*teleports behind you*
Hey kid, my name? Dark blade.
My master sent me here to steal your most valuable video game. Give it to me now, or I'll have to kill you. Nothen personnel kid, it's just business.
*teleports behind you*
Hey kid, my name? Dark blade.
My master sent me here to steal your most valuable video game. Give it to me now, or I'll have to kill you. Nothen personnel kid, it's just business.
Other urls found in this thread:
Plz mr swordsman just take my life but leave my geimu alone
*slashes ur head off*
This head will sell for a fine price in the black market, and it looks like there's no brain inside, which allows me to use it as a storage facility for my money.
Too bad I was never hear
*hologram buzzes and disapeers*
*physguns you to roof and freezes*
*slashes ur head off*
I'm sorry sir, if you won't comply I'll have to make you comply.
*searches ur house for the geimu*
Ahh here it is, Skyrim? You have awful taste, but I'm sure I'll be able to sell this for even A LITTLE money. Some idiot will buy it. Though, it does have blood on it now that I've killed you.
*washes the blood off in your sink, leaves the water running*
*teleports out of your house*
Back off now, man. Nobody's gonna take any game of mine. The gun is mightier than the sword, y'know.
Mister Darkblade, it's not 2000 anymore. I don't even OWN video game CDs. It's all on steam! And if it isn't, I pirate it!
What now?
I bought this game when it came out. I honestly had no idea it was expensive until I saw it in a store last month for $380.
*breaks the spell of the physgun and slashes your head off*
I already told you the rules. Thank you for the levitation, I appreciated the high elevation view of all you ants.
*uses your physgun to pick up your house and drop it on your dead body*
*steamid bans you*
i reckon thats that
*slashes all ur bullets in half and then slashes ur pistol open*
Now fight me like a man
*slashes ur head off*
That's a shame, nothing personelll, but the master wants either money, or blood. And I guess I'll have to bring him blood
*chops ur head off and puts it in a bag*
I'll be taking that!
Too bad I already learned your weakness back in high school
*gives you a wedgie*
>46 years later no good way to play saturn
*descends you into the abyss*
Ya, I wonder why they never figured that one out. Glad mine held up.
"heh, nice try kiddo"
"I love Emilia"