Which game should i buy if i want the most realistic war game? I am a /k fag so everything needs to be like irl

Which game should i buy if i want the most realistic war game? I am a /k fag so everything needs to be like irl.
Should i buy squad or arma 3?

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squad for pvp

Squad is a fast action PvP shooter, Arma is a large scale slow and more semi-realistic and modfriendly combined arms sim.

In Squad you can just hop on a server and do a 20 minute match. In ArmA you gotta find a milsim community first and plan a dedicated scripted Operation that will take about 2-4 hours.

ARMA 2 circa 2012

Ex Arma and /k/fag here, the singleplayer in arma I can reccomend with caution but the multiplayer is a huge boring timesink.

If you want /k/ autism then go for Escape from Tarkov, it's a huge ripoff but it's the only game on the market for autism.

Squad because Arma is all about LARPing since the game systems are so shitty

>Squad is fast
>In Squad you can just hop on a server and do a 20 minute match
wrong again, most matches take atleast an hour to complete.

Go for Squad if you enjoy pvp where people that have never met before work together as a team

go for Arma if you enjoy shitty pub gamemodes or boring hour long co-op missions with teammates even more autistic than yourself.

Squad legit offers the best milsim PVP experience and is in many ways more realistic than vanilla Arma.
You also fight in open large terrains and will most of the time call out enemies with your compass, but there is so much more to squad, building and defending FOBs, a gamemode that encourages frontline combat, backblast simulation, a minimal HUD, no killfeed and score only updates after respawn, realistic penetration, bullet drop, different reload animations for full and tactical reloads, the best VOIP and squad system you have ever seen, it's fantastic and only getting better.

ArmA 3 of course, what the fuck?
Also why don't you ask /k/?
/k/ is far less retarded than Sup Forums.

Oh fuck off Squadfag, you know exactly that Squad is just your typical quick action PvP game where you respawn instantly and can just dive back into the action after walking 10 minutes. It's completely different from the gameplay ArmA is trying to offer. And your webm is a good example.

>Mortar doesn't affect buildings or trees at all
>Being that close and not even getting hit

Also tell me when combined arms is possible on ArmA scale. Have a webm where a drone is laser designating a moving target from 500m away for a player controlled jet, 1km up in the air. The target even tries to break laser contact with a smokewall.

>gun nuts
>less retarded than anyone


>multiplayer is a huge boring timesink.
Just like the real military

>where you respawn instantly
This is how I know you never played it

>autistics on a chinese nagishata forum still have better taste in videogames than you

Actually I was one of the first people to buy and play it. Enjoyed it for a while and noticed it's just a slower battlefield with 3D voice.

I still don't understand why squad exists. If you want realism then ARMA's your thing.

What does squad do that ARMA can't?

less kiddos and shitters who ruin the game

It's faster, drop-in drop-out and completely limited to PvP. Literally just what you play when you want 30 minute infantry combat without looking for a group. It does that very well but it will never be more.

ARMA 3. Squad is utter cancer and completely dead.

really? I've played ARMA for years and squad is infested with kids.
seems like less commitment = more grief and rambo play

Call me an autist but I enjoy my ARMA group play

Nothing, It's steaming dogshit. The gameplay is ass and the community is nothing but cancerous shills who attack every other better shooter like RO2/RS2, ARMA, R6: Siege, Battlefield, etc. It is too arcadey to be a realistic shooter and too clunky to be fun and arcadey. Just pure shit.

Yes it's basically slower battlefield without the vehicles. People generally tend to invest a little more comitment into the game but not as much as into ArmA.

>typical action PVP game
>60 second respawn timer
>10 minutes walking
>typical action PVP game

> It's completely different from the gameplay ArmA is trying to offer.
>Arma offers large terrains and longe range engagements with a focus on teamplay and coordination (which is lost on public servers and only works with closed communities, that play once a week, at a specific hour during weekends and probably don't have a single PVP mission on their server)

>Squad offers large terrains and longe range engagements with a focus on teamplay and coordination

really makes you think

>What does squad do that ARMA can't?

>actual netcode
>map design that isn't just satellite data copied 1 for 1
>better gunplay
>non shitty engine
>better animations
>better particle effects
>better sound design
>better public community
>better voip system
>no desync, ever
>no desyncing vehicles that explode when they touch another vehicle at 5 mp/h

It's an objectively better PVP experience, I appreciate Arma for co-op but it's an ancient engine refurbished over and over again and you feel it when you play.

>Yes it's basically slower battlefield without the vehicles
And this shows that you haven't played Squad in over a year, fucking shut up about a game which you haven't played in a year, you don't know shit.

