post filenames
Post filenames
why dis nigga just dont sit up?
Why would anyone go out and do something like that? Dangerous and moronic.
>GLA technical
white jacket did it on purpose
I refuse to believe this is real.
>it explodes at the highest point
Every time.
Holy shit, he survived both the eletrocution and the fall?
last one
How the fuck did he survive?
Godly VIT
This is not filenames.
Because he's old and quite clearly weak. I bet your abdominal muscles barely work now, much less at that age in that state.
that must've sucked
This is straight up KINO
>10 CON
Every time man. I still just don't get why or who is into this.
How can she get out so fucking much?
>he lies back and accepts his fate
Im more impressed that she can just throw up without shoving her fingers down her throat.
I love background guy's Japanese Spiderman poses.
>that screen wipe
Why did it make me laugh?
Fun fact: Blacks don't actually feel the same amount of pain as normal people.
wow this is frustrating to watch
it's like when you try to punch something in a dream but you cant
Did he hit the faggot?
>10 Luck
Yea, did he fire anything at all? There's no blood and I can't see any bullets holes on the wall
Ok user, you got me.
Me and friends just staged that uo to get some (You)'s.
they do it anyways
This would almost certainly get you killed.
The regret he must feel.
>Bard lvl 20
>luck-stat still at 1
what a retard
Link me, bro.
My dick demands more of this.
So did hers.
>They don't even hit the glass barriers.
yeah the guy getting shot died a little bit later. You can see him clutch his belly when he gets ventilated.
that was really stupid but anything after 30 seconds could be deemed as a passable shitty action flick
If he was very sweaty, there's a chance he didn't really make good contact with the wires and it just arced over to him and lit him the fuck up, just burning his skin and not actually electrocuting through his body, preventing fibrillation. That would explain the burns.
What are they eating anyway?
Sweat (moisture) is what lowers skin resistance and makes it easier for electricity to pass through your body.
Apparently with electric you need a certain voltage to stop your heart. Too high and it just kinda burns you but keeps you alive. Not sure though.
>That entire fucking string she throws up at 1:00 that trickles down his face
That part makes me feel ill
should name it level of detail
much more electricity passes through the sweat though. Quite obviously from the video the dude is still alive so not enough went through his heart. So you have to think concerning powerlines he did not make good contact.
Only that part?
>God mode
is that a car?
volts burn you amps stop your heart
>Passive ability: Survive K.O. attacks when health is full.webm
why the fuck does this kind of random violence even happen
is it always just footage from stupid poor people events?
Additionally, power is usually transported through powerlines in a high-voltage, low-current state in order to minimize losses.
>starting the game with unoptimized class