Want to play video games

>Want to play video games
>Everything is boring right now
Is it me or am i just in a gaming stump?

youre going to die soon

You're just a contrarian who won't play anything that's remotely popular.

Stop being sober.

leave Sup Forums
get a console

No, 90% of Sup Forums feels the same way. Modern gaming is garbage.

That's funny. I was like this last year. Now I'm bouncing between several games.

What are you playing right now?

Probably because you're a pedophile weeb who only play ching chong games.

You go back to play those games you really liked and if that doesn't help then congrats, you're ready for leaving behind toys for manchildren.

filthy dumb kanna-posting scum
ironic weebs shot be fucking shot

maybe you're just depressed. try doing some extensive physical activities for a while to see if the desire to play video games returns.

>ching chong games
Fuck off mate ding song wong games are better.

You're sleepy
have a good night's rest.

Due to work I only get like 3-4 hours of sleep.

fuck off

Same. But I'm currently in-between releases so I'm somewhat at a loss on what to play until later this month.

>mfw ys8 in a couple days


Die, ugly loli


These webms make no sense.
The character isn't actually a little human girl, it's a little dragon girl, you just can't kill her that easily.


Games just aren't as fun as they used to be.

Enjoy your ban, pedo. The sooner you creep fuck off from anime the faster the medium will be respected.

>never actually start playing
>shitpost on Sup Forums

should I watch Kobayashi?
recommend me something cute and happy

Kemono Friends or Dragon Maid.
You can buy them on Steam, too.


New Game!

gaming is 10000x better than it used to be. your just a balding fat man now cant enjoy them because you dug your life into a hole.

>this is a Mexican dragon

thanks anons

Your reddit opinion is invalid.