How do I unlock the hidden playable character?
How do I unlock the hidden playable character?
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Fuck off.
You buy the secret character from the marketplace for $4.99
Read the rules.
that Hitler is like a protag of eroge
I'm not a naziboo but if I had to make alist of most evil men of 20th century Churchill and Stalin would rank higher than Hitler
>king Leopold
>genrikh yagoda
>pol pot
>chiang kai shek
Hitler wouldn't even be in the top 5
go back to why shouldn't we be able to discuss Hearts of Iron you retard?
I'll call him incompetent and evil, but even I wouldn't meme about him somehow being worse than the guy who okayed the most industrial genocide in history. Sure thee others were more into it, but he signed off on it.
>not Tojo
lol you frogs are pathetic.
Churchill was a pretty huge asshole.
But our propaganda keeps everyone from knowing about most of the shit he's done to keep him looking good for the public.
We really don't like people pointing out he's responsible for Gallipoli, or that he may have extended ww1 by 2 years on his own by doing it.
>not Beria or Yezhov
nice try Sup Forums
He starved to death 10 million bengals and was like "lmao then why hasn't ghandi died yet?"
I still can't quite rate that as highly as the industrialised slaughter.
Also burned all the crops and sunk all fishing boats on entire eastern Indian coast so to deny the Japs potential resources
>he's responsible for Gallipoli
I don't really feel like it was his fault it went to shit so fast
How is a typhus epidemic "industrialised slaughter"?
Half the inmates at Bergen-Belsen died after it was "liberated" by the british
>Churchill was a pretty huge asshole.
Brits celebrate a guy who managed to stay big and fat during a time of severe rationing.
the thing is, Indians are not humans, Jews are.
Anyone with 3 braincells would have known it was going to go badly. That's why his competent counterpart wanted to force open the Sound instead. It's just as risky but if it works you end the war in 3 months and you're much closer to home.
At least there was a strategic objective there, it's vile, but at least there's something more than "fuck you"
>Half the inmates at Bergen-Belsen died after it was "liberated" by the british
and millions of Soviets died within a month or so of being released from a gulag, how does that matter?
Jews are not human, shlomo
One poo-shitter is more human than a million kikes
It sure didn't help landing his troops on a peninsula that you bombed for a week (to no effect) thus telegraphing the Turks where the invasion will take place.
Even though Pol Pot was ruthless and a commie he still did not kill enough people to be among Stalin, Mao and Hitler.
I'm pointing out the alleged deaths of Jews was due to an unavoidable disease epidemic, not due to intentional murder
>trying to rate shit to make shit he has sympathy look better
Nice try Sup Forums, but Hitler is shit nevertheless.
It was definitely institutional murder.
There's an absolute plethora of evidence saying it was definitely institutional murder.
The "fuck you" in the form of shipping food out India and having ships full of grain from Australia pass next to a part of the country where people are literally dying of starvation so that people back home would have bigger rations
In absolute numbers you're right. But relatively, the fucker killed a third of his country's population.
The point here isn't glorifying Hitler or being an apologist just pointing out the hypocritical game dev decision to censor Hitler while not censoring his objectively evil peers as well
Don't get me wrong, I'm on the same boat of "fuck Churchill" The fact he's on the 5 pound note now actually angers me.
But all of that has some kind of strategic element to it. The holocaust was a fucking drain on resources to do. (I Know someone who wanted to do his thesis in military history on "did the holocaust lose germany the war" so I have weirdly heard the argument for that)
It's complying with German law. None German versions don't have that.
If you buy the game outside of Germany you get a free DLC called "Historical German Portraits"
You can see the result.
To keep the thread in spirit of Sup Forums is HoI4 close to being worth playing? Any mods of ICE magnitude?
>cram tens of thousands of people into a camp and make them live on survival rations
>they get sick and die
You need the Nazi faces DLC
Kys, Noseberg. Don't ever talk to me or my Führer again.
Hirohito was behind everything, Tojo just had to take the blame because muh emperor
Amis did the same with the Japanese in their country. Jews weren't citizens but enemy aliens, what was he supposed to do? Let them freely stab Germany in the back like in 1918?
some of the officers and staff are censored too.
what says, it's german law that nazi figures can not be included in toys (exposure to children), and videogames are toys under german law.
Nice svastika, I'm glad im not in Germany and censorship doesn't mess with my historical accuracy.
The military (mostly the navy) had pretty much complete control. Hirohito was practically signing off on things they wanted. At least from my reading of the situation which is a bit rusty.
>stab them in the back
>the mutiny that ended the war was entirely because Wilhelm told the high seas fleet to go on a suicide mission
What did he mean by this?
>Amis did the same with the Japanese in their country.
except they didn't starve to death and die of typhus en masse
>Let them freely stab Germany in the back like in 1918?
never happened, the Kaiser stabbed Germany in the back by ordering the military on suicide missions. The German revolution that instituted the Weimar Republic was started by a naval mutiny
I'm surprised there's a swastika there.
Also, FDR was worse than Hitler.
t. kike
the brits have been nothing more than zionists for the past 200 years. churchill was merely a symptom of the cause. the brits sold their soul to the zionists when the rothschilds put the empire in debt in order to declare war on napoleon. the deal was finally sealed with the balfour declaration. i fully consider the brits to be the ultimate enemy of the west and you should to
Lolno, even with the bombs Adolf killed much more people and in a much crueler way then a mile could.
