What are some games that are impossible to criticize on Sup Forums? Starting with those two obvious choices before anyone gets any funny ideas.
What are some games that are impossible to criticize on Sup Forums...
Fallout New Vegas
We've had lots of constructive discussion on both these games' flaws. It's just that most people who want to come in as the special snowflakes who see through them and call them out as bad experiences are usually a misinformed, willfully ignorant morons. We've had people saying BotW doesn't work because the climbing isn't like Uncharted's climbing, and I don't think I need to cite the amount of people who can't git gud at Bloodborne.
Surprisingly, Ratchet and Clank 3
One of them is GOAT and the other is meme open world trash.
Spoiler: The GOAT is not on a nintendo system.
97>92 you dumb sony cuck
Scores matter when I say they do.
So the Last of Us is the best game of all time?
>impossible to criticize on Sup Forums
Why would you wear that as a badge of honor? Sup Forums has the worst taste of any bigger gaming community
Ocarina of Time is better
This, Sup Forums doesn't even like elder god tier games like Destiny 2, Battlefield 1 or FIFA 18.
BotW gets criticized all the time.
Bloodborne less so, but it's hard to tell because it's lost in console war faggotry. It deserves more criticism though.
Destiny 2 is pretty fun
>Memerina of Meme
>best anything
Go to bed, grandpa.
Nice bait
Every time you try to say something negative about botw you get the same few images as replies and how you "cry about the game all the time".
Fallout New Vegas
>implying botw criticism isn't lost in console war faggotory as well
So did Nintendo get worst at making games?
Sup Forums likes waifu shit and garbage anime games
Neither of them particularly blew me away. Bloodborne in particular I almost never hear of outside of faggots trying to perpetuate console wars here.
Same for bloodborne
that is for every game actually
This, they can't appreciate how good FIFA 18 is. Fucking weebs man, I swear.
Bloodborne sold like shit
yes. everyone did. the old times are lost
>dumb sony cuck tries saying scores matter with tlou
>gets btfo again by a nintendo game that has a higher score
15 years ago I didn't hear a lot of people discussing Thief or Deus Ex either
Bloodborne can be criticized, in fact everyone agrees that the game has very specific and obvious flaws (chalice dungeons, blood gems, not enough invasions, and arcane being shit).
BotW can be criticized if you ignore the Nintenbros.
It goes both ways, faggot. Bloodborne and BoTW are impossible to criticize but they are also impossible to simply discuss. You underage, consolewarring, kiddie faggots make sure that actual video game discussion never happens for any sort of exclusive.
You're forgetting the big one: blood vials.
You forgot another one: The beast bosses, lack of bosses in the base game, the lack of weapons in the base game and the difficulty of the game
I think the environments repeat too much but hey I like the level design so whatever
There's been plenty of criticism of BotW and it's only going to get louder for years to come. Most of Sup Forums actually liked Skyward Sword on release but as the months went on it became more and more polarizing until it was outright despised at one point.
Neither is the best in their franchise, and for me, neither is in the top three.
The Nintenbro brought up scores. The sonybro responded with TLoU to show how those scores are stupid, or at the very least have nothing to do with Sup Forums's gaming preferences. The other Nintenbro missed the irony and took it seriously. Now we have a third Nintenbro who literally cannot read.
Sonybros are annoying, but holy shit Nintenbros are so much worse. We need a containment board for them.
What game was better than bloodborne?
It is.
>most of Sup Forums liked skyward sword on release
Actually wrong. The game leaked before release, and it was already divisive when the game actually came out. By 6 months later it was already seen as an extremely polarizing title
BOTW is nowhere near that point despite having similar circumstances
they get the exact quality of discussion I expect from a website full of people that think opinions=facts
>set expectations at 1
>sells 2 copies
Dude bloodborne sold nothing compared to the vastly inferior uncharted 4
I don't get the hate for Chalices. I loved them, they are a great piece of side content that add longevity to the game. I feel like most people hating them played all the early ones end-game and never did FRC root chalices. They are really flawed but if BB2 came out and ditched Chalices instead of improving them I would be extremely disappointed.
Blood vials as a system are good, they actually punish you for dying a million fucking times. The only problem is that the game basically stops giving you them halfway through and you have to constantly choose between leveling or buying blood vials or go grind them, they should have made it so that every boss you beat gives you 20 blood vials.
