Is it possible to revive Ultimas IP?
What company should pic it up? Would it be worth it?
Also miss you spoony, XoXo
Is it possible to revive Ultimas IP?
What company should pic it up? Would it be worth it?
Also miss you spoony, XoXo
No, let it stay dead. Kids these days don't deserve good games anyways.
They wont make a new ultima until ultima online finally dies.
They've been getting 12.99$ monthly from thousands of autists since 1997, and they ain't letting anything get in its way.
No way that is still up?
That's kinda impressive
All they had to do was make elder scrolls but not shit and dumbed down and they will easily find an audience
yeah, 20 years strong
should have died with age of shadows.
they used to have 200,000 subscriptions at some point. No idea how much it is now
But isn't it already happening?
Well that's not the same IP.
Or is it within the same world or something?
doesnt look detailed at all.
looks like a cheap ipad version of a shit rip off of ultima
Only cuckolds hate Ultima 8
Wait, isn't it complete garbage? There's actually people defending that shit?
show your work, refute the key points held against the game.
gr8b 8
>Is it possible to revive Ultimas IP?
What the hell. Why would you do that? If you wanted to make a new game based on the original concepts found in Ultima, such as a meaningful morality system or the whole "you are the avatar" literally, then it would be far better to create a brand new game to make a comparison. If you want to make it some sort of sequel running off the Ultima timeline, then you have to deal with the absolute fuckery that is Ultima 9.
There is literally no reason to use the Ultima IP outside attempting to cash in on nostalgiabucks, and Lord of Ultima already tried and failed to do that.
Well it's being developed by former Looking Glass memebers and even Warren Spector is on board.
Not a fan of the artstyle either, hopefully they will work on it, mechanics look neat though.
>What company should pic it up?
Pick it up? EA owns Ultima.
Looked up some footage
The design and art look awful
man that's a huge bummer
They aren't really doing anything with it tho'
As some faggot said yesterday, they should just get Garriott to write an Ultima story and use the DoS1 (or maybe 2) engine for combat.
Larian can't write a plot to save their lives but are essentially the peak of modern CRPG combat with a tactical twist.
Garriott can write amazingly complex stories about morally gray areas and ones personal interpretation of good and evil, but his games are always a chore because his team don't know how combat engines work.
Mix these too and you might just end up making GOAT.
D:OS with actual writing would be about as good as it gets.
EA could outsource it? Larian, like said would be a good pick.
Not to hijack OP's thread, but you'd think they'd try letting someone who's not retarded write a story for them for once. DOS2 is better in that department than DOS1, but not by enough.
EA is legendarily known for sitting on their IPS for fucking years without doing anything with them. We'll eventually see a new Ultima game, but it won't have Garriott in it at all, and it'll be some soulless committee-tested streamlined crap that will do nothing but insult the series.
Yea i don't think i've ever heard of EA selling or doing a outsource thing with any IP.
They're what the french call... les encompetant'
This is the kind of thing that sounds good in theory. You gotta' remember that Larian actually pride themselves on the "wackiness" of their games. They actually think this is a good selling point for them.
On the subject of Garriott, you gotta' remember that the guy's not the one we all remember. He has made several contributions to the gaming scene since he stopped doing Ultima, and most of those show him for the talentless hack he his. Hell the latter Ultima games ate shit too, so it's not like everything he touches turns to gold.
I don't think he has it in him anymore, and Larian are actually proud of their biggest weakness so they're not going to change.
OP here
I don't care if you hijack, just as long as it's about Ultima and the fanbase ect ect.
A new Ultima game would be sweet, but I doubt they'd be able to create anything worthy of the name of the older games. Even though Witcher 3 and the likes bought renewed attention to the adult-oriented fantasy setting, I doubt EA would be able to pull it off.
>photo of literal cuckolding in the image
It's bait, and pretty obvious bait at that.
Not a single game in this series was ever good. FUCK you.
go play demo
>Larian can't write a plot to save their lives but are essentially the peak of modern CRPG combat with a tactical twist.
Are you retarded?
How so?
Ultima 8 is garbage on technical level though.
Even Spoony hasn't criticized writing itself that much, he was mad about parts that weren't finished or slightly contradicted description of Pagan in Ultima 7. Even when he pointed out how Avatar does some dark shit in Pagan it was mostly for jokes and even started out Ultima 9 review by pointing out how Ultima 8's problems are technical problems.