Squadfag got triggered hard

butthurt squadfag found

Why not just play the better game?
>better voip
max lel
>better particle effects
convincing yourself?
>better community
ARMA's community has been built up for 16 years, is very welcoming and helpful

>Better animations
if you want animations then play COD

I'm sure better armafags can disect your points better but that's my take. Squad exists as a ladderrung between old BF and ARMA.

>huurrr triggered xD
you are literally wrong about every aspect of the game, idiot

Nice battlefield you got there, or ist that Squad? Can't see the difference over the 20m firefights.

Arma is the only game to offer something for combined arms conflicts. You can approximate almost any real life modern military conflict within Arma or a similar fictional equivalent ingame.

Quality of your experience depends on what clans you join though.

looks like BF with bad graphics.

>almost no bulletdrop
>everyone running against plain building walls AGAINST the enemy
>I'll just look out this open balcony lmao

stick to BF kiddo.

>playing vanilla arma on public servers
and you call people squadfags

>better voip
>max lel
Oh, so Arma 3s voip system is better? Are you out of your mind? Most the time it doesn't even work on public servers and bugs out
>better particle effects
>convincing yourself?
I don't need to, compare youtube.com/watch?v=mUI0Ya2z0iI to my webm lmao >better community
>ARMA's community has been built up for 16 years, is very welcoming and helpful
Yea, when was the last time you had any teamplay on a public server in Arma 3?

You don't know what you are talking about

>8 hours
talk to me when you add a zero to that scrub

>almost no bulletdrop
>less than 200 meters
Why are Armafags always grasping at straws?

>playing on public servers
>playing vanilla
>using voip instead of tfar or acre
>not installing blastcore for particle effects

nu-Sup Forums is showing

>Can't see the obvious fucking mods
It was a funmode my group played midweek outside of the scripted missions. You build FOB's order supply, vehicles and slowly free the Island of Altis over a few weeks.

It's a fucking plugin not a mod, you don't have to download anything it's just a bit of scripting in the mission file.

Neither and get escape from tarkov. Its in open beta right now and it far surpasses both games

You see, half of that time spend was sitting in the briefing screen for milsim groups, making PVP missions for my group that nobody played because they would rather shoot braindead AI, having a launcher open waiting for my mods to update, restarting the game because of broken mission scripts and generally fucking retarded shit

Squad gives me the same experience Arma milsim groups do, and more because, most of them are faggy retards who only shoot braindead AI in co-op LARP missions.

>ACE3, TFAR aren't mods
Kill yourself nu-Sup Forums

That webm
>What is backblast?
>Nevermind I'll just shoot while people are still running behind me

What do you think was he saying in local chat?

Armafags always grasping at straws

>bulletdrop/environmental changes not happening ever

COD is over there ----->

>using a game's voip

>what does that webm show? The particle effects wouldn't affect the players so what's your point? You want graphics go play COD

>you never get any teamplay on any public server in any game. ARMA is designed about being semi committed to a group/unit and playing with them.

I've been playing these games since 2001, I know everything about them. Squad feels like OFP in 2001 before the community matured and got rid of the chaff.

Squad is a milsim with arcade elements.
ARMA is a milsim that's hyperfocused on the milsim aspects, and has the only real convinced arms representation in vidya.

Definitely not caring about backblast looking at that webm squadfag.

>kek! I'll just post laughingsluts.jpg so their point is invalid in my view!

squad apologists everyone.

Well OP let's put it this way. If we tell you to play ARMA, people who play squad will shitpost in your thread about how good their game is. They will tell you to play Squad and we won't really care either way.

>realistic war game?

Arma isn't a war game, it's just a military simulator.

>bulletdrop/environmental changes not happening ever
>COD is over there ----->
Squad does have bullet drop, but you don't notice it at a range of less than 150 meters, do you rather want the bullet to behave like a BB gun?

again, grasping at straws like the desperate virgin you are.

>what does that webm show? The particle effects wouldn't affect the players so what's your point? You want graphics go play COD

Squad does have backblast simulation, try again.

>you never get any teamplay on any public server in any game. ARMA is designed about being semi committed to a group/unit and playing with them.

then you haven't played Squad, in that webm alone 3 of my squadmates are talking, I never played with them before, yes, Squads community is that great.

If they are both from the same genre, and you enjoy the genre, why can't you just play both?

Well, i fucked up.
The bottom of the webm is always covered by the stupid bar thing so i didn't notice it.

You should still kill yourself for playing wasteland or using any equipment from vanilla though.

>Using RHS when the script is coded to spawn Vanilla classes
>Now knowing abour armor bugs with vanilla and RHS
Holy fuck just leave and stop pretending you know shit about ArmA.

The coloured icons look exactly like wasteland, the map looks exactly like wasteland, and the rangefinder is a vanilla one.

Maybe you played too much Wasteland then.
