What went wrong? Is it doing good on the PS4?
Lawbreaker PC
It's a bad game user, not too complicated.
it is a sjw turd
I'm glad his game bombed.
He peaked with UT & GoW, everything else is down hill from there.
People who play overwatch don't even like overwatch, so why would someone play a shitty overwatch?
id, bethesda and the quake name can't even hold 5k players. arena fps is a niche genre.
But it's not his game. There is a whole team of 100-150 people behind this game.
Not enough ugly pink haired characters
Its a good game only hated by Sup Forums
u have no fucking idea of how this makes me happy
all of those 100+ people can go get fucked lmaoo!!!
>tfw there are more genders than people playing your game
I guess he was not skilled AF
How long until the devs themselves realize it's dead?
I prefer this video to crowbcat's one
It's unironically the best hero shooter on the market, but the characters and setting are bland as shit and it came out too late. Also, it's a meme to hate it because the characters aren't white.
I feel sad because he sums up Overwatch flawlessly, but yeah.
>I prefer this video to crowbcat's one
>literally the exact same music as crowbcats battleborn vid
>autistic level of depth into cliffyb's personal/dating life
A bit much, tbqh
>A bit much, tbqh
>autistic level of depth into cliffyb's personal/dating life
Never, especially when he retired.
>because the characters aren't white.
are they even selling the game to africa or white countries?
>posting racist frog
you disappoint your fellow NeoGaffers
>Is it doing good on the PS4?
It's doing worse on PS4 according to the developers.
you silly little cunt.
>it's a meme to hate it because the characters aren't white.
Thats not the problem, the problem is that they look ugly, like what a battleborn character would look like in real life
I checked the game last night on twitch, there were like 4 people playing it and the one playing it on ps4 had to wait like 8 minutes to find a match
They are selling the game to people that aren't inscure
niggers are ugly indeed
then thats weird because i am not buying that turd
>neutering your own game so you don';t offend any purple haired hamplanets from Twitter who don't even play games anyways
Is there a more cucked group of betas than game devs?
>that clip of them cancelling the youtuber's trip to the studio to get early gameplay because of his political views
Anyone know who that is? Its obvious he must have right wing pro Trump views, hence them using "diversity and inclusion" in their email telling him he isn't welcome anymore.
Cause you are inscure
nice buzzword
You don't know what buzzword means
He retweeted vavra's reply to Cliff's gender neutral bathrooms tweet and during one of his streams he said something along the lines of "please dont add political BS to your games", so some pink haired beast send that info to BossKey and later he was emailed about not being welcomed to the event
I heard about this on an EZallies podcast
you dont know what insecure means
>Get it to play with friends
>Friends never want to play it after the first week.
How do normies manage to keep playing the same multiplayer game for years?
guys wtf, stop complaining about the low playerbase!!
I do, and people who are upset of a brown character in a video game is insecure
>not being a slave to your cuckdev's latest shit game
Sad, Sup Forums. Just sad.
>Im busy "boosting the playerbase"
It's good. Cliff was just too vocal about his dick hanging out. Nobody wanted to see that. I like some of the character designs and abilities, namely Baron, Tokki, deadlock, abbadon. I hate the files. If they just left the gender neutral bathrobes without making a comment about it literally nobody would care. Too bad this game got associated with such an assholes and his ego, it really could have done well
yeah? what else they are? racist? u can use your buzzwords assigning random meanings to words all you want that i dont care, u may as well make a new version of the english language just for yourself, i have nothing to do with it
Shut up overbabby. I know you are still mad at Terry Crews.
The diverse cast is the last thing to worry about with this game, even the leftists hate it
Sup Forumspol are fucking scum, yes Cliff is a legit retard but the game is actually good, its sad it didnt take more. Having more variety than CSGO overmeme battleturd and cod is always a good thing.
>inb4 virgin starting to reply buzzwords, memes and no arguments at all
wow... BADASS!!
Fuck them, serves them right for entering a bloated market. If you actually think people look at this games gameplay and aren't reminded of overwatch go fuck yourself too. Of all the places, ideas energy to put into a game this just wasn't the right call. I could name 10 different unique games concepts that are still waiting for AAA quality releases, but will anyone risk it? No.
sjw doesn't mean what you think it means, please return to r/the_donald
youre so subversive
i love it
There are other things to consider besides Cliff being retarded, and that is that there are so many games similar to Lawbreaker's getting released and loads of multiplayer games out now at that. If they really wanted to make an impression with Lawbreakers it should have been singleplayer first or a co-op shooter with tacked on multi.
>releases game on pc
>releases on ps4
>starts going on about how Xbox version might come soon after literally insulting the one fanbase that would have actually bought his game based on their good experience with gears
>predicted flop
He's a fucking retard and deserves all this failure
Lawbreakers gets outplayed by every other game on the market
- Overwatch has normie and waifu appeal, word of mouth and is insanely popular
- Paladins is F2P and brings in all the BRs and Chinese, plenty of Waifu bait to go around
- Blunderborn is free, and.... well, if it's about SJW-appeal, Gearbox seems to have that shit down pat, better than CuckyB
- Quake has brandname, id and Bethesda behind it, plus a more stable community at the same pricetag
There is literally no reason to play Lawbreakers, zero. If you go to the Steam discussion page, you see the same death throes as were visible with Battleborn; dumbfucks who bought into the hype desperately urging others to stay quiet about the small playerbase to avoid warning potential buyers. F2P or it'll end up like Arcane Mirage Warfare or whatever before it got given out for free
what the fuck is that thing?
had to google this one thought it was some racist trump supporter shop trying to make the game worse than it actually is
why did overwatch do so well then?
