What was their problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


No idea how to make a real Halo game.

>get the rights to make more Halo games
>make cawadooty with a Halo skin instead


Whats your problem?

What was my problem?

Arrogant shits

Their senior members doesn't have enough balls to take risk that would make ms marketing people mad.


They started making COD with a halo skin on top instead of making Halo.

Combine that with the fact that they also used the retarded book lore instead of writing something to fit the games and you have a 1-2 punch of mediocrity that can lay down even the mightiest franchise.

It's what happened to ME as well.

>implying Halo 6 won't be the best halo game

they've learned their lesson

>Implying they can still make a Halo game when they didn't know how to make one to begin with.

untalented hacks who are the iron lung keeping the corpse of a beloved franchise alive

>they've learned their lesson
A majority of the employees left after Halo 5, they haven't learned shit because everyone is new again

Halo 5 multiplayer was garbage unlike hivemind they are trying to shill. Its literally Call of Duty with halo skinpack.

They have to remove Sprint(or make it cool down based very long cool down), think like escape mechanic not rushdown.

They have to remove aim down sights.
they have to make it bigger , halo is not arena combat game.

also these are basic gameplay features dont get me even started on microtransactions and shit.

Absolutely this. They ran to the wrong audience.

>all the good halo devs leave Bungie for 343
>now they've all left 343

Where did they all go?

Those morons at 343 are either too spineless or too moronic to realize the reason why 3 and Reach remained fun games to play in the COD era was the fact that they were not COD to begin with.

Even if you could see the ghost of corporate motherfuckery going "Be like COD" over the shoulder of the programmers with shit like loadouts on Reach, but it was still very much a Halo game.

>Already can't make Halo work to save their lives

>Actually manage to create two compelling villains over the course of Halo 4.

>Kill the Didact off in a comic before Halo 5.
>Kill Jul Mdama off in the first mission of Halo 5, LONG before even meeting the Arbiter.

>all the good halo devs leave Bungie for 343

But O'Connor and a bunch of code monkeys are still at 343.

I distinctly remember being disappointed that we found out the Master Chief is alive in the legendary ending of Halo 3 for 2 reasons:

One being M$ not having the balls to actually kill him and second I knew that this would happen. Halo would be given to a shitty studio and be run to the ground until it's a shell of it's former self and it doesn't sell anymore.

I wouldn't call Halo 6 the best but I do expect it to be 343's first truly good Halo game.

Halo 5 wasn't the first game with sprint

No shit.

343 is what happens when you hire people that aren't interested in a series, and people who claim to be fans of a series, to make games in that series. Fans are generally awful at contributing something to what they like, because they don't even understand the core appeal of it.

Too much creative freedom with the gameplay and lore.

>halo is not arena combat game.
It always has been. Until 4, BTB maps have always been the minority in favor of smaller 4v4/2v2 maps.

Fucking this. I cringed when the guys making Sly Cooper 4 revealed themselves to be a team entirely of fans of the series. And sure enough they fucked it up.

They off building off the piece of shit that is Reach and ruining Halo 4's multiplayer by turning it into COD. With Halo 5 they decided to pull a Bungie and sideline their main character in a MAINLINE GAME. You just don't fucking do that. Nintendo seems to understand how you expand your universe and go beyond the main character the right way. 2D Metroid is the main series and those games will stick with Samus Aran as the main character and push the Chozo. The Prime series is the spin off series that will eventually move on from Samus. If Halo makes it where the spin off games focus on other characters across the universe while the mainline Halo games only focus on the Chief, then the series wouldn't get backlash. You don't replace your main character.

Most fans simply don't understand or respect the core values. They don't understand it and try to turn it into something they want, instead of developing what it really is.

>Halo 5 mp was garbage



How is Halo 5's BTB and vehicle combat? That was always the highlight of the series for me.

I think their biggest issue is just the fact that they can't figure out a single section of the fanbase to listen to and stick to it.

CE, 2, 3, ODST, and Reach were all pretty different in a lot of respects, and everybody has their own idea of what makes Halo Halo, so every time 343 tries to do something, they piss off at least like 60% of the fanbase in the process, so then they try to do something different even if they did that thing right or had the right idea but just needed to execute it on it better.

In short, even though 343 themselves fuck up a lot, because people whine about absolutely everything they do even when they do well, 343 doesn't know what to actually fix.

