Just got this

Just got this.

What am I in for?

a slightly above-average spooky boo-boo game that was too scripted for my liking

A game that starts off promising but stops being good about halfway in.

press F for Cristiano Campo Rojo.

A pretty good Resident Evil game, at least compared to the last few atrocities they released.

A game that redefines Resident Evil and brands the series as its own.

Why is Rory in Resident Evil?

god i wanna play this but i'm scared easily

it took me forever to get through Soma because i was too scared to move ;-;

only 6 is truly shit

actually a really satisfying experience

despite being a more storytelling driven, the combat and crafting system are not bad at all. actually the game is very polished in all aspects

A pretty good game. The third act isn't as strong as what came before it, but It's a memorable ride.

It sucks to say, but you'll want the Season Pass dlc, as it has a lot of fun modes and challenges that add longevity to the package. Some of those modes should have been included in the base package, but what can you do.

The unlocked difficulty, Madhouse, is easily worth a second play through.

OP here, I'm also scared easily. This is my first RE game, and only second horror game after playing ten minutes of Silent Hill 2 and noping the fuck out. I'm determined to get into the genre.

It seems to be scary for the first 30 minutes, then it becomes a wacky adventure starring crazy pops and his mental family and after that it becomes a piece of fucking ship.
Enjoyable experience overall.
Also, the locked room style DLC was really cool.

SH2 is more of an atmospheric game, not relying on jump-scares to spook you.
For the most part RE7 has a fair amount of jump-scares, and only one specific part in the game had me shitting it due to atmosphere.

>RE7 has a fair amount of jump-scares

Oh fuck I've made a horrible mistake. I can handle gore, atmosphere, what have you - but not jump scares.

Walking simulator with forced cutscenes, pointless story, no zombies.

this is possibly one of the best horror games ever. i know this is a bizarre thing to say after the classics are already out (condemned,fear,penumbra etc).im really glad to see that developers are stepping up and try to compete, maybe its because evil within and outlast got popular

really awesome game enjoy!!!

I find games like Dead Space are good for getting into horror. The game is moderately scary but as you're such a badass it's never oppressive.

I have a real hatred of hide and seek simulators though and horror games have been almost exclusively that for the last 4+ years.

There aren't that many jump scares at all.
When you get to the greenhouse clench your butthole before you climb the stairs. Other than that I really don't remember anything too bad.

How often does REVII have you running and hiding from invincible enemies? Really hate this mechanic.

Give the game a try at least. I think I might have made them sound more scary than what they really are.
Take that for what you will though, since this is coming from someone who plays a lot of horror games.

There's no real running and hiding mechanic.

Like one segment in the very beginning that lasts for all of 5 minutes.
Rest of it isn't

you have tons of options on how to deal with enemies, you can easily trick them if you have the right items.
also the game throws you into deep waters when it comes to mechanics, much like the old horror games

Just play and find out for yourself before you get spoiled.

I'd heard that encounters with the family members happen randomly throughout the game and they're invincible. Not true?

you can kill them temporarily but they get back up and it's a complete waste of time and resources

RE7 is the scariest RE game, but it's not that bad.

4/5/6 are straight up action games and not scary. Probably the next scariest is the original, but it's nowhere near RE7 levels. Then would be RE3, followed by RE2 (which has more action than I think people tend to remember).

The best parts of RE7 are the Jack/Marguerite sections. If you can get through those, you can get through the rest of the game.

They are invincible (makes sense plotwise) but those encounters are either scripted (aka not random) or you can just run past them (they don't pose a real threat, unless you act like a retard).

REmake is pretty damn scary

Two and a half times IIRC. Both main ones from Marguerite. Both similar. Then there's kind of a loop in which you're running from Jack. But it's not really hiding.

I put it after RE7, though. There are very few jumpscares. Off the top of my head the dogs that everyone knows about, second time with the giant snake (but it's pretty obvious it's coming), and I think once with hunters.

The tone is also much cheesier, and the environment isn't as scary. Also the game is much slower, so it's less tense.

And I think third-person is less scary as well.

I would say 2/3rds only because that puzzle in Lucas' part was actually really good.

The only not good part for me was the boat. Way too long. Way too repetitive. And RE5 already had a better big boat section.

The outbreak series is the scariest

>stuck on the bonus content of Last of Us

I'm too afraid!!!!!

Best in the series.
On par with Silent Hill 2,3,4, but very VERY short. Luckily it has a lot of replay value, 2 endings, and a lot of insight into the tweest ending on your second play through.

How come?

I haven't played.

play RE outbreak, my fav RE game

Its good save your ammo for actual boss fights

>not liking the pinnacle of horror games that is the first half of alien isolation

What the fug, user

>Not defeating Jack with only a knife

What a pleb.

A pretty good survival horror game, and welcome refreshing change of a stagnating franchise.