>Wojak image
>"Nintenbro" variant insult
Like I said -- faggots perpetuating console wars.
bloodborne removed the pointless non-fun ways to play in Dark Souls which is using shields and magic and improved the only fun way to play dark souls which is using melee. Also the game is shorter and has better areas and bosses which gets rid of the bored feeling you get playing through half the levels of the Dark Souls games.
The way of unlocking chalices suck
for (You)
>better areas
>better bosses
VERY arguable, especially the base game. I'd argue both dark souls 1 and 3 have better bosses, and more bosses too!
Chalices are shit. There's not enough map pieces and there's not enough interesting ways to interconnect. They're extremely repetitive and pull from a small number of terrible enemies and bosses. Wading through half a dozen NPC hunters and undead giants isn't any fun at all, and the less said about bell maidens the better.
The biggest problem is that the reward structure is fucking stupid. There's only really three things of value in Chalice dungeons: blood gems, runes, and (maybe) alternate weapons. Gambling on your own chalice dungeons is inane so you end up looking up community dungeons that have what you want on the first floor anyway.
Random dungeons would work way better in more complicated loot systems like Diablo or Nioh. Having them in a game where all you can really hope to get is a cursed blood gem that gives you maybe 5% more damage in exchange for some dump stat penalty isn't interesting or fun.
Blood vials are a terrible system in every regard. You're already getting punished for dying by losing progress and echoes. That should be the only punishment. Having to farm back blood vials is tedious menial bullshit, and taints the first playthrough which is the only time you really need to do this. But the problems go beyond the farming, they're just a terrible healing system in general. Having 20 even at the start of the game trivializes everything. Being quick and effective and difficult to punish makes every PvP encounter a drawn out nightmare of running away and faggotry.
I'd strongly argue against Dark Souls 3 having better bosses. Every boss in Dark Souls 3 is completely lame and unmemorable to me except Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Champ, and Pontiff.
They literally forgot to place enough Evonium in the game to make the level 2 power bracelet until the very end of the game, rendering the entire crafting system useless and making you go back through every single map tp pick up items that were level appropriate for when you first entered the map to get 100% completion.
At least small ones are fine, like Tokyo Jungle.
Though that was a few years ago.
I ordered Everybody's Golf for 30 yurobucks, I hope it's good.
borderline perfection
>blood vials
I finally played Bloodborne in December but I never really ran out of blood vials.
Then again I always used the remaining echoes after levelling up for blood vials and bullets.
Even if you run out, you still have the items that give you blood echoes.
BotW can be criticized as long as your arguments are actually valid and well thought out
>"DURABILITY IS SHIT" is not an argument
Bloodborne on the other hand is immune to valid criticizism because Sonybros are so desperate about having no games with good gameplay that they can't handle even the smallest truths
fuck off
not him but "surpassed expectations" is pretty much a typical PR response and with no official numbers ever being released it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together
I liked Dancer, Vordt, Twin princes and Abyss Watchers as well
Aldrich was pretty memorable but his fight was not terribly interesting
Nier Automata
Persona 5
any Zelda game
any Pokemon game
>believing PR talk with no actual numbers
Bet you think the xbox is a healthy brand too eh?
I think everybody agrees that the plot and characters in Persona 5 were extremely weak.
I don't know if you've been in a Zelda thread. It's nonstop dickwaving about which games were better.
eh, Dancer was OK but she has the same problem that so many DaS 3 bosses have, she's just another big human with fast sweeping attacks. DaS 3 probably does have the most consistently decent bosses but they were too samey. Vordt just felt like a Bloodborne beast holding a mace and Abyss Watchers were just a bunch of mediocre piss-easy NPCs and then Lady Maria. Forgot about the princes though, they were awesome.
>People bringing up Zelda games
I don't think there is a more picked apart game series. The fan-base themselves can't even come close to an agreement on which one is the best.
Eh I don't agree with the samey statement and Vordt. Vordt has less wild flailing and was easier to read and dodge. Abyss watchers weren't that challenging but their gimmick was great
No point in criticizing something everyone knows is garbage by the devs alone.
Unironically true, and I haven't owned a Nintendo since GameCube.
Sup Forums beats it's dick entirely too hard to that game. They won't take their shit to /vg/ and the do it for free-ers don't do shit as usual.
I have to say I don't play much bloodsouls, but my brother does. And for the 15% of the time PvP looks awesome, my God does the other 85% seem tedious as hell and cheesed to death.