This user gets it. Jul was an interesting character with a lot of potential, and while 4's story was garbage, the didact was done well. But because people were giant babies and whined about the travis books and spartan ops and shit they killed jul and the didact off. Likewise, nobody bitches about how bad Jul's death was, but instead whine about the rookie's death, which is a non-issue in the grand scheme of things by comparsion.

You don't know what you are talking about, It's less like CoD then 4 and Reach were

>hey have to remove Sprint(or make it cool down based very long cool down), think like escape mechanic not rushdown.
It was escape based in Reahc and 4 and people hated it

>They have to remove aim down sights
There's not aim down sights, smart link in 5 works exactly like zoom did: it doesn't slow your movement speed, you don't need it to shoot accurately, and you can get knocked out of it by damage. Past halo games have had zoom increase accuracy as well, webm related

>they have to make it bigger , halo is not arena combat game.
5's map design is the closest the series has been to CE/2 style maps since Halo 3, arguably even 2 itself. Warzone exists for large scale combat.

Fuck off 343 shill
>Fuck off 343 shill
Fuck off 343 shill
>Fuck off 343 shill

Halo 5 MP is objectively bad. There is no discussion around this, it is a fact.
It comes nowhere close to

The newest Halo is always the most game ever.

Don't correct yourself when it's fucking obvious. We're not retarded.

Halo 2 had the arbiter and that was great, the problem is that Locke is jus boring.

Instead of focusing on BTB maps H5 focused more on Warzone, which is a 12 vs 12 mode sort of like invasion on hugeass maps that also has AI enemies in it. It's pretty fun, but I do wish that there was a focus on BTB as well.

The game has BTB playlists, but they all use forge maps. Which normally wouldn't be a problem since 5's forge is basically a dev tool at this point with the shit it can do, but the map layouts themselves aren't that amazing.

Thats honestly debatable with 343 though, since I hear some people involved with Halo are unfamiliar with it.

>wah it's shit because I said so

Not even him, but you outright just spouted a bunch of objectively incorrect bullshit in

My biggest thing is what they did to the designs. You have this realistic yet colourful style with bulky army guys and really unique looking aliens, and you decide to make it grimdark with some sort of weird cartoon overtone.

They would do the series a favor by saying all of the books aren't canon, and not writing any more books. It will never happen because Microsoft is very greedy and self-destructive when it comes to Halo.

Meaning those people aren't invested in Halo at all. They get paid, and stay payed if they don't argue. Not that they would have a reason to argue about something they don't know all that well anyway.

That's not me newfag and it's literally a fact. Halo 5 is a bad Halo game.

Now where have I seen that happen again? *Cough* Gears of War 4 *Cough*

Sums up everything.


It may really be that simple...

It's a shame they don't have maps designed specifically for BTB, but Warzone sounds interesting. I enjoyed Invasion quite a bit in Reach, but it always felt a bit lacking.

Nobody wants 343 Halo

>gritty horror esque style
>make it into meme quip characters in a vibrant landscape

>Combine that with the fact that they also used the retarded book lore instead of writing something to fit the games

This is objectively wrong though, both 4 and 5 explain more about the shit in their plots in game then 2, 3, or especially CE ever did. Granted, 4 and 5's plots are both shit, but EU/book reliance isn't the issue.

My opinion is to let it die. Like the simpsons, it simply ran its course. It will always be remembered as a great series that was a big part of many people's gaming lives, and now it's dead. It's sad to see it zombified instead of fading with the dignity it deserved.

The books are great though, and have way better writing then anything in o4 5, why the fuck would you want that?

>explaining everything=good
That's now how a good story works. Engaging and interesting material with mystery is far better than pages and pages of boring lore that's ultimately dissapointing and leaves nothing to your imagination

It's 'okay'. Honestly expected it to be worse since thrusters would obviously make vehicles free hijacks, but it's average. Vehicles suck ass in Slayer though.

Also some of the maps are downright shit, but we've had worse in Reach and Halo 4.

5 has some of the best MP in the series though

>look mom I posted tha super cherrypicked video again!

I could easily make the same thing, but making bungie look bad and 343 look good.

343 has fucked up a lot, I don't see why it's so hard for people to just point out what they fucked up, but also praise them when they do shit right; vs everybody needing to make it out like every single thing 343 has done is bad

>"M-my books are good!"
>Doesn't even go into the gameplay critiques
Yeah, sure thing Mr. """""""""Objectively"""""""

Why do people like quippy characters so much? You can make fun characters without doing the overdone Whedon writing.

