It's out
Other urls found in this thread:
This blog seems like it's run by a nice person
The people who run it having nice senses of humor also help.
Does the admin of that site know he is /ourguy/?
Who do you think always posts the website here?
Technically a girl but we do have some male reviewers too :)
No fucking way.
I try to hop onto live threads when I can. Usually discover them after they're dead though :(
post feet
>Links image on image board
footfags invasion incoming
Why does the cover look like a loli doujin?
I don't know if it's true or not but just in the smidgen of a chance you are who you say you are, you should know you are pretty much the only review site left free from hidden agendas, political propaganda and corrupt cliques. Never change and never accept a partnership with any other game review sites. Especially polygon.
>The ninth commandment is to tell the truth and as Christians, INTEGRITY is very important to us and our readers
>not only browses but posts on Sup Forums
explain this shit. is this jewish trickery?
>Implying there is anything intrinsically morally wrong with just posting on Sup Forums
Love thy neighbor faggot, even if all he does is spout autistic opinions at you.
Is this actually her?
Everyone is after that orphan in the game
Most companies want nothing to do with us and ignore us. The closest review site we're affiliated with is FamilyFriendlyGaming but we have different views on games and review styles.
I come onto Sup Forums when I see traffic spikes from it. I won't deny it ;)
That's a different Cheryl Gress this one is me -
That cover is REALLY bad
Nice doggo
Out of the two protagonists in 0, who did you have the most fun playing as? Pic related for me.
What's wrong with that cat?
And boy does he.
No that's why I deleted it
Realized that
The backside of the steelbook case is really neat though.
Majima of course!
The white fuzzball is my dog. This is my cat who likes to pee everywhere -
>Video game thread turns into a blog
Sasuga Sup Forums
>christ centered gamer
I haven't cringed this hard since watching that christcuck on youtube who thought planes were fake and holograms from the devil.
Did you actually read the review? It's quite good and separates the quality of the game from the morality score.
Holy fuck, this site is like a cringe goldmine
>using ads as an example
>religious faggots
>ever not cringe
>having adds on your website so you can make money is cringey
I know the add itself is dorky but that's "gamer appearl" in general. Not a site exclusive feature.
Good review.
>triggered christcuck unsheating le fedora meme
selling shit in the name of Jesus
cant get any more un-christian then that unless you were the Vatican
>Morality Score
>a fucking christian review blog
>giving morality score to games
>unironically shilling it on fucking Sup Forums of all places
most big review sites factor their morality scores into the actual score, as in, "not enough blacks or whateversexuals, game is shit". I'm all for splitting that, because you can ignore that part then.
>linking images on an image board
>Only playing games approved by a morality score
>its ok to shill if it's for jesus
So this is what Sup Forums looks like ran by larping christcucks from Sup Forums
Sup Forums is pretty christian what with the hating of atheists, jews and muslims
Isn't it better to have moralityshit separate rather than actually affecting the real score like mainstream reviewers do?
Blind hate is not very Christian
The site constantly plays games that have a low morality score though? The reviews itself are still great. The Gone Home one is excellent.
>>Only playing games approved by a morality score
Are you retarded? They gave it like a 25% morality score.
>Sup Forums is pretty christian
Nice cringe website you got there by the way faggot.
But it's not blind hate to hate atheists, jews and muslims.
t. fedora tipping atheist
>persona 5 review comments
>Thanks for the review! I will be skipping this game because of all the immorality of it, but I will watch a little of it on Youtube to see what it's about. It's wayyyy too out there even for me, a veteran gamer.
>You clearly are not Christian.
Those are not real Angels in your game. They are occult mockeries put in to fill out the devil worshipping aesthetic. The game is your typical gnostic crap. Relativist, "ghost in machine" dualism and advocating to every perversion because want to claim the body doesn't matter because they want to lead you into sin. You people are making excuses for this game like addicts.
I don't need some nobody retards on the Internet telling me if they think a game is good or not
Played it myself and loved it fuck off
Well if you're a good little christcuck you're not gonna play a game with a low morality score now are you? stupid nigger
>morality score
>Thank you Sega for sending us this game to review!
Based Sega
Really surprised such a niche site would get actual support from publishers
>associating idiotic christian rethoric with video games
For what purpose?
