Dark Souls 3

How the fuck do you damage the big guy at the back enough in time before you get raped by arrows?

>Gook Souls

Run to him and kill him, I know you can do it

Get past him first. Then come back after the bonfire.

Have you tried rolling?

hit and runs. there are some stairs behind him where you can run to for cover, but IIRC I didn't discover them until after I killed him there's more of them later on

Don't bother continuing to play DaS3. They couldn't think up any more ways to make boss fights hard rather than "AYYY THE BOSS HAS 3 MORE HEALTH BARS LOL"

Follow the messages people left on the ground, doofus. They show you where to take cover.

>tfw playing offline

>normie souls

Can I leave messages before the Twin Princes, & Ariandel and Friede boss fights messages saying "Dung Pile Ahead"?

some parts of the game are legitimately too hard for actual normies

actual normies don't finish games though, they buy them and lay them for like 2 hrs and then get bored unless it has EBIN LOOT DROPS and RAIDS

I know. DaS3 is particularly draggy too, maybe even when compared to 2

>buy them and lay them for like 2 hrs and then get bored
Y-yeah fucking normies not finishing their games sheesh

Dark Souls 3 is what I feared Demon's Souls would be when I first played it. I only got DeS at 12 bucks or so used because I didn't want to chance that it would be an awful game prolonged by cheap multiphase bosses that required superhuman endurance to beat. Thankfully Dark Souls is over now before they would go any more ridiculous.

> maybe even when compared to 2
no man, no even close, DaS3 might be draggy but DaS2 is just a neverending adventure of shit and low quality content

There isn't a single area in DaS2 that's as bad as most of Dark Swamps 3's levels, and I say that as someone who like DaS3 more than DaS2.

The only place that's even close is Amana, and I usually solver that place by just bringing a bow.

You could have met him and either gained his friendship or killed him before coming to this section.

I found that it was less that and more
>lol here's multiple enemies cause we got lazy with the AI

You're thinking of the Giant in the beginning of the game. You can't do that in the Ringed City.

That too, often the multitarget fights are part of multiphase battles like Frede and the Twin Princes.


You're right, it's not a single area, it's all of them

dark souls 1 did this exact same thing you fuck

Ornstein and Smough isn't exactly a lazy AI fight. Gargoyles I guess you speak of? We all know 4 kings has 4 due to the dps check so...

By the time i get in the stairs i start panic rolling and to get to where you're showing i bet I'll be raped since round then the fucker summons them alot quicker.

Just keep rolling and you'll dodge the arrows

just played for the first time in a while since beating slave gael and i did an invasion in archives and just fucked the host because he didn't attack me and then i closed the game

>Artorias set with katanas


this is actually good game design, you have to look at your surroundings and figure out the puzzle and how to maneuver through it, to bad the rest of the area goes to shit.

Honest thoughts on the ringed city?

Don' t get hit.

>mfw I just did a run through artorias set + brigand daggers