>game is reaching battleborn numbers
He's talking about an Xbox port? I cant imagine how he'll have to bend over backwards to backtrack.
waifus and marketing
It had waifus and good gameplay
>good gameplay
*presses Q to win*
>serves them right for entering a bloated market
Ok scumbag, tell me what is bloated for you :
That's it ? those are the most popular shooters on pc right now, 6 multiplayer shooters are already too much for PC Market ???
>If you actually think people look at this games gameplay and aren't reminded of overwatch go fuck yourself too
And now you are just proving me that you are a scumbag and you dont actually know what you are talking about.
The gameplay in LB is actually unique, you can call the gravity feature a gimmick but it doesnt play like OW or TF2 like every people who never touched it like say.
If anything its the lack of advertising and the fucking BLAND and BORING art direction that killed the game, the game has no personality.
Image is the only thing that makes games sell now.
- Blunderborn is free, and.... well, if it's about SJW-appeal, Gearbox seems to have that shit down pat, better than CuckyB
3 buzzwords in one sentence...
Anyway, as anyone here i like to laugh about that failure of a game but its literally a CHILDREN game, stop being obsessed by it and putting 'cuck' every 3 words...
>why did overwatch do so well then?
Good (read: easy to draw porn) character designs. Not terribly overdesigned, decent cast variety.
Lawbreakers has literally nothing more than different skin colors.
Even that chick with robot legs has NOTHING that sets her abart from the rest of the characters.
I see you have never played it, nice one.
i bet you're silver
nice try cliffy
TF2, Paladins, Dirty Bomb, Battlegrounds, fucking Left 4 Dead has a large playerbase. And the mountain of other f2p shooters on Steam. Yes it's fucking bloated. Stop justifying your poor purchase and take that L.
>indica haze
I'm top 500 4 times now and it's definitely an extremely low skillcap game. Ultimates are about 5 times more powerful than they should be. The general speed of the game is way too fast to ever be competitive, there's barely any level of tactics nor enough objectives/abilities to make it a skillful and competitive title. Press Q to win is pretty accurate a lot of times.
Let's get more unique posters in this thread than playing an hour ago
>boosting the player base
Reminds of the one youtuber and channel that was dedicated to Battleborn in hopes that he would be an important face in the community. But then he slowly went to OW.
>If anything its the lack of advertising and the fucking BLAND and BORING art direction that killed the game, the game has no personality.
>Image is the only thing that makes games sell now.
I also heard that the game was meant to be Free to Play, considering its Nexon it should have happened. You are right about images being the only thing that sells games though but there's at least a reason for this, and that there's so many games that play almost similarly to each other. They need their own identity to at least stand out.
It's funny how the characters in the game are uglier than your own self.
>memes and buzzwords again
>TF2, Dirty Bomb
Small (but large enough) playerbase
Not even the same genre
6 years old COOP game
And there is no shitty f2p fps with a decent playerbase on steam.
Depends on how much underaged you are but if you remember back before the multiplat era and the standardization there were WAY more multiplayer fps than today...
At first it was supposed to be a f2p but they ditched the idea. If it had a decent visual identity it could have worked by just giving the twitchers free keys but its not the case and its hard to understand the gravity feature unless you play the game.
Everything in the game looks as it could be a placeholder for UE4 and it's hardly sellable.
t. neofag
This game didn't deserve this.
>SJW shit
Yes it deserved it.
now you've triggered me
where's the downvote button?
How's the actual game outside of GamerGate buzzwords? I loved Unreal Tournament 99 and adored later UTs...so I want to believe that the game's failure is due to a crowded marketplace and a higher skill ceiling.
Is this going F2P soon?
>too fast to be competitive
I know your probably like 15 or something but Quake 3 Arena and UT were the kings of competitive FPS throughout the late 90s and early 00s; they're faster than any game you've probably played.
The gameplay it self feels weird, as it is somewhat unbalanced around the characters strong and weak ranges, and visually it is really unappealing as it is confusing as shit. The gameplay leans more towards UT and Quake than Overwatch, but they added the ultimate mechanic either way so it feels clunky sometimes.
TL, DR: its not a horrible game neither the best thing, its just a "meh" game that came out too late for its own good
It's not a SJW turd. Blizzard is a publisher and developer smart enough to pander to everyone, and most importantly casual players who are least sensitive to pandering.
solid 6/10
yeah blizzard always striked me as a turd but not especially a sjw one
with overwatch they got progressively more sjw as started building their initial playerbase unlike lawbreakers where that is completely evident
Don't know if that's also on the skin in game, but the sparkle effect on the glove is neato
> that neck
I don't think that's true, unless I've been missing out on something. Blizzard has never said something along the lines of "Hey we added black characters to our game with bland cardboard cutout personalities, look at how morally righteous and progressive we are".
They pander to everyone, including SJWs but they don't morally grandstand while they are doing it from what I can tell. To be SJW you have to morally grandstand. Just pandering to someone isn't enough.
i didnt like blizzard before as a company because they have always been greedy, it had nothing to do with sjws, but if u are talking about current blizzard then u are missing a lot because it is everywhere, they made the lines multiple times last and during this year, and pandering doesnt necessarily come as adding "black characters" for no reason, it can be for hirings as well to give an example
out of all the big gaming companies they are probably the ones that pander the most to sjws, they are full on diversity
game made for the sole intent of making money. No love for their craft and it shows. I'm so glad it flopped and I hope that fuckhead manlet goes bankrupt.
>too fast to be competitive
>Call all of PC users thieves a few years ago and that you would never publish on the platform because piracy exist
>make online multiplayer game for PC
>it's a reskin trend dick rider
>it fails
I wonder if he'll blame piracy this time.