But the durability system in BotW is shit.
Anything with an anime aesthetic.
I accept any opinion except for SSfags
Fuck them and their game
Why boner
Anyone who's called xenoblade chronicles bad and asked to state their reasons why has sounded like a blubbering idiot
>botw is good
It falls for all the trappings of a medicore open worldgame
Terrible balance (even on hard things get piss easy)
Shit enemy vareity
Shit enviroments
Cringey Voice acting
Boring copy pasted interior "dungeons"
Bad bosses
Bad weapon variety
It ties HzD as the most inconsequential release this year
>64 is better in everyway minus combat system
The most I've seen is "feels like a F2P MMORPG"
But it takes some time until the game opens up
And boring quests
Bloodborne is easy to criticize. Blood vials are fucking stupid, and the customization is lacking.
>it's shit and boring because I said so!
Damn Sup Forums
>copy pasted
And everything is gone in the wind
It is look at the combat fucking shrines
Its the same fucking shrine
Same withthe fucking chest in the middle shrine
The 4 big beasts or whatever have the same enmies and core puzzles, heck even the bosses feel mostly the fucking same
Get Stabbed
>Overrated of (all) Time
top kek
bloodborne is too easy.
Wow, you have found 1 (one) type of shirne that is the same, therefore the whole game is full of copy pasted dungeons. Okay pal, surely you will be taken seriously.
>combat shrines
20 of them, 15 repeats
>core puzzles
useless word, the core can be used in different ways.
>chest in the middle shrine
Forgot about the puzzle outside eh?
>bosses feel the same
Look the same, maybe. Their movesets are completely different, as are their gimmicks
>get stabbed
U first
Botw has a gears of war 2 tier endboss
That final form ganon boss is an embarassment to gaming. What a laugh!
Even on hard, rofl
Every time you try to say something good about botw you get the same few images as replies and how you are a "Nintent0dller" and Le korok shit dungeons nothing to do ugly graphics, shrines xD
Yup, spider ganon was good tho. Pig boss was awful
not true, though there are some obnoxious dedicated shitposters
Spoiler: One has a 97, the other one doesn't.
That means fuck all, look @ skyward turd
Zelda games are always overated since gamecube era
The kids ignored this post. It hit them too hard.
No, they are just interested in shitposting, like 90% of this dogshit board
You said Bloodborne was better which is factually wrong since BOTW is rated higher. If BB was better, it would have a better score but it doesn't. 97 wins and Breath of the Wild is game of the generation still.
Does this game really have anything seriously noteworthy deserving of critique? I'm drawing a blank. The combat is just fine, the camera issue for multiplayer can easily be solved with Player 1 just being Raine/Genis and moving back, the VA's aren't TERRIBLE, the graphics are pretty charming, the music is serviceable, and the puzzles are never too much of a hassle. What are some serious criticisms that this game receives?
>any Zelda game
Im pretty sure people wouldnt give mind if you made daily threads about how SS is terrible
Second half is weaker than the first. ToS is a solid game and is the most consistent tales game, worst I could say is the cookie cutter combat could have encouraged more variation. Still better than the piece of shit berseria or whatever else that uses button mashing
Why are vials fucking stupid? Genuinely asking, I've only played Bloodborne out of the Souls games.
Literally the last 2 games I beat, and honestly there both fucking magnificent, albeit for extremely different reasons. It'll be pretty hard for the next game I play to top those two, that's for sure. However, you have to be a blind fanboy to not notice any flaws with either game, even though they both make up for them in spades.
>introduces a pointless, easy grind that just wastes time
>instant healing, no downtime, making it too easy to heal
>can carry 20 at the start, making game too easy
Das1 estus remains the best healing in dark souls
>Second half is weaker than the first.
I would wholeheartedly disagree. Moving around the world is a fucking chore until you get Rheairds, and the amount of earlygame backtracking is really annoying. It's tolerable to a certain degree is that the fighting is at least decent for practice before a boss encounter happens, but replaying the game shows me every time how much better the latter portion is. So many more skills/attacks, so many more means of getting around, so much less of a barrier to access what you want. I especially liked the more interesting bosses that show up towards the endgame, because some like Undine/Abyssion demand speedier lockdown strategies, where titans like the dragon fights demand heavier damage output and sufficient healing. I'd personally criticize the intro of the game for being so fucking SLOW, and everything until Tethealla is just a drag.