>5 has some of the best MP in the series though
Idiots keep saying this but nobody wants to play it because it isn't what people want from Halo

The whole halo 5 MP thing is pure opinion. We both like halo gameplay, but you happen to like halo 5 gameplay, which I hardly think resembles halo.

Every single thing that 343 has done isn't bad, but it is mediocre. And that is the point.

Keep mistaking it for Le Meme Contrarian Hatred, not like it's that hard in this fucking place to begin with.

>Halo skin

It doesn't even have that. Shit barely looks like Halo

Makes the script seems clever without having to make actual characters who are funny in a natural way, which is much more difficult

>This is objectively wrong though, both 4 and 5 explain more about the shit in their plots in game then 2, 3, or especially CE ever did. Granted, 4 and 5's plots are both shit, but book reliance isn't the issue.
No, that's exactly why they're shit lmao.
Too much exposition is a bad thing.
There is no more mystery to Halo which is why it was so loved in the first place.
What the fuck are these huge fucking rings. Who made them? When? Where? Why? What is the flood? Where did they originate? What were the motivations of the forerunners who created these structures? What were their politics like? Arby would look cute as fuck in samurai robes ~This is objectively wrong though, both 4 and 5 explain more about the shit in their plots in game then 2, 3, or especially CE ever did. Granted, 4 and 5's plots are both shit, but EU/book reliance isn't the issue.

Because they, like 4 and 5, reek of fanfiction from people who didn't refine their ideas or stay the suspension of disbelief that CE through Reach did. Yes, even the Joseph Staten books are unrefined, and feel more like clippings of ideas that were meshed together quickly.

I get the feeling that the people who like all the Halo books and 4 and 5, are the same kinds of people that though Brawl had a good story in the Subspace Emissary.

>Halo 2 had the arbiter and that was great
Yeah, no, it wasn't, Arbiter's level sucked and his story dragged down the experience. No one wanted to play a space dino and deal with his alien political bullshit. Halo 2 should have been a continuation of Halo CE with Master Chief fighting the Covenant and the Flood to save Earth, humanity, and the galaxy. Arbiter should have gotten his own spin off game. Halo Reach and 5 had the same problem.

I'll just grab a quote from a TV show.

"There are things out there in the universe, you're better off not knowing about."

> we looked for people who didn't like halo so they could help make halo

>5 has some of the best MP in the series though
Yeah boi I love my Breakout. It's the best shit ever!

Having a better understanding of the Covenant's motives from a first person perspective made them much more interesting. Halo 2 worked because it had a sizable single player length. It should have been even longer. I wish 343 would forget about the vapid multiplayer nonsense, and focus more on the singleplayer.

>Yeah, no, it wasn't, Arbiter's level sucked and his story dragged down the experience.

It made the Covenant for the most part boring, they were more interesting as a mystery like in Halo 1. With Halo 6 and beyond 343 seems to finally understand Halo mainline = Master Chief and Forerunner, Halo spinoff = expanded universe (doesn't have to be about the Chief). Arbiter really should have got his own spinoff game not what we got. This is the Halo 2 I wanted, not the disappointment we ended up with.


SeeWhat Halo 2 could have been if it wasn't so damn focused on character driven garbage. There's a reason all the Halo 2, Reach, and Halo 5's campaigns all sucked. At least 343 finally understands that main series equals Master Chief, spin-off = other characters

Only downfall Halo 2 campaign had for me was I found the combat system deviation from halo 1 made it inferior. Story wise it was great

Halo 2 could've been a scripted Mac game demo?

But when the story distracts from good gameplay and level design, then I rather the story be shit if a good story makes everything else shit.

Half of what you said are already explained in Halo 3

>But when the story distracts from good gameplay and level design
Which it didn't

Halo 2 could have been an actual sequel to Halo 1's campaign. The only time that campaign felt like a Halo campaign is when you played the Master Chief, it took a nosedive in quality as soon as Arbiter took over.

But it does, most of Chief's missions are good, while all of the Arbiter's missions are shit.

Calling it now. New Halo will be non numerical. Just called H A L O

4 + 5 ruined the 'series' appeal

Yeah but not in the great detail that games like Halo 4 and 5 go into.

