Why do girls play overwatch so much?


Because it's a game for girls with cute girls in it. Girls like play as cute girls.


Because it's popular and easy nerd cred

she looks like an ayy lmao

Because its easy and popular and they can get attention from more guys there than playing dwarf fortress or competing with other females for attention IRL.

Because virgin retards like you care so they can stream and make you pay money for "trolling" them.

Girls like games that have well developed characters and are easy to get into and play.

What is the science behind this picture?

>Boots up game
>Runs and puts on dress+high heels
>Grabs the game and have someone take picture
>Put on glasses so I can say I'm a nerd gaymer girl
It's as if she's practicing to be one of the those Biker girls or Ring girls you see at Boxing matches.

Fucking attention whores.

who dat?

>well developed characters
irl women have no personality

Because its a non-game that requires minimal brain and effort to do good at.

Its a casual game and its popular

Well she IS selling her services as a girl that plays overwatch with people. In that context, the image makes perfect sense. She still looks like the most vapid bitch you'll ever meet though.

Daily "we hate the womynz" thead

Anita Sarkeesian,
she just wearing make up.

No no the real question is, why do so many women main mercy?

step 1: be pretty
step 2: play normie game
step 3: stream
step 4: ????
you get it

>Mercy Main
Every time

Why do guys play Overwatch?

I want to fuck a girl



Female streamers would get mad dosh exploiting kb+m vs normal console players though. Stream your tits and be a cut above the average console player due to equipment, has to be a recipe for instant cash.

This. Girls only play video games that are popular and have a huge following.

It's popular, bitches love popular games

>easy to brag about it
>Twitchable and bankable
>50/50 chance to win so they don't need to have some skills to play them.

>well developed

You mean a cowboy, animal scientist, lesbian, and adorable robot are all well developed? There's no inspiration to the concepts at all beyond what someone else already thought up!

Because it's popular


I have seen only 1 gamer girl that didn't show off her tits.

[Spoiler] she was very cute[/spoiler]

>well developed characters

Bright colors, popular, easy to learn.

frig off jrock

>well developed characters
What development? Do you think that Overwatch is Neon Genesis Evangelion or something?

you obviously don't know how BRAPposting works. Back to plebbit.

>baby easy fps
>bland cute characters normies like

wow its such a mystery

women do anything for attention

For the same reason girls like any game: attention.

It's the new "gamer nerd" cred just like how WoW was. it's casual accessible, neckbeards instantly flock to you if they find out you have a vagina, etc.

They all just play mercy anyways.

To pretend they're being useful

Girls only play the more well known and popular stuff in order to grab attention of the virgins who play them

I never even played portal.
Stop being a beta faggot.

Why does /r9k/ come here and post thinly veiled women hating threads?
Who gives a fuck what other people do. There are men who are just as retarded as the attention whore in your image and play normie trash for casuals.

if you can't argue over game mechanics you don't really know anything about video games

It's currently the most popular, most casual and Disney looking game so every dumb whore has to play it to find some beta orbiters and seem cool to potential guys she will later fuck over in court.
Remember guys. "Gamer girls" are just whores and a meme. There doesn't exist a thing called a woman with interests.

Because they know only beta cuckold losers who will give them attention play this casual garbage

I find more girls playing CSGO

the girl I ocasionally fuck with plays everything but support-characters

But it's women that are directly tied to destruction of gaming.
All those "retarded casuls" males you talk about are just people who play CoD or FIFA from time to time and don't mind anything.
Whores push their way into industry and start bitching about sexism once they find enough beta orbiters and create their own army.
Women rights were a mistake.

Please do educate me how BRAPposting works.

>Because they know only beta cuckold losers who will give them attention play this casual garbage

This. Overwatch is an easy way for a girl to make some quick bux on Twitch.

I know plenty of girls that play video games. They just don't put their name to shit like xxxGAMERGURLPRINCESSxxx and stay off mic

Christ. We get it. You're upset you donated $5 to her stream and she didn't acknowledge it.

haha hi five broe, any chance to bring it up amirite

Here is where a BRAP post would be appropriate . If you're the creative type, you could rotate the speech bubble to her ass and put BRAPPU in it. That's advanced memeing though.

