It should be illegal to have an OST this incredible. How can it be disputed that Atlus produces the best games?
It should be illegal to have an OST this incredible. How can it be disputed that Atlus produces the best games?
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Well I mean there are better JRPGs, but for a modern soundtrack, P5 is one of the best I've ever heard.
tell me 3 better jrpgs
pick your 3 favorite final fantasy games
I glanced through the soudntrack and didn't find anything special. (Haven't played the game yet.) Which track are your favourites?
life goes on
really chill track
What else? Come on, it's your thread about the game's soundtrack. Feel free to post youtube links and stuff. I don't need this spoonfed to me or anything, but we're celebrating the game's music, right?
So nobody is gonna post any OST??? Fine.
Disappointed in you OP
im not even the op man
butterfly kiss
wake up,get up, get out there (op)
last suprise (hype as fuck)
layer cake
whims of fate
but seriously man just play the game, not hearing it in context takes away from the power of the music
>not hearing it in context takes away from the power of the music
Not him, but that is true
OP is clearly a faggot.
Shit the fuck up nigger you know what? Fuck you, punk-ass, boushy-ass nigga. I'll beat your motherfucking sadiddy ass, nigga. Fuck with me, nigga, I'll be done popping the trunk out of your bitch ass, nigga. Get my motherfucking Uzi.
Listening to the OST without experiencing it ingame should be a cardinal sin. Especially for tracks like will power and rivers in a desert
What, "Shit the fuck up"? Are posting off a phone, white boy? You want a piece of me, bitch-ass phone-boy?
>but seriously man just play the game
I don't want Sony hardware in my house, unfortunately.
Pirate it dude
I'm playing it on RPCS3 with an OC'd i5 3570k. No excuses.
I'm fine with buying the game. What I'm not fine with is having an ugly-ass Sony box in here. I'd love to play Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Persona 5, but that's not enough tow ant me to buy a 7th/8th gen fucking console of all things.
Yes OP tell me about how some old Japanese lady singing YOU NEVER SEE IT COMIN CHING CHONG and other assorted butchered English is transcendent.
My copy is arriving in a month. Hype me up senpaitachi
If you don't think the pyramid has the best dungeon music you don't know SHIT about video games
Skies of Arcadia
Mother 3
Etrian Odyssey II
P5 definitely has the best game soundtrack I've ever heard though
p5babbies are seriously one of the worst things ever on Sup Forums
I love Skies too man, but you gotta be kidding me.
Actually, I've tried emulation, but there's some trouble with my setup. I have an i5-4570 and a GTX 760, but the game actually runs on sub-1 fps for some reason. I understand that this can't be right, but I'm not sure what exactly is up. I'm not some emulation newbie either. I can set up RetroArch on Linux just fine (rpcs3 I'm running on Win7). Somehow, it just doesn't run on my pretty common hardware. Not exactly sure why. In fact, I'd love it if you gave your opinion on whhat might be happening.
>When Life Will Change kicks in
The Days when Mother was There > Freedom and Security > Price > The Whims of Fate > A Woman > Ark > King, Queen and Slave > Sweatshop
>Disappointed in you OP
Not OP, but not posting Rivers in the Desert? You're a disgrace.
On some real shit
I don't even bump P5 tracks anymore, type of game where the OST is cool in the game but you don't feel to listen to it outside game time. I've even forgotten about rivers in the desert. Meguro has lost it and is gonna be replaced in SMT
Egads, this shit is so fucking MELLOW. Is the whole game like that? Fucking bleh.
Don't mind me, just having the best dungeon theme.
Personafags in general are massive faggots who only care about muh waifus.
They'll be the same people telling you to git gud in other threads, though. Go on, admit it.
The most casual games possible get the most traffic here, it's nothing new. Pretty sick of Sup Forums pretending like they're better than everyone else.
o great music connoisseur
please enlighten us on what good video game is
How long ago was it? RPCS3 is developing fast.
Also, there are a few settings that help optimize performance.