I don't see why you couldn't. It's not a sin to play games.
>Moral Warnings: Lots of intense violence though some of it can be disabled; plenty of cursing and blaspheming with no words left out; prostitution and organ trafficking are shown; drinking and smoking is seen throughout the game
We make digital media designed to show the world God’s love through engaging applications. While we care about people, we are all committed to making awesome mobile games that are as fun as they are powerful.
We're on pretty good terms with several publishers besides Atlus/Sega, Ubisoft, KoeiTecmo, NIS America, Team 17, Sekai Project, FrozenByte to name a few send us games regularly.
>Cringes just from reading the word 'christ'
>Doesn't realise it's one of the more unbiased review sites online
>sekai project
O am I laffin
What is the Gospel?
Gamers make mistakes all the time. When we mess up we hit Restart and play all over again. But in life there’s really only ONE restart button… the Gospel.
“Gospel” means “good news.” Good news to the really bad news that everyone in the world makes mistakes called sins. But these sins are so bad because they mess up our connectivity with God. If that connection stays broken when we die, it’s Game Over forever in a pit no man wants to fall into.
BUT WAIT, there’s GOOD NEWS. God loves you SO MUCH, realizing there’s no way your character could win on its own He created His own Character to help you win. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to live on this earth and play life to perfection. But though He had no sins of His own, He gave Himself for you, taking on the penalty that you deserved for the mistakes you’ve made.
>site that makes their bias clear and even separates it from the objective score
>Sup Forums hate it
Explain without tipping fedoras
That's cool.
I respect that you don't let the morality score affect your enjoyment of games and give them bad reviews because they feature content you would rather not see. That's more integrity than big reviewers have.
>samefagging for your cringeworthy blog
>on fucking Sup Forums
just get the fuck out
>idiotic christian rethoric
>All these fucking newfags trying to be edgy and just outing themselves as ledditards who haven't been here for more than a couple months.
>God's wife's son
Thanks for the kind words!
>coming here to shill a game is okay cause Christianity lmao
fuck off
Since I'm not samefagging and not a christian I can go tell you to put peanut butter on your fist and punch your mum's arsehole and lick the result clean you twat
>site having a separate score for triggered altar boys
What's next, sjw site having separate multiculturalism score? Fucking ridiculous, is this how fucking low Sup Forums has sunk?
Deus vult larpers are the only "Christians" Sup Forums see daily
Jesus is a faggot
that would be nice instead of how they include it on the regular score now. Maybe later they can make a site that has the butthurt faggot score so people like you know how much to be offended
>piece of shit christcuck shills his cringeworthy blog anonymously and then samefags in it
Why is this ok? Oh right, Sup Forums leakage and muh jesus.
>What's next, sjw site having separate multiculturalism score?
Would literally have no problem with this if they are open and clear about their biases.
>implying any good Christian wants to associate with Sup Forums sewage
Better than pushing their sjw shit into reviews like they do now. Bayonetta 2 (goty 2014) got a 7.5 from polygon just because it triggered the reviewer
Thanks for your opinion, personally I'm more concerned about how good the game is, rather than complaining about cover art on Sup Forums
It's worth picking up :)
Persona is immoral to him? Holy shit what a faggot
>us christian gamers XDDD
But muh angels and demons, though all religions are similar with their icons
Giv Christian gf
Oh... What could have been... *sigh*
This thread is pretty bad.
It's sad to see how a christfriend can separate their views from a subject to be more objective and critical, but newfags can't stop spamming green arrow quotes and reaction images because religion is problematic for them.
Get the fuck out.
Also: Advertising (all forms) is not welcome
This has to be post-ironic or something, right?
One of my hardest faps, all the dank church memes on her twitter feed didn't help.
not just retarded atheists as usual who think their religion of science was kept down by Christianity
So recommending Yakuza Kiwami is advertising? This is Sup Forums correct?
Might as well post "the chart" too.
>morality score
>advertising her shitty blog
>uses smileys unironically
>samefags anoymously
>us christian gamers
>pol spillage and fedora memes
One of the worst thread on Sup Forums right now.
I can see fucking worse off this catalog
Greek Orthodox here. What's your denomination?
Also, what do you think of the Doom series?