I was phoneposting so I really didn't want to type more,

There is nothing wrong with exposition. For example, the Ark was an exposition of "How are the rings made?" and the ark was fucking sick.
But meticulously telling the player of every single detail leaves nothing to the imagination. The forerunners are all in the open. The covenant and its motivations. Hidden motivations of the UNSC.
There literally is no mystery in Halo anymore.

Not really, no. Uprising is one of the best campaign levels of the franchise, and The Great Journey is up there as well.
The Index stuff is pretty mediocre, I'll give you that.

Amen, Reach was a good send off by going back to the beginning and everything afterwards is junk.

Except Halo 5 having good multiplayer is a opinio that consistently shows up in these threads.

t. cheeffag

>actually you don't

You guys contradicting yoursleves aside, I agree that having a sense of mystery is a good thing, but 4 does that with it's envoirments in the same way CE did, and nothing that Halo 4 or 5 explains benefits from being a mystery the same way the OT stuff was.

Who the forerunners were and what happened to them was explained already in CE-3. Same for the purpose of the megasturcutrs like the shield worlds and Halo rings. Giving the didact a motivation and backstory and explaining where the promethians came from and so on isn't "ruining the mystery", it's just giving fucking context.

And that has absoultely nothing to do with narrative or the arbiter as a character, and everything to do with level design.

In fact, the arbiter's missions have the exact same flaws almost every mission in CE did

Halo 5 should have been a split campaign between the Chief and Arbiter again.
That way you get a greater gameplay variance between levels. Plus, playable Elites would be fun.

>Except Halo 5 having good multiplayer is a opinio that consistently shows up in these threads

Probably because you're always posting it.

Bring back flood.

Get rid of sprint or have huge cooldown

Pay a writer big bucks to save story

No microtranactions. I would rather buy maps if they need cash so bad.

Split screen

Not just him, dude.
Halo 5's multiplayer has both the best weapon balance and the best Forge mode.
Armor Abilities add to the game without ruining the flow like in Reach.
I'm not a fan of the armor's visual design but the sound design is fucking great. The Assault Rifle sounds the best since CE.

>t. cheeffag
We're the ones saving the series because the dumbass developers are too afraid to take risk and shove these nobodies in a spin-off game.

Nah, that level was shit. Halo 1 and 3 levels shit on that. Hell, Halo 2's Delta Halo shits on that level.

Arbiter levels are somehow worse than the worst levels of CE.

this is

how you do it

on Leddit

This is
how you do it
on Sup Forums

Millennials and the new culture of tech companies (ie google).
Bungie had older employees that we're more creative with developing technology.

Halo 3's campaign had two good levels: The Ark and the Covenant. Everything else doesn't even rate.
3 got lucky in that those two levels are literally the best in the franchise and practically encapsulate all its various facets of gameplay.

and that's horseshit. I've been to enough of these threads to know that meme.

Report it to the mods cuck boi

I type

How i want

Two Betrayals and Keyes are absolutely worse than anything Halo 2 had, even Gravemind and The Library.

>Bring back flood
As long as it works with the story

>Get rid of sprint or have huge cooldown
Yes please. And drop Spartan Abilities all together

>Pay a writer big bucks to save story
I would honestly be fine with a retcon of Halo 5 and the Escalation comics

>No microtranactions. I would rather buy maps if they need cash so bad.
Same. $10 every few months for developer made maps is better than screwing up the whole unlock system

>Split screen
Already confirmed

I would like to add please go back to the old art style. And please bring back the Halo 3 Ranking system. I don't know what this Starcraft shit is but it's fucking gay. Why the hell does my rank keep resetting? Where's the real progression?

You've been to enough threads to get BTFO and be salty about it, you mean. I've been in a lot of Halo threads and there's never decent arguments for why 5's multiplayer is so shit. It's just, "MUH CoD"

You type how the upvote machine commands you to type.

I really liked the idea of Chief frozen in space, awaiting a day years in the future when he is finally found. I just think that either that day should never have come in game or when Chief is finally awoken it's a very different kind of Halo experience (Chief stranded on same alien world with no Cortana in a fashion similar to Metroid?). Reusing Chief forever is bad though.

5 Is the only good Halo. Bungie was/is held down horribly by their delusions and humongous ego. They think they are huge visionaries for inventing a subpar Arena shooter so slow it was easy for casuals and worked on console.
Forge in 5 alone is greater than the MP in 1-4/reach.