It's not a fucking Ys game, you're in most of these dungeons for several hours and you're flipping through menus in shops and the overworld. The energy level of the music is perfectly appropriate, imagine how grating a blaring guitar solo would be on hour 3 of the same dungeon
>Personafags in general are massive faggots who only care about muh waifus.
>Zero waifu shit in the thread, its just a thread about the great ost
Nah mate you're the faggot here.
Persona 3
Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 Portable
there's rock and metal inspired tracks but the game's ost is mostly jazz fusion
>Pretty sick of Sup Forums pretending like they're better than everyone else.
m-masaka!! I've never seen projection of this caliber before..
>mfw Life Will Change starts playing after sending the calling card for the first time
one of the greatest videogames moments ever
Feels like I'm missing out as the music is the most talked about thing of Persona 5 but it isn't to my taste.
I can appreciate the neat UI, at least.
I'm not talking about blaring electric guitars. Jazz fusion needn't be so dull and mechanically emotionless.
It's great, but Yusuke's Teacher's palace had my favorite.
So chill.
Thanks a bunch. I'll try it again. Tried back in August, so I doubt the emulator has progressed THAT much since. There must be some kind of hardware incompatibility on my end here. In fact, maybe simply updating the fucking drivers would help. Or maybe not. Thanks, I'll go try again.
In to the trash, japs should stop trying to use english in their songs with their shitty accents
>finished the game months ago
>beneath the mask is still stuck in my head
I find it really hard to like the persona songs with vocals - even when they're not complete nonsense the engrish accent is pretty cringey. And there are many games with better soundtracks, even with similar engrishy songs like
There was a recent overhaul to how shaders are cached. It works kinda similar to Cemu now in that aspect. Big performance boost, but in P5, it caches the same shader several times (I have like ~6500 cached shaders when there are only a couple hundred in the game). Whenever that gets fixed (which is projected by the end of the month), we should get another big performance boost.
But does it really sound all that realistic that I can't get even 1 fps (literally) with my i5-4570? Were I unable to run the game full speed, that'd be one thing, but somehow I can't get it to run even at 1/30th speed on default settings.
If you were using an old build, not using LLVM, and openGL. I could see it being horrendous like that. Also, look up threadpausing. Most tutorials on YT use an old build, but it still helps with performance on the new builds too.
Some info that ppl like to leave out. Specific threads to pause are 0, 3, and 5. Do the threadpausing on the opening screen asking to connect to the internet. If the game freezes, unpause and repause threads.
Shoji Meguro is a fucking boss.
This OST may be the best I've ever heard in a game. Some Yakuza games come close, but this is another level desu
I keep thinking back to 2012 when Phil Fish told that Japanese dude Japanese games were dead and sucked, and just how utterly wrong he's been shown to be since then.
I see. Thanks a bunch.
0 had much better battle themes and boss themes man.
And it had like six different default battle themes. I think it has Persona beat.
Are you a fucking idiot? You're going to let some really stupid principle get in the way of you playing some of the best games of this generation? Find a way to hide it if you think it's that ugly, Jesus.
I had a 360 and a PS3, but 90% of the time I spent on PC. Since I got my PS4 in December, I've hardly been off it.
Will it ever be topped? Personababies need not apply.
>some really stupid principle
It's not out of principle. I've got more than enough shit to play right now already. Getting even more hardware just for a handful of games would simply be too silly.
That butchered English was on purpose. Meguro didn't like that her English was so "on point" when she first sung it.
I don't get it, but it was intentional. I heard not understanding the lyrics makes them more enjoyable, though.
P5's ost fucking sucked, worst in the series not counting the P1 PSP ost.
Ashamed to say I've had 0 on my shelf since release day and have yet to play it. I've now got Kiwami on my shelf as well.
0 released too close to Nioh for me to be able to enjoy it, then I worried about my final year of uni. Now I'm done and I still haven't played it yet. I start Japanese classes in October, so I guess I'll wait until then.
