Why do so few video game characters have huge breasts?

Why do so few video game characters have huge breasts?

Everyone loves huge breasts.

Other urls found in this thread:


Large breasts means more, and more detailed, animation work in general for the character(s) in question. The breasts have to at least reasonably interact with the world, the characters model in all its animations and with hair and so on.

Additionally there's less of an audience for games specifically focused on the girls (not to say it doesn't exist, but typically these games have other draws additionally, some kind of gameplay gimmick or concept etc. - even Neptunia is as much about its girls as it is about parodying gaming and JRPG tropes). This means there's less room for the girls to be more wildly designed to appeal to specific likes, which coupled with the limitations and extra work they create for modelers and animators, means most devs simply avoid going too big.

However, the rare exception like pic related is all the better for its rarity.

Honey Select
checkmate nigga

I agree

I'd imagine big breasts would be over-represented in video games compared to the real world desu

how huge is huge?

Can't believe I'm saying this but those things are too big.

No they aren't, if anything they are small.
These are just average sized.

They're the size of her hand, that's pretty big

>Why do so few video game characters have huge breasts?
You couldn't be more wrong, but you knew that.

Coming here, posting your bait thread. You're just asking for (you)'s. That's the only reason you're here you fucking slut of an OP.

Here you go, open wide

large boobs are generally offensive in same degree.

No such thing.

Though in all seriousness, I don't think so. They're certainly very big, but all things considered, I don't think that size should be as exceptional in 3D games as it is.

I don't know but I wish there were more.


Purple Tittymama is the only reason I care about FGO.

>average sized
you must be a virgin

Her and Artoria Lancer are the best things about F/GO.

I just want a character who's obscenely big but isn't sexualised


Cucks and "girl gaymers" get offended by it.

But disregarding people who don't matter, mostly what said combined with the fact that some people think these mosqutio bites are considered "big boobs". So misinformation really.

>hole arguement

What are some games with huge breasted girls that are actually fun?

I wish I had huge breasts

Tits are just fake asses.

Shit comes from asses

Fuck you I consider those big, I'm just trying to stay vidya. Those are tiny compared to what I think is the proper size for a woman

How huge?

Post with a video game related example.

It comes from your taste as well.

this but also jiggle physics

>inb4 modern men no longer desire big breasts

Isn't that just because america isn't white anymore?

Anyone have that chart showing europe and canada liking breasts and everyone else liking butts?


She's officially in the Blue Haired Waifu folder now



Have you ever seen good breast physics? Even the decent ones look off. And in the realm of growing realism, there is no real way to make big breasts that look good from a video game standpoint, as big breasts in real life look pretty bad. Only an anime/cartoony style can make large breasts attractive.

Cause of men becoming less manly; plastics and xeno estrogens
are everywhere and in everything. Combine that with literal chimp-humans
being on top of the music game right now, talking about asses only, and
you get a generation of men who focus on the aspect both sexes posses,
rather than breasts; the only thing besides vagoobers which men do not possess.

Asses are 50% straight
Breasts are 100% straight
So it figures today's effiminate, nu-youtubing, skinny jeans-wearing,
instagramming, liberal beta male goes for ass.

>Oedipus shaming.

Was this game any good?
It probably isn't something for anyone who liked the original game though.

shut up ameriburger



Flatchested feminists.

>name calling
>statistics straight out of his ass, in more ways than one

I accept your concession.

Big breasted women have the power to end all problems in the world, just by letting other people touch and suck on their boobs. But do they use their power for good? No, they let us continue to rot when all we really want is a big pair of boobs to play with.

Look at those runecoons

>people actually think this is scientific data
>no one uses VPN's, changes their IP address, etc
>places with no internet and hardly any internet are on the chart
>fucking North Korea
I'm not even trying to say that it's necessarily bullshit, but I don't know why this keeps getting spammed. It isn't legitimate data. Pornhub is not some scientific journal.

>Asses are 50% straight
>So it figures today's effiminate, nu-youtubing, skinny jeans-wearing,
instagramming, liberal beta male goes for ass.

nigga what

here's a (you) for your low quality but high effort bait

There is a pretty fucking clear trend there Mr. 67%

>uses VPN's, changes their IP address, etc
>to watch porn

>Why do so few video game characters have huge breasts?

Depends on the game, some have big breasts and some big ass.

Jap games mostly have big tits

game? image search isn't helping

both men and women have asses, naturally. They can develop them quite well without any kinda of unnatural help.
However, men can never grow full, round, supple and good looking breasts.

Therefore, only breasts are 100% straight. It is pure science. Trust me I jack off to tits 5 times a day.

You know the schizophrenic
way you format your
posts makes me
think you might probably
be a Sup Forumstard or something

I'm pretty sure it's illegal or just banned in SK. Could be in other places as well.

>2b would have had bigger tits if they hasn't spent so long arguing over how big they should be that they didn't have enough time for physic simulations and animations for larger ones anymore

Certain countries have anti-AV laws, like South Korea.