I know too.
Problem is, every single one didn't start to like games on her own.
They always either grow up with boys or their ex-bf got them interested.
And even one of them directly said to me that a girl needs to be "trained" into liking things like that or she is just a bland bitch.

It has a role that relies entirely on how well the rest of your team's doing. That's the only requirement for girls to play online MP games.

>watching a drunk girl on twitch show off her tits
>feeling bad because she reminds me of my old high school crush
>proceed to watch her spill her drink over her computer and kill it
Was a good night.

>tfw no plain 6/10 weeb gf to watch anime and play vidya and have sex with

Because Overwatch has a pretty diverse cast of characters and is fun to play. Diverse as in not just race but body types and archetypes as well. Representation of race is good too but Overwatch is a game where not all female characters are blond bimbos.

inb4 fun is a buzzword.

And why do you care? Should I care?
I'm still going to complain how everyone on my team has the brain capacity of a child, male or female.

And stop it with the "oh what a loser. Hurrrrr, your the only constant in the games you play so yourethe problem" FUCK YOU. Overwatch is impossible to win without 4/6 people on your team being competent or better yet, hope that the enemy team only had 2 good players. You can't carry a game as a mccree, or Reinhardt, or Hanzo ( and trust me, I'm that Fucking zenyatta player who goes in 4v1 to try and save a team mate and die taking the enemy Genji and Winston with me.

go live life emotionally and away from here nancy

>well developed characters

overwatch has the most shallow characters i have seen in games in a long time.
even TF2's generic class characters (who dont even have names) have more personality than any out of overwatch.

It's weird, you do okay at the game, and make some jokes, insult the girl a little bit "oh another mercy main" and at the end of the match you get a friend request from the girl. Jesus.

She needs to get blacked.

>mercy main
Can't wait for the change. SO that these bitches won't get carried by her own class anymore

Disgusting trap on the pic
OP is a faggot

Portal is like a 2 hour game. How can you be a fan of something when you can't even invest 2 hours on it?

>80% of the roster is brown
>every character they added since launch is brown

"diversity" is code for "anti-white" we all know this

The world does not revolve around you roastie, go die in a fire. Back then Portal was all the rage among normies so it had a lot of girl fans who never played it, then it was Skyrim and now it's Overwatch.

I'm a male

Seemed like plenty of girls play Splatoon, too, unless those usernames were all catfish.

are those the goth kids from South Park?

womens has shit taste for videogames

because it's easy and for babies

>You can't carry a game as a mccree
>I'm that Fucking [healer main]
Stop being a shit eater. Despite what you think, you actually can carry yourself to a higher rank if you try instead of making excuses.

She'd get it

>90% of characters are white, 10% everything else
>"hey how about if we…"
>89% white, 11% everything else

Good fucking lord i just want to punch that cunt in the face

LOOOOL incel detected, keep coping

>25 playable characters
>8 or 9 easily confirmed white depending on how you view roadhog
>+4 if you add in the asians since they aren't brown at all
>3 robots/omnics
no where near 80% brown

>7-8 out of 24 is now 80% brown

Are you fucking retarded?

Let's just cut to the chase here. Any porn of her?

Mercy is non-threatening vanilla pretty lady

they won't after the mercy nerf.

>mfw this hits a little close to home

I can't remember the last time I beat a game.



Back in my day we had only 1 black character in our hat simulator games

Because they are whores.

She's pretty
She's a well educated doctor
She's focused on healing, so she's non-violent and doesn't require aggression from the player

Just like with men, women project themselves on the character.

Why do girls play MMOs like FFXIV so much


Why do cute girls play Anno 1404 and Counterstrike so much?

>tfw loved demoman so much
>tfw all black characters now are just Afro-nigger #958 instead of just being a character that has black skin

>The game represents a global group of characters
>Most of the world's population is brown
>Angry that most of a global cast is mostly brown


I don't know why, but Doomfist strikes me as one of those anomaly niggers that has a below-average sized dick.

Do they play the Anno games? I love those games.


go outside you fucking retard.

I'm sorry to tell you user, but they're all males irl.

indeed they do user