At least I now know it has a fantastic story, soundtrack and gameplay.
I care about story and characters
Which is why i don't like p5 sadly. OST is pretty good though, probably gonna listen to it a lot in rainy weather
what's wrong with the soundtrack? there are some real good ones in there
I fucking loved it. Even amidst the jazzy stuff it has some of Meguro's best rock since DDS. Ordered a copy shortly after I beat the game.
i liked rivers in the desert less once i heard it in game because the bosses are so fucking easy it felt meaningless
that probably the best song in the game
other than that the
home theme
battle theme
town theme
and most of the dungeon themes (besides yusukes)
all blow
kinda have to agree that i get tired of the most played ones, but the dungeon themes are pretty good imo
Battle theme is great
Every dungeon theme except Kamoshida's and Mementos is great.
Treasure-stealing theme is GOAT
>Beneath the Mask
>Last Surprise
>Will Power
>My Homie
>Layer Cake
>When Mother was there
>Whims of Fate
>Rivers in a Desert
>Our Beginning
This, Nier Automata, Gravity Rush 2, and Sonic Mania have restored my faith in videogame soundtracks
dont ever reply to me ever again
what smt game do i play if I've only ever played p5
I do what I like because I have superior taste.
You should feel honoured to even be acknowledged by a higher being such as myself.
Nocturne or if you're a baby IV is pretty easy other then the pretty brutal tutorial.
>I have superior taste
>makoto pic
You'd want to probably play P3 and P4 first then go on to Nocturne. I don't have much faith in Sup Forums anons so I won't even recommend P1 or 2, even though 1 in particular is superior to every other game in the series.
Just take a look at this reddit image and make your own choices.
Persona 5 has the best OST I've ever heard in my life. Every song hits deep at my soul and makes me want to groove. How did they do it?
Kiwami doesn't come close to 0 so make sure to play 0. But yeah, school is more important so good luck with that.
Aside from 'behind the mask' constituting half of the tracks it's pretty good
>mfw first hearing Ark
This suit you better, fag?
Keeper of Lust is the one best track on the ost. It's like the old best meguro is back, to the point that initially i even thought that they just reused a dds track
I've heard, but I know Kiwami is a remake of 1 so that's to be expected I suppose.
I finished school now thankfully. Got a 2:1 so the focus paid off. Now job-hunting which is less time consuming, so I'm on my third playthrough of P5.
What do you mean old Meguro? He never lost his touch. SJ, IV, and the new stuff in IV:A were great.
It was so forgettable that i can't even place it on the tier ladder
Yes, dds' ost was better in every regard
Is doing multiple playthroughs actually fun? I've been thinking of doing a second for my save file but I don't want to ruin my experience.
There anything you really get out of doing it?
Can somebody explain to me why people like Time To Make History and act as if it is better than Reach Out To the Truth in any way?
its like an anime OP, in that its not that good until you experiance the actual game/anime
you know
you dont have to be a fag to know that makoto is shit
and p5's ost sucks shit
Probably because they played Persona 4 a dozen times before Golden so they got sick of hearing the same battle theme every time.
I had the reverse experience with some of the most praised tracks. Didn't care hearing Rivers in the Desert ingame at all, and only started liking it after hearing it a few more times outside of it. Same with Beneath the Mask.
Persona 5 and Botw. two beautiful OSTs in one year.
A good video game OST isn't not just a good song, it's about having the perfect song for the moment. You have to actually experience the whole thing, not just part of it.
>He never lost his touch
He had a lapse of 'having a touch' when he composed osts for 3 and 4. Both had very few good tracks and were pretty mediocre overall, 4 especially. 5's has some weak tracks, but even its weakest tracks are solid
>Not liking beneath the mask instantly
Are there any more of these images but with other P5 girls?
>Have to pick between Persona 5 and Sonic Mania for OST of the year
>Persona 3 OST
>pretty mediocre
Please reconsider this opinion.
There's every combination you can possibly think of dude.
Why would there be? Best girls are already represented