What could possibly go wrong?

What could possibly go wrong?

>Bubsy gets a new game
>It ends up being fucking incredible
Post YFW

>new 2D sonic and bubsy in the same year


Literally everything. Talkong global cat-astrophy here.

Now that's a character whose existence in this day and age perplexes me more than fucking Sonic and fucking Pacman. How is this character still not dead and forgotten?

>yfw Modern Bubsy is an unlockable character

If the game isn't hot garbage then it isn't really Bubsy.

>a fucking buisness card as part of the pre-order package.

>homing attack
Fucking Sonic 4 shenanigans

>paying extra for a fucking business card
Yeah no.

I have a feeling this'll be the first Bubsy game that'll actually be playable and not a total janky piece of shit.
Really like the new redesign as well. Making him look a little shaggier and giving him both hand and foot claws.

I really hope this game fails. Who thought it would be a good idea to bring back a character extremely hated by the world?

Anyone who claims this game is amazing is just doing it for the meme-value. You could have been playing this "incredible" game for years now, because these developers already released a game just like this as a reboot of ANOTHER forgotten series.

Ever hear of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams? Probably not, because it was mediocre as shit.

Looks like it'll be a really generic but not awful platformer. Which is an improvement I guess.

>it was mediocre as shit
It's not even a 3/10 what the fuck do you mean
Also Giana Sisters was never good to start with

It's only a reskin of the recent Giana sisters game, so at least it will have good gameplay.

>Ever hear of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams? Probably not, because it was mediocre as shit.
yes I did, it was the first steam greenlight game to ever be released and it was actually good and sold very well, giving people hope for greenlight

I saw gameplay of this and it looks pretty lame. The original game was fast like Sonic and balls to the wall difficult because of the speed and level layout. This however looks like a watered down platformer made to cash in on a meme. A meme that if I'm perfectly honest isn't really that funny. Bubsy is just a failed mascot that had 4 bad games and a pilot episode who also says crappy puns and has a stupid catchphrase. Nothing funny about it.

Move on people.

>This developer made a 7/10 platformer
>That means they should be written off forever
I have nu/v/

I think platformers are making a return, don't be suprised if we see shit like Jazz Jackrabbit or a new Conker.

Sonic Mania Collector's Edition comes with a metal card. If Bubsy's is paper or plastic, I'll probably laugh like Tidus.

>it was the first Steam Greenlight game to ever be released and it was actually good
No way fag, it's boring shit.
>and it sold very well
Alright what the fuck
>giving people hope for Greenlight
PC is doomed.

>Jazz Jackrabbit
Epic games are too busy making money of developer royalties for Unreal Engine 4 than they are making games.

>nu Rare


>they could've made a rayman game
>they could've made a spyro game
>they could've made a medievil game
>they couldve made a banjo kazooie game
>they make fucking bubsy

Why do objectively bad games have cult followings anyway?
Do people get off from being ironic?

>open a card
>it's a quote from Bubsy of a shitty catchphrase or pun
>everyone who buys this gets a different one from each other

It's gonna suck either way.

>what could pawsibly go wrong?
Someone fucked up

>special edition of the game includes the game

nice, based devs

Can someone explain bubsy to me because the series seems like an actual joke. Like the people who make it are committed to real-life satire.

Didn't it recently have some online webgl game too?

>a new Jazz Jackrabbit in ue4 to show off the engine
You never know

If some UE4 developers were to work on a prototype and pitch it to Epic Games, there would only be a 1/4 chance of Epic wanting fund it. Jazz Jackrabbit is part of Epic's history and 2019 is the series 25th anniversary, but Epic have more focus on developing and pushing big seller games and supporting big names like Square Enix, Activision, SEGA, Namco, etc.

are you memeing or just retarded?

Who is this "they"?
You realize that each one of those series are owned and made by different people, right?

>New Bubsy gets physical release
>Sonic Mania doesn't

BF1 and the new ME both had collector's editions costing $100+ that did not include the video game. Maybe there was an AC too, I don't know. It just boggles the mind.

Can't take it for granted anymore.

Sega is retarded and didn't think Sonic Mania would do well

okay how about this you autistic fuck
>ubisoft couldve made a rayman game but they thought rabbids are a better fit for a mario crossover
>insomniac couldve made spyro together with activision but they're too busy shitting out another shovelware and clank
>sony could've made a new medievil but they're too busy paying off devs and jerking it over uncharted's corpse
>microsoft couldve made a new banjo kazooie but they're too busy being jews and thinking up new plans on how to trap good goys into installing W10
that's how shit this industry is. everything is shit.

Much better
If you're going to be a cynical asshole at least don't be a retard about it