Still the best Far Cry
Still the best Far Cry
>he hasn't played Far Cry 1
underage retard
FC1 is generic and Crysis pretty much surpassed it in every way until the gay alien shit.
Far Cry 1 is literal fucking shit, you have to be a mouthbreathing retard to enjoy that glorified techdemo.
That's because Crysis came out 3 years later and is made by the same devs as Far Cry 1.
Underage retard confirmed.
>people are this underage on Sup Forums
>liking games with shit gameplay
LITERAL techdemo. You should not be allowed to live, I'd slit your fucking throat myself if you lived anywhere near me child.
Far Cry 1 had infinitely better gameplay than Far Cry 2.
For fucks sake, stop watching lets plays and actually play the games you fag
>you're underage because of unrelated reasons!
you're a special kind of retarded
>I'd slit your fucking throat myself if you lived anywhere near me child.
lmfao, grow the fuck up you underage b&
3 is the best. 1 is outdated shit, and 2 was plagued by respawns and constant malaria.
Every single fucking game from Crytek is a tech demo. Why do you think they're bankrupt?
Because at the end of the day, good games sell better than overglorified tech demos pretending to be games.
>I'm getting butthurt on Sup Forums because someone calls me underage
Wanna know how I know that you're a underage newfaggot?
It's not about the graphics you underage faggot, it's about not having actual gameplay.
dude choke point respawns lmao
>3 is the best
kill yourself
except for the seeing you across the map even if you are hiding in tall grass, yes i agree
one of the best shooters alongside FEAR
Instincts was the best Far Cry.
show me the post where I said anything about graphics you fucking fool
Are you completely illiterate?
Were Far Cry 3 and 4 a step on the right direction?
Fuck no.
Sorry, I don't take advice from faggots.
>use a shitty sniper i picked up
>blows up in my hands whilst trying to take out a guy
fucking kino, not knowing when its gonna blow up adds to the suprise when it does, its far better than climb towers and copy paste hideouts 3 and 4
>pirate FC3
>save the game
>quit game
>come back on later
>game didnt save
anyone know a fix? i did run it in admin mode
>yone know a fix? i did run it in admin mode
delete system32
I mean look at your reply for instance This is how I know you're retarded and projecting. The point of the post you were responding to was to tell you that crytek outdid itself already with Crysis. After which you sperg out and preach to the choir, assuming that only you made that connection. What a fucking retard you are.
>extensively try to bring forth your argument on Sup Forums
My bad I'm drunk. I will however be sober in a day while you remain fucking retarded for thinking FC1 had better gameplay than FC2.
desu the other user was right and you get pretty btfo with his retort. Pretty retarded to compare FC1 to Crysis anyways when the topic of the thread is far cry games.
All I remember from this shitstain of a game is endless driving and clearing out the same outposts over and over and over again which you will inevitably encounter during the fucking driving. The first game is better, 3 is better and Blood Dragon is leagues better.
4 exists
Dude jammed weapons lmao
fc1 is terrible
it's fun until you have to go against he bullet sponge animals and it's just a dumb doom clone
before that it's fun as hell sniping people
Dude malaria lmao
>best at anything
It lets me kill negroes, set fires to bushes and trees and run zebras over
playing it right now, but fucking checkpoints and dude weapon jam / dude syringe / dude open world and side missions lmao is annoying as fuck.
no shit, faggot.