This game right here is the reason why we get oversaturated gaming market

This game right here is the reason why we get oversaturated gaming market.

If you create THE game in the current most popular genre, you will swim in money. Hell, even if your game just gets a mediocre audience chances are you will still get enough income to make it worth it. So many people are looking for a new fix of popular genres that they will try out everything.

Biggest issue is that once a game has taken the throne it's over. Developers will move away from the genre and no one will care about it anymore. Just like WoW killed MMORPG, PUBG will kill the survival genre.

>you will never be a dole scrounger who turns himself into a multimillionaire by turning your mod into a game
feels bad

Thank god. PUBG is super fucking fun. Most other survival games, with a few exceptions Conan Exiles are shitty and have no draw. PUBG gets that adrenaline pumping.
I see how you might not like it, but I love the feeling of being hunted and stalking in the bushes to get that high risk kill.
It reminds me of Rambo X Hunger Games.

Fuck the survival genre.

>survival genre
If this counts as a survival game then so does Counter-Strike.

Its like a distilled version of the genre, mixed with an objective based shooter. It injects some fun into the tired survival genre, which is a good thing. Hopefully all other survival crafting series die, and PUBG reigns for a decade and a half like WOW

>tfw you fell for Conan Exiles

h1z1 was "THE" game in the genre until this pile of shit came along
it achieved nowhere near as much success, but it still made millions
another similar game will be created by a AAA studio and you'll never touch this unfinished crap again.

Conan Exiles is great for Robert Howard fans, like myself. But it has nothing on PUBG, and is basically a Rust/Ark clone with a great world and lore.

>Be me
>Be yesterday
>Cave in and buy PUBG
>Boot up game
>Spawn near house
>Look inside
>Grab and equip gun
>Walk outside
>Get lit the fuck up by four guys with machine guns
>Close game
>Actually got my money back

I dont know why I even bother with games that mask themselves as survival games but are just a free for all death match game

i haven't played this game, the ive only seen like a 10 second clip

why is Sup Forums so assblasted about this game? genuine question

h1z1 is a pile of shit compared to this pile of shit though

>extremely successful products can sometimes hog the market
also when did devs moved away from MMOs? because more 2 were released in the time you took to write this fucking thread

>Spawn near house

Do you know how I know you've never played the game?

>mask themselves as survival games
>its actually just a faggot ass death match
>every trailer for the game
You're a real fucking idiot. You know that? You probably don't, because you're an idiot. But holy shit. You're a fucking idiot.

>WoW killed MMORPG

>Literally hundreds of MMORPGs came out after WoW

how the fuck did you not know this is a free for all death match?

Nope, I have no idea how. Why don't you tell me?

H1Z1 King of the Hill, yeah. I still didn't know what the fuck it was and figured it was just le zombie maymay again and didn't give a shit about it. PUBG was made as its own thing.

The trailers, gameplay videos and screenshots make it seem like a DAYZ/Rust clone...

h1 is garbage, yes
but this game isn't anything special, just slightly different in positive ways.
studios are seeing this half-finished garbage reach the most-played game on Steam. there will be endless new games in the genre, and when the dust settles people won't be sticking with pubg.

This, OP is wrong, if anything there will be more games after PUBG that will keep adding onto the genre.

Liar liar pants on fire.

you fucking idiot

No, no they don't.........[super passive aggressive ellipsis]............[as if they prove my ignorance is forgivable if I add them]........................[they don't. you fucking idiot.]

you mean arma/ofp, you fucking h1 baby.

PubG literally has no survival aspects other than looting.

Well, getting lit up by 4 guys with machine guns is why the game is fun.
Its an actual survival game, not this survival crafting hurr durr build a house sim shit.
You are dropped into a battle royale, and have to be smart to survive. Those 4 guys probably got ass fucked the second you died.
PUBG is brilliant, because it is basically an anti-shooter. Firing a gun is a huge mistake if you arent in a life or death situation, or in the final 10 players.

You were unlucky. They were dumb. Its got more strategy than you realize.

Guitar Hero was king, Rock Band still happened.

Street Fighter was king, Mortal Kombat still happened.

Gran Turismo was king, Forza still happened.

Team Fortress 2 was king, Overwatch still happened.

Resident Evil was king, Silent Hill still happened.

PUBG set the bar higher for the survival genre, but that doesn't mean nothing else will compete. This post makes it sound like now that PUBG has found success the market is going to be over saturated with survival games, but the market was over saturated with really shitty survival games before PUBG came along. PUBG just did it better, so everyone stopped playing shit like DayZ and H1Z1.

>It actually broke a million simultaneous players
Color me impressed.

you forgot actually trying to survive against other players, user. death means you lost, no continue

What other Battle Royale games where there even before PUBG? H1Z1? I wouldn't call PUBG a survival game because there are pretty much no survival elements in there. There's no crafting or fucking food/water meters. It's just you and some friends vs 95 other people.

>no survival elements
>its just you and some friends vs 95 other people
>the entire fucking goal of the game is to be the last man/team alive
>no survival elements
>last team alive
You sure are a stupid one. Aren't you?

>mfw thinking about those gamescom cases I have sitting in my inventory

One death is a loss.
Limited equipment to start.
Last man standing wins.
Sneaking is key.
Conservation of supplies is key.
Its a survival game at its core.

Just because you cant make a cutesy little house and build your own shovel doesnt mean its not a survival game.

Forza and GT are the result of consile wars

RE and Silent Hill are way different

It's about time arma-based survival mods died

The earliest I can remember was am Arma 2 mod battle Royal. Then the mod moved to Arma 3 when it came out, then H1Z1 happend

It's a battle royale ripoff

By your logic Counter Strike is a survival game bc you dont respawn

>PUBG set the bar higher

It only set the bar higher for banning people for stupid reasons.

