is this fun?
Is this fun?
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it's reddit tier
Is alright, it has its flaws but the choices you make in the game actually do influence the ending you get unlike most other games that offer choices these days.
Do you like Mass Effect 1? It's that but you're James Bond. And the choices aren't just good guy/bad guy, and they actually affect things.
If you are a fan of shitty gameplay but like pick a path adventure books user you have found yourself a game for the ages.
the best game ever in terms of decisions and how they affect the game
pretty awful gameplay
its worth a playthrough.
Define fun.
Its a dog shit TPS, like every TPS is but the story lets you be Sterling Archer or James Bond and it actually changes the way it plays out.
If you want to be Steven Segal, take pistol spec and drop everyone between you and the girls
Very much so. It's an amazing game with some incredibly fun systems (you'll always get rewarded in ways that suit your playstyle- sneak more and you'll get sneaking perks, shoot more you'll get shooting perks etc), great characters and a heap of fun mechanics.
People complain about the combat/gameplay, and that's probably an issue if you choose anything but Pistols/Stealth, but it's perfectly fine as Pistols/Stealth, so just choose Pistols/Stealth. Martial arts is great at higher levels and Assault Rifles are good too, but Pistols/Stealth is just the best.
The plot is nebulous as fuck and hard to understand exactly what's happening at times, but when it all comes together it's fantastic and the way it entwines with your choices is really goddamn great (Do Rome first and your choices will impact Taiwan and Moscow, do them in another order and you'll have other impacts, etc).
how are the waifus in this game?
When was the last time somebody marketed a game as having the best systems and mechanics?
I imagine it would be a big hit among accountants and robots.
get through the middle east intro and yeah.
Low amount but high quality
One of them literally rapes you
There's only one, and she likes it when you're mean to her.
they're the best
There's 4 and you can kill any and all 4 of them if you so desire.
Can kill another non waifu cutie too if you'd like. Then take her locket as a trophy and use it to taunt her father figure.
>hey frieeeeend
Cone to go?
It's the only game where I truly felt that you could be just an asshole. Like, games with morality systems often have you be either a paragon of virtue or just an cartoony evil motherfucker, but Mike in Alpha Protocol is literally just an asshole
Max Ass Mike is the only Mike
yes, this is one of your safehouses, you can get this upgrade
GOD TIER game with shit tier combat
>can literally kill and do whatever the fuck you want