Modern men no longer desire big breasts

I don't understand how anyone can like butts. Shit comes from there. Meanwhile tits and tice to the touch, great to suck on, and comfy as fuck to hug.

Faggot. I like J-cups and im 24.

Valkyira Revolution

The most sfw example I can think of is the Hex Maniac immediately before your post

Yes im the Sup Forums boogyman your fellow redditors at r/cuckolding warned you about, be afraid.


They desire HUGE breasts.

So, is Amalia gonna fuck the shota or nah? Haven't watched since they rescued Trispepin.

what's this disgusting shit?

shit taste

*modern faggots

not true
and we never use those shitty western porn site
t. worst korean

Reminder that she is a corpse, and her vag is most likely infested with maggots, and her breasts propably filled with yellow, rotten pus.

Ah, there he is.
That Fucking Faggot.
What a tool.

t. larper

What went wrong bros? Why do men like ass and thicc over a big pair of titties these days?

Race mixing and importing foreigners.

>Women are often jealous or intimidated when other women (Even fictional ones) have bigger breasts than them
>Western devs are trying (And failing) to get more women to play their games by not having large breasts in their games
Reminder that modern feminism isn't the evil pro-woman boogeyman Sup Forums thinks it is, and is just a movement advocating for certain types of women that society doesn't value (Unattractive, bad personality, overly promiscuous, or a combination of any of the three). Most women aren't being advocated for by modern feminism, and don't really give a shit about it.

AV is banned in Korea you idiot. a gook even teamed up with a jap to make a comedy manhwa about how he goes to Japan to learn about the AV industry because Korea doesn't have one. Because it's illegal there.

Kids being surrounded by rap vids about asses, seeing people like the kardashians getting famous, increasing amounts of basketball americans influencing culture, etc.

>So, is Amalia gonna fuck the shota or nah?

Most likely she will at some point.

check the reviews it got panned by everyone
also new-selvaria gets killed off so whats the fucking point?
but ive seen it for like $15 so ill probably get it at some point just to see

- Setting and story are actually pretty neat and interesting, the wartorn magical europe setting is neat (though not new to the series) and the main cast is actually pretty neat, I actually wanted to see how their story went
- Soundtrack is fantastic to the point I'm sad so many people will miss out on it. youtube.com/watch?v=Of1SfbWERRE
- Brunhilde's tits
- Reasonable amount of content and the DLC adds more and is free.

- Gameplay is extremely repetitive, feels like a mishmash of mechanics that don't work together at all, and rarely gives you reason to do much more than just mash/use the same magic and grenades on most things. The most the gameplay shines is during the early Brunhilde fights, where you're forced to counter her elements to stop her attacks, but too few enemies use this in interesting ways and too many late game bosses are just massive health sinks.
- The story is let down by it's presentation; almost all of it is delivered with long cutscenes one after another that will drain you of interest over any play session over an hour. Several 2 - 5 minutes cutscenes right after each other, with loading between them, with bonus cutscenes on top of that if you want the entire story. To make this worse, the games animations are "Tales of" tier. In Tales it's servicable but flawed, thanks to how often it gets back to gameplay, but here it just makes the cutscenes feel like they take even longer.

Overall opinion:
The gameplay is repetitive and has little of interest to it, but if you can put up with that the story and cast is quite interesting at times despite its extremely slow presentation, and the OST is fantastic. If you have a morbid interest, maybe consider it but know what you're getting into. If not, maybe just hope there's an anime adaption some day, since that could easily be a better way to enjoy it.

It's possible to have both on the same body, you know. Hell, they go together.

I'm not going to do more work than this.

I don't want to be that guy, but huge breasts only look good in 2D. You people need to stop fapping to girls like that gray-haired chick from Prison School or whatever and fuck real girls with oversized breasts like Hitomi Tanaka, it's pretty disgusting.

I'm white boy, but black men are right about big butts, they're much better.

Disagreement over what exactly "big" is, combined with the fact that the developers bold enough to actually do it are more or less exclusively asian.

game doesn't look so good
thanks anyway user


>Hitomi Tanaka is disgusting
t. "white" american "man"

Big boobies are life

This might be the gayest thing I've heard said in some time. Big breasts are gorgeous.


Breast lover usually have a limit on what's considered acceptable (and it's usually about the level of Brunhilde posted in this thread.) Meanwhile thiccfags have no limit to their degeneracy.

Hol up? Where is this from? Season 3?

Who is this

I wanna be that cat.

>I'm white boy, but black men are right about big butts, they're much better.

Yes, it is important for babies. It stops being important afterwards, though.


Her vessel, Miss Maria, is what dies. Brunhilde is still "alive" as she ever was in the ring that the Valkyria are tied to..

Liking a pair of shapely, jiggly cheeks didn't mean I'm interested in the poop chute within.

September Carino, I think