You know exactly what I'm talking about and it's right there in the fucking post you stupid fuck. How about investing in some reading glasses? Battle Royale is not traditionally part of the survival genre. The survival genre traditionally includes crafting and the need for you to collect food, water and other necessities, none of that is in PUBG.

>he entire fucking goal of the game is to be the last man/team alive
So Counter Strike is a survival game now. PUBG is a Battle Royale game, not a survival game you fucking retard.

Battle Royale is a survival drama.

Is overwatch a survival game? is quake a survival game? street figther? age of empires too I guess

>>Spawn near house
Stop lying you fucking faggot, you haven't even touched the game

Why is this a bad thing? You get your pick of what you want.
>Developers will move away from the genre and no one will care about it anymore. Just like WoW killed MMORPG
rofl, no? There are more MMOs than ever, and WoW is likely to be dethroned soon because it's being managed so poorly
>PUBG will kill the survival genre.
What is the survival genre? You mean the origins of PUBG, dayz, h1z1, and the culling? All those highly popular games that also "killed" the genre. You are wrong and a faggot sir.

>we will never get PUBG gameplay in the FOX engine
why the fuck is konami making survive and not this

>1 million players
>14% banning rate
>140k people banned already at least once

Makes you think

Why do you even come to these threads to repeat shit you read from some faggot? no one got banned for honking.

What is WoW going to be dethroned by? I haven't played the game for 6 years but it seemed pretty unstoppable.

Because it's actually decent.
but it's early access, so it only has one map
and no progression system. I played it for 7 hours and got bored. Fucking meme game.

>PUBG will kill the survival genre.
truly /pubg/ is our guy

They have a stance on banning so many people to lower the pressure on their servers which are shit.
It's cheaper to ban some guy for honking the horn than updating your server blades.

This is an entirely uneducated opinion, but FFXIV numbers are strong, and the community is ridiculously enthusiastic, compared to WoW players who seem like they're going through a shitty slog. WoW has name recognition and long-time players, and on-off players, but it really feels like Blizzard doesn't have plans for the future of WoW.

It's available to russians so that's not really surprising, there has never been a good non-cheating russian anything.

Source on the number?

>spawn near house
great lying user!

I was in the thread where the ex-employee threw that number but he meant of all players. Those are the simultaneous players.
Assuming the game sold 10 million, it means 1,5 million people banned at least once.

Itself honestly. It's possible FF14 might slip by by default if Blizzard pull another disaster like Warlords of Draenor. They might have learned their lesson with Legion though, they went full on pandering mode and it's not a deserted husk like WoD was.

A combination of Korean MMOs like Black Desert, decent WoW replacements like GW2, and games with high production value like Final Fantasy.

Death by a thousand lashes.

>Be me
>Be last month
>Cave in and buy PUBG
>Boot up game
>Spawn near famous e-celeb twitch streamer
>find a truck
>drive the truck towards e-celeb twitch streamer
>Honk the horn to him
>Get insta-banned
>Close game
>Actually got my money back

Thanks for the warning Sup Forums.

>tfw honking every match and not banned
good thing EU isn't filled with cancer streamers, what is it about american culture that spawns that shit?

dont honk near grimmmz


And thank fuck for that. PUBG is an abomination and it's entire genre is an atrocity. Let it burn. It's why I'm proud to call myself a console gamer: this trash stays the fuck away from my Playstation.

yeah most games stay away from your playstation

lol yes they did.

we're doing xbone burns this gen, sorry

What do you mean "thanks for the warning"? You ended up buying the game you fucking retard.

>>Spawn near house
>somehow 4 people near you got enough time to find automatic rifles, ammo, load them, and somehow didn't kill each other before you in order to circle around the exact door you'd come out of

lying makes baby jesus cry user

>getting this buttmad when your shill thread get derailed.

The game's creator literally banned a guy over a tweet.

desu the more exclusives microsoft bring to pc the better so fuck xbox

It's called irony, dear underage.


I can't wait for hundreds of copycats that get hyped to shit then fail miserably just like every time there's a big hit game.

Island Nyne

i don't think you know how irony works

>people actually think people just get banned for honking near streamers without really knowing what happened or if it happened at all

a full squad started steam sniping a streamer and spamming shit on their VC in the lowest form of 2006-tier griefing, the streamer reported them for actively looking for him over the course of 4-6 matches and trying to fuck him up, and the devs took action because they were on camera the whole time overall being pieces of absolute shit

in short, retards got banned for being retarded
somehow, people are rooting for the retards because "fuck streamers lmao" and making up stories about how they got banned too and spreading rumors about the devs being streamer-favoring nazis

don't trust everything you read on the internet lads

yeah whatever loser

i don't think you know what it is

I like the game. It's fun.

I game where about 30% of the playerbase is afk crate farmers is this popular....

>spawn near


fake and gay. if you're so pathetic that you have to make up stories on an anonymous board for attention, you should seriously consider overdose

Excellent post Sup Forumsirgin loser! $0.02 have been deposited in your steam wallet. Keep on correcting the record for PUBG.

>somehow, people are rooting for the retards because "fuck streamers lmao"
I see nothing wrong with this

me 2

>PUBG will kill the survival genre

>being this butthurt about getting his precious little shill thread derailed

It is survival since you gotta survive the banhammer.

>If i don't like it, it's a shill thread
>If i like it, it's a contrarian thread

really jimbles my bimbles