>inb4 "the Holohoax killed people?"
t. pajeet
gb2dead Wilhelm II.
But he's right.
Jews are human because only evil men could manipulate aryans, indians on the other hand are poo
>except they didn't starve to death and die of typhus en masse
Cause amis weren't being bombed to oblivion constantly with a complete breakdown of ordered society
I've always considered England as a state like a very selfish detrimental entity that has never contributed to anything positive historically speaking intentionally, their only good legacy, the industrial revolution, was an accident and not deliberately shared with other countries.
>not the Germans who always fucked it up for everyone
Without Nazi maybe we could actually want a white Ethnostate without being called evil racists/nazis
FDR stepped away from the gold standard and fucked up economies worldwide to this very day
The gold standard was barely functional at best. Fiat currency is infinitely better.
>Stalin kills nearly 3 times as many people, plunges the world into a catastrophic nuclear arms race and plunges the whole world into violent revolutions.
>no censored face
Are historians retarded?
chiang was fighting a war, do not bully.
>Cause amis weren't being bombed to oblivion constantly with a complete breakdown of ordered society
then they should have arrested fewer people
>Spartacus uprising wasn't led by (((rosa luxembourg))) and a bunch of polish kikes
>socialists and trade unions didn't crash the German economy
>Brits didn't make the Balfour declaration so the kikes would crash the Germans industry and ability to wage war
Go to bed, Foreskinyahu
No, non-historians are
why would the german version have the swastika, but the actual image has the iron cross or whatever instead? this is retarded
whiteness doesn't apply to yurop. white identity was only applicable in the usa. you never watned a white ethnostate. for centuries you slaughtered the irish and scots. only in the usa were and western yuropoors considered white. it's something yurop was never able to accomplish. yuropoors aren't white. you're english, irish, scottish, german, french, etc
But Stalin didn't openly jeopardize the jews, he did it secretly.
>people starved because of a whole series of fucked up shit + the death caused by industrialisation which happened in the west as well
There's a reason no one tries to argue this except hohols.
Though to be fair him being "no, Russians are priority!" was 100% fucked up in every way and only the most hardcore of tankies will defend this.
you dumb fucking nigger
the Spartacus uprising was a year after the armistice. It had nothing to do with Germany losing WW1
>being in a debt you can literally never pay off is much better.
They tried to deport them first. Turns out nobody wants to take in kikes
Sorry Paco, I totally forgot about you and your totally white tiki torch brotherhood.
Stop talking about hitler 6 million 6 million 6 million
Producing money out of thin air, that sure is scalable and not exploitable.
Ditching gold standards was a socialist jew trick. Who owns most of the gold? Jews.
to please the jew
Lol ok, whatever you say.
Well the chinese do now.
And we are pretty much giving away the fucking future to them.
how about that Belgian that raped the Congo bad?
Because they know that gold is the one commodity that holds best value. That's why china strong.
Is Belgium in the game?
He has a name you know, Leopold II, and he's got plenty of hands he can lend you.
The guy taking that screenshot forgot to disable the swastika mod he has which is on the steam workshop btw, he's trying to shitpost.
>implying national debt is comparable to a household debt
If you owned a printing press and could literally devalue your own debt if you felt like it, we could talk.
>socialists and trade unions didn't crash the German economy
>wtf what do you mean after 3 years of the economy being entirely geared for war and under perpetual blockade that people might be bled to their limits.
No it was just the Jews that were killing millions instead.
Yep and Canada just sold off a bunch to them. Christ Canada couldn't be anymore cucked right now.
How can I stop the Soviets from invading me while I deal with the Eternal Anglo?
the US and Germany own most of the worlds gold. What the fuck are you even talking about?
The Chinese are the KINGS of currency manipulation. They don't let anyone see what goes on inside their banking sector.
>a bunch
it was a couple ounces, because that's all that was left after every PM since the 80's sold off a chunk
But the PM does that with a smile and a silly joke and everyone just gobbles it.
>Jews only suddenly started mass supporting communism within a year
How dumb are you. Oh wait you're probably a kike
Heavily Underrated
it's the truth. pretending it's not doesn't change the reality. national identity is defined by the nation in yurop. in the usa all western yuropoors are united under one identity, one language and one state. the usa has accomplished what yurop never could do and that is true unification between the people of yurop. instead yurop clings to their misplaced importance of insignificant culture such as roquefort cheese only being roquefort if it's made in some irrelevant french cave. it's nigger tier desu
Stalin supported Israel, therefore he was a nice guy in the end, no matter how many millions of russoukranians died.
American and German Jews
I don't think you know anything about who owns gold reserves.
I also think you don't understand the advantages and disadvantages of the gold standard and fiat currency.
explain how communism made Germany lose WW1, because that's what the stab in the back was, the idea that rebels made Germany lose the war. So please explain what communist uprising crippled the Germany military and forced them to sign the armistice
Lol sure m8
The sailers from the high seas fleet getting on the train to berlin. They were made to mutiny by communist psychic powers, as there is no way they would have defied their kiaser and kaiserreich like that!
Sup Forums is a jewish conspiracy, you're all fucking kike worshipers without even realising
Not him but it was communist revolutions in post war Germany that did great harm.
Germany was set to win WW1 till America came in, especially seeing how the french army was near open rebellion levels of pissed.
once again proving that britburgers are the ultimate cancer
I'm far from an expert but I know that simply printing more money is going to devalue it.
With nothing to back it, it's just fancy paper.