Game subtly suggests the player to question his religion

>game subtly suggests the player to question his religion

>game writing is so shit it makes you consider religion



I found funny how people started smuggling bibles and shit to rapture because they couldn't stand the leader which I don't remember his name.
and how in bioshock 2 they all became religious

It's like /new/ and Sup Forums in response to the edgy atheists

"NO GODS" isn't subtle, and nothing in the game would actually cause one to question religion. People don't question their religion just because they're aware of non-religious people (let alone non-religious fictional characters).

t. non-religious person who doesn't wear a fedora

This. And what's more, this is just a poster in a freaking FPS game, do you really think someone would care about it?

People naturally want to believe in a greater power, edgy atheists just believe it's themselves.


What if God is a black woman?

Well it is a game that heavily leans on story telling and telling alot about how Rapture Society worked via posters and banners and etc.

>place becomes a nightmare on earth


God isn't human, and it has no gender.

>referring to the Lord as "it"

show some respect kiddo

True, but there are a lot of people who are playing the game just for the FPS aspect, and others, the ones who are trying to find some philosophical answers in the game are dumb. I mean, the game is interesting, but come on, it's not like it's some great piece of art that will make you reevaluate your feelings and thoughts about life and existence.

>game that turns you into a religious fanatic



All these threads are edgy teens trying to be contrarian. None of you fucking go to church when the rate of weekly church attendance is at an all time low of 25%

I don't know a better gender-neutral pronoun.

>Deus Vult

You are a fucking retard.


You don't have to go to church to believe in God. A lot of people who come back from near-death experiences actually become *less* interested in organized religion.

Bioshock doesn't have objectivism themes. It is themed after objectivism.
It's like slapping some tentacles and calling something lovecraftian.
It was a fun game, but there was no actual exploration of ideas, just like most games it used themes as a coat of paint to make a little fun theme park.

It's also far from positive about the concept, after all the society fell apart.

Satanism is about believing in yourself though

You're no better than your fellow white man, accept god while you still can.

It's literally the games greatest aspect, the fps mechanics are above average sure but c'mon.

25% is still pretty big compared to the average in Europe.
It's like 5% where I live.

For Americans and other Protestants, religion is all about reading the bible and having a personal connection with Jesus.
They go to church to hang out, their cults are just the pastor shitposting about some topic

"They" is more for when you're talking about non-specific people that could be of either gender.

I laughed.
Seriously. I have nothing against religion or religious people, I actually think it's a good thing, it can help people who are in crisis, but come on, you can't think that church (and whole Vatican thing) is a good thing? it's the biggest money laundering racket ever.

The body yearns for a spiritual experience as well. Which is why people turn to drugs like weed and psychedelics.

any serious christian will tell you that you can't "really" be a christian (one that grows in faith and closeness to god) without going to church. and logically, part of that is because if you're disconnected from that community you're far more likely to give up on the entire idea.

>spiritual experience
Weed causing hallucinations in people is very rare and not even a common symptom. Psychedelics and that line is spot-on though

It isn't even themed that way. Levine has said, and this is obvious with Infinite, that he's a centrist liberal and that all of the games are about "extreme" views aka anything that isnt liberalism. It's just his fantasy take on why anything other than liberalism is bad.

More like
>Player is a faggot with persecution complex and mistake a game's dystopian setting and themes(evidently portrayed as negative) as a personal attack

Didn't Jesus himself basically say "Fuck church, talk to God one-on-one"?

I'll take sophomores for four sylables, Alex.

can't tell if shitposting or just stupid.


Cant imagine that since the bible clearly states Jesus and his apostles always attended temple in jerusalem, or a synagogue if they were away from the city.

Smug "centrists" who think they're above it all are fucking insufferable.

Jesus also said "Fuck family, fuck your mom and your dad, NO PETER, WAIT, NOT IN THAT SENSE", but the new testament is hogwash anyway, especially in the form it is read now.

Dude, what do you think about a guy named Elisha? What kind of person was he?

>lets go live under the sea with a ruthless billionaire fanatic as our absolute ruler!
What could go wrong

Ken Levine is the Christopher Nolan of vidya.

Sure, but that game stands out because objectivism is obscure as far as fringes go.
Having fascism, communism religious rule or corporate oligarchy in your game in like having guns in it.

>Jesus also said "Fuck family, fuck your mom and your dad, NO PETER, WAIT, NOT IN THAT SENSE"
No he didn't, you're twisting the context. He said to keep God above family, "Honor thy father and mother" is specifically stated in Exodus for crying out loud. The point Jesus was making in his teachings it to not elevate them or love them as much as you do God, because that would equate them in importance to God. They are incredibly important and they deserve your love, but God has to be #1.

The subtlety is that its anti-religion message is masked by the seemingly no suggestion of anti-religion.

And what does Jesus say about why he is here? If I remember well it goes something like this: "I'm not here to bring peace, no. I am here to bring sword. I have come to turn a son against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Man’ s enemies will be the members of his own household".
Nice guy

But objectivism *is* corporate oligarchy.

Yeeahh. If god tells you to kill your son, you DO IT! Right?

But *is* it?

>you can't really be a christian without going to church.

Where do you get this, user? Church is literally merely a community of interested people gathering together to support one another. You don't need to attend or stick with the community to be religious. Religion is entirely personal, like that other user said.

Why would partaking in the community aspect be required when the whole point is personal faith?

Daily reminder that Protestants aren't Christian and don't go to Heaven.


What a load of horseshit. You can honor your family if they're decent people, but if they're monsters, kick their shit to the curb

Daily reminder that everyone eventually goes to Heaven because Hell doesn't exist and God isn't stupid enough to punish someone forever for only a human lifetime's worth of sins.

You mean the guy that killed an entire village because kids laughed at his baldness? Sounds like nice person.

Yes, and?

This. People place far too much emphasis on family. That message is actually very damaging to people who get stuck with seriously harmful family members. It brainwashes them into thinking they have to put up with that shit forever despite it being a toxic relationship. Sometimes it's better to just cut the cord.

You talking 'bout Sopranos?

Heaven only existing makes a bit more sense than hell existing. Hell is very clearly just a reason to encourage people to toe the line. (Yes, you can make a similar argument about heaven, but heaven's existence -- some place where everyone goes -- makes a bit more sense if only slightly than some subjective bs about whether someone was "good").

>white man
As if Jesus wasn't the most border hatingest globalist communist sand-kike to have ever existed.

Weed can cause people to have panic attacks and make them think they're dying, which can be a form of spiritual experience I guess. It also just lets you open up a little easier and appreciate simple things that you wouldn't have before.

Wasn't Jesus a sand-nigger?

Yet he's described as that stupid in the religions that bother?

>but if they're monsters, kick their shit to the curb
Obviously don't stay with