What are the best games to play when my internet goes out this weekend?

What are the best games to play when my internet goes out this weekend?

Sonic Mania

Wave Racer

Dude you're life is going out as well, better pick a really good game like custom robo


If you don't live along the coastline things will be fine. I live an hour away from the beach.

Play some old console/handheld games

... and those were his last words before being consumed by nature.

Play the game of getting the fuck out of dodge. Pack a gameboy and fuck off in a car at high speed

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea

Cave Story
Dwarf Fortress if you're autistic enough to enjoy it

I've been through many hurricanes I ain't worried. The storm surge kills most people if you don't live on the coast or in a flood zone it's not that bad

lol at non floridians being scared of wind

Heroes of the Storm

>storm bigger than Ohio, that's going to stay over florida 6x longer than the last devastating storm is nothing

divinity original sin 1 and 2 pillars ofneternity xcom tyranny sc2

Sick of these scared pussies. Can't wait to laugh at the people who over-evacuated and actually end up in the worst part of the storm.

>mfw it goes far west and into texas


Haven't you had hurricanes before why is irma such a big deal

t. Canadian

fuck, forgot pic

I live 5 minutes from the beach, should I be worried?

which town?

I'm not even in Florida, but it just seems to be a bad call staying in your basement once the streets start to flood

>Surpassed the most severe storm category
>Worst one since the start of formally recording weather in the 1800s
>Bigger than Ohio

It's just a bunch of water you fairy

I'm sure that's what the people in Houston thought.

>It's just a bunch of fire you fairy
Those people that evacuate from wildfires are a bunch of cucks amirite?

>already dropping down to category 3 by the time it rapes Miami (no one gives a shit about those guys)
>will be a category 2 by the time it reaches me
>get to stay in my house with boarded up windows, enjoying movies until it passes
pretty comfy imo

Jupiter, east coast. Storm shifted so I should be good right?

I watched some of the footage from beach cameras on st martin

this a crazy storm I wonder if it will be as bad as hurricane andrew

last time i was in flordia a local was telling me about how all the trees I was looking at were about twice as tall before hurricane andrew, this was right on the edge of the everglades in 2011 almost 20 years after that storm.

all houses are built on high ground and on stilts, flooding isnt a problem if you aren't a beach nigger
houston doesn't regularly get smacked by hurricanes you ninny


>all houses are built on high ground
Have you ever been to south florida? What high ground? There are literally zero hills.

Shit nigger, I don't know about this. I just assumed the florida crazy people have basements. Logic hasn't stopped them before. Also, it was a thinly veiled neet insult

Yeah really like have you never heard of water?

>implying there's any good multiplayer game at all

No, you're still going to get hit hard. The relevance of the storm shifting west is that now the west coast, which a lot of people evacuated to because it wasn't supposed to directly hit, are now also going to get the full hit.

The east coast is going to get hit hard, almost no matter what track the storm takes.

>there will never be a game that simulates weather like hurricanes
>you will never get to sail a ship into the middle of a hurricane

I've heard that when hurricanes are at sea inside the eye of the hurricane the waves can reach 40m high because all the waves are just converging on that point from all sides

>retard doesnt know there will be no electricity either

This hurricane is some weak shit. It's going to be a cat 3 when it hits Florida.

>what is a generator?

enjoy your no power if you dont evacuate