, a chinese woman or a pakistani shemale I would give zero fucks. It's more like they come up with some 'amazing diverse' idea and then build the game around it. I loved San Andreas and the fact that the character was from a culture I never see or interact with made the game a bit more interesting, that said I also loved Vice City just as much so in the end it's not a dealbreaker.

No, no.

I dread the fact that Marxism has somehow been conflated with race/gender/identity politics.

Diversity is more important than gameplay. You can have a game with no gameplay but great diversity and anyone with a brain will still be able to recognise it as a work of art, but the reverse is impossible.

Don't care

I like games that feature character creation, e.g. Saints Row games that let me play as a obese pink haired feminist tho.

There are literally 0 blacks in LotR and putting them in is cultural appropriation.

It's called cultural marxism, and it's a product of the Frankfurt School.

Diversity means throwing token blacks in?

The few white people left would be more than the amount of black characters in the game. If it were true diversity.

The diversity we have now caters to gaming journalist and vocal social media.

it transferred away from classism to racism when they realized that the Nazi party was able to rise to power not because the workers felt they were being exploited by the rich, but because the German population realized they were being exploited by a small minority that acts like a nation within a nation.

Genuinely don't care, but it shouldn't be something that developers build their game, it shouldn't be a priority.

I'm guessing we're talking about racial diversity, so:
>do you want it
No, it always amounts to pointless pandering and an unecessary "look, we can do things too!" lesson. There's never been a time or game where the devs said "we are putting a focus on diversity and other progressive ideas" and it actually benefited/didn't harm the game.

>is it important
No, or at least only when the game itself demands non white characters like San Andreas and even then that's not technically diversity since it's mostly black people in the game. In games that take place in medieval Europe or a world war, there shouldn't be a large amount of diversity at all because it's simply not realistic or believable. There's no reason why every game needs representation of all groups of people, and it usually comes of as fake or forced when tried.

That's not what Cultural Appropriating means, but I know what you're trying to say.

>Diversity means throwing token blacks in?

To people pushing for diversity in gaming, yes, but true diversity would have black people still being a small number compared the amount of other races included in a game.

It's almost as if the diversity people are pushing for today is racist, seeing that they're only pushing for one group of people and ignoring the others.

Sure, as long as it isn't forced in or with characters built entirely around their skin color/genitals/sexual orientation.

VtMB had black, Hispanic, gay, obese, and female characters. But it just wasn't their main identity point. One of the black characters main thing was that he was superstitious, the Hispanic character was mainly just fighting corruption of a more powerful group, the gay characters only mention it in passing when it's relevant, etc. I never thought twice about it being a diverse game because they were just people first and foremost, and not their skin color or whatever.


>But it just wasn't their main identity point.

For more than a few of them it was EXACTLY that, e.g. fat larry and yukie.

I don't care, this shouldn't be an issue, and neither should the developers cater to people who make a fuzz about it

I'm indifferent
It makes a more believable world

"Racist" doesn't mean "pure evil" as you've been led to believe

The only game to do diversity right

user it's not like we are talking about a game with a cast that represent the worlds demographic in any accurate way, i don't think it matters even as it's not what people ask for when they want more minority in important roles or whatever, what i was saying to you before is that most people that want a diverse cast would probably change the white characters as they are expandable (because there is more of them) then the token black character that you are so mad over

I'm honestly sick of seeing niggers and other shitskins in media created by white people.


I don't care about diversity. I don't mind it being there as long as they aren't jumping through hoops to achieve it, i.e making white characters black etc.

Generally diversity in a game is "this guy is black just because" or "this character is gay just because", and it ends up being their own character trait, that they're gay or they're black or whatever else.

It should be that there a character who has a reason to be in the game, to be there for the story, to add something to the overall game, and not just that they're there as a gay person. It's pretty demeaning to be honest, and I don't understand how other people don't see that (especially "games journalists" who only complain about such things).

>pure evil
yeah no pretty sure everyone think of the word stupid

He was obviously fat and it was part of his name, but he doesn't keep talking about it, just when he introduces himself. It was funny and felt natural. But his main thing is that he's a street dealer of weapons. Not sure what you mean about Yukie, there are a few dialogue options making fun of a typical young Japanese woman and things from Japan about that but she's not talking about her gender all the time. She's hunting a wereshark who killed her master.


Variety keeps thing interesting, but I really don't think half-assed characters need to be shoehorned into roles where their identities contribute nothing for the sake of a diversity quota.

>tfw you believe in evolution
>tfw you believe every race evolved to have the exact same brain
>tfw anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid