ITT: Pleasant surprises of 2017

ITT: Pleasant surprises of 2017

honorable mention: Nex Machina

>No Toukiden 2
>No Gravity Rush 2
>No Yakuza 6 release trailer
>No Hollow Knight
you suck

>a game that is not out yet

lol no

how was horizon a surprise at all? sony advertised the arse out of it

Sorry mate, you wasted this thread by putting Horizon. Just wait and see how angry retards destroy this thread. You should just delete this and post image without triggering games

it was a surprise that it was so shitty

>Best girl
but seriously the game is good and it has none SJW meme you guys talked about. In fact it's a pretty innocent game by western standards. I believe they will include heavy LGBT pandering in the sequel though

>A legit amazing game
>Die you rat motherfucker

replace horizon with yakuza and it would be more accurate

FFXV Windows edition.

horizon was such a forgetable game, sonic mania is good, mario and rabbit seriously? and MH will be the same as ever

Horizon was indeed a pleasant surprise.
Sonic Mania too.
3rd would be Hollow Knight as user above mentioned.
4rth Rain world.

This except without Horizon.

There have been 7 Yakuza games before 0. It wasn't a surprise to anybody who's played the series before.

All those games are shit and are only shilled by fantards. Especially fucking Horizon lmao.

Most people havent though for many it was out first yakuza game and it turned us into fanboys, nobody who never played yakuza expected it to be that good and I think that qualifies for some surprise at least

Not what the thread is about. Just cause it took a PS4 port and some whacky internet videos to get most people on board doesn't mean it didn't have a strong fanbase before.

>an ape

>new IP game with a good story and cool setting


>Old blue fox running at fast speeds doing what he's been doing for over 15 years

wow what a master piece!

whatever dickcheese

>Hyping up a fucking trailer
Are Yakuzafags the most nu/v/ fanbase on the board?

Whatever yourself. That's like saying metal gear solid 5 was a "surprise" just cause it was the first one the Xbox crowd played.

Horizon was a very good game, fun, open world, great graphics and a post-apocalyptic setting that worked. Too bad people will shit on it without having played a second of it.

>new ip with the same gameplay of the ubisoft games in 10 years with hollywood shit story and mediocre in everything
>a good platform games, with different gameplay than any other in this years, and maniacly detailed

The fact I can't wrangle and ride the BIG dinos is the deal breaker. Elephants in Far Cry are more exciting than raptorbots simply by virtue of being bigger than and moving differently from Horses.

new ip is great and I still remember seeing the 2015 e3 reveal and being blown away but horizon has some faults.

the combat is awesome, the sound design is incredibly good but the music really shit and you need good music in open world rpgs like witcher for example, the story was pretty gud but the characters and the character designs were pretty shat. The graphics are insanely good but the environments themselves were not special and nothing we've already seen with exception to the cauldrons which had mind blowing scifi stuff going on. The final boss fight sucked but the robot enemy design was immaculate. Overall it was a enjoyable game but the faults I mentioned including a severe lack of weapon variety really held it back.

If they can add fantasy into the environments even space and add more weapon variety and improve the music the game or sequel can be a 9/10. The characters and story should take a backseat to those three areas which need improvement

It was called surprises for a reason.

"Surprising" games to me are are games that were better than you thought they would be, as well as surprise announcements.

If that's the case then OP is pretty on point. Like I'm not surprised BotW turned out alright, but I was surprised Horizon did a lot right
>Nex Machina
MAH NIGGA you have taste

Fuck off weeb shit. Horizon is a good game unlike your shitty platformer

>weeb as an insult
you need to fuck off from this site

>Wanting to ride something so big the terrain design becomes almost impossible to traverse
Why? You wouldn't even be able to see what you were doing.

I would if the terrain was actually interact-able. Also because it would be awesome if done in a less restrictive game.

Ok tell me a thing horizon has done better than sonic

being a weeb is an insult. Being so obsessed about japanese cartoons that it takes over your personality and daily life jesus christ. fuck your shit anime games too

You need to fuck off this board you scum. This isn't Sup Forums

story and graphics

Okay now list things that matter.

Maybe not so pleasant as hilarious

you know where you are right?

story and graphics :>

Wtf are you talking about. Small buildings, trees and big rocks can be destroyed completely not to mention you can roll logs down to destroy enemies.
What type of interactivity are you looking for?

Hollywood cringy shit
Yeah great illuminations, but the models looks so fucking ugly, alloy look like a woman with too much test

Check our /r/anime, it's a nice place for anime lovers and dysfunctional members of the state.

The kind that allows me to use a robo T-Rex.

I'll keep waiting.

This is not your safe space, if you post that gay shit people are gonna call you out on it.

Not all of them can though. Trees are unhurtable with both melee and arrows. The log rolling is used a grand total of twice the entire game

Rabbids and Horixon are shit

That game was hyped to shit and marketed up the ass, still was a forgettable shitshow.

Better models than your favourite game :^)

You're mistaking detail with appeal

>Trees are unhurtable with both melee and arrows
That is because it is a mostly realistic game in that power dynamic. Robots can destroy them if they are big enough.

>the absolute state of r/donald


Not memeing

Monster Hunter got pushed back?

>he didn' t show the face

Yeah the same shit for 40 hours

And you have confirmed shit taste regardless.

>No one else mentions Nex Machina.

I knew you were all plebs

MGS 2 and 3+ Peace Walker came out on 360 beforehand you seething tard.

Nice pore technology on an otherwise completely uninteresting face.

It was always early 2018

Cmon you can't be serious


why are sonybros so goddamn pathetic
i get liking horizon but why you gotta shit up the board like this

>a 2 hour tour
>a 40 hour tour

You didn't play it, but it's satisfying to kill machines that barely take damage if you don't exploit their weak points. Combat has a lot of freedom. It's a good game

cyberpunk plz

Shit up the board how exactly? You are literally coming into a thread where a person just mentions that they thought horizon was a pleasant surprise this year, and you just couldn't KEEP yourself from fucking shitposting all over.

This board is a worse place because of toddlers like yourself.

Who's the drag queen in the pic? I'm serious, that's my thing.


It's not that they liked horizon, it's that they were being spergy and defensive about it. Which is why I didn't link OP.

i play both, but i've already played monster hunter and horizon was like not something new or better...
And besides that i like more a game that is only 2 hours lenght but in these 2 hours there are many more different things to do

When someone states the opposite of facts about a game you like, i think the natural reaction would be to correct them no?

Nah man he's already got the moral high ground in his head, let him have this.


Correct them, maybe. If it's clear that they aren't just shitposting. What I don't do is resort to underage Sup Forums-tier meme arguments.

Then give my post a Sup Forums atypical response instead of lumping me with the other guy, with a "lolbadtaste" post.

Give me 1 (one) example of these "Sup Forums- tier meme arguments"
hard mode: 2 examples

>beautiful redhead strong white woman
learn your racism you troglodyte

How long did it take you to beat it?

not the person you replied to but i went to do everything so around 90 hours

>story doesn't matter!
literally retarded

>Using actually having a plot as an argument against Sonic
I'm actually starting to feel bad about how hard you guys want us to like Horizon.

Rabbids is legitimately a good game

It's a xcom rip off

>Not what the thread is about.
Well, why the fuck is Sonic on the list then? Anyone with half a brain shouldn't have been surprised by Mania's quality.

derivative doesn't mean bad

Was genuinely surprised BotW was as good as it was

>marketers still trying to salvage Horizon by associating it with quality games
Oh, I love it. So desperate.

Fast RMX.
Sup Forums told me nothing about this game. I loved Wipe Out and there was a similar game on the Saturn with weapons, and i played the shit out of them. Two days ago there was a message on "Switch news" that there was a update for a game i didn't knew. IT was motherfucking Fast RMX. Old school future arcade racer. My dick is hard for two days.

Yeah yeah Zelda.

Motherfucking Fast RMX

That's just a Wii U game rebranded, you probably heard about it before. Fast Racing Neo.

It doesn't make me forgive Mighty No 9, but I am somewhat happy that Beck is in a good game.

Seriously, the best argument against Horizon is that Aloy looks like a real human being instead of a japanaese plastified barbie?


>This thread

I didn't knew that. I didn't own a Wii U. How is the original?

Except everyone expected Horizon to be an inferior BotW in every aspect and that's what they delivered.

Same thing but with less tracks.

And running at 640x720 instead of full 1080p with drops to 900p.

for me it was probably Nioh.
i was expecting muh dark souls but in japan.
instead i got a way lengthier and deeper game that i personally enjoy a lot more than the souls games.
my favourite souls game is Bloodborne and i don't actually like any of the other ones except Demons Souls (havent played Dark Souls 3 yet)
i like the more actiony approach that Bloodborne took and Nioh takes it to another level by adding on layers and layers of deep mechanics while upping the speed even more.
for me it's probably my Game of the Year and i can't wait for DLC #3

I figured HZD would be a great game, Mania looked great, pleasantly surprised there, the rabbids game I simply refuse to even play, and MH has me keeping an eye out.

Imagine being so dedicated to contrarianism that you willingly ignore great games just because they're popular. What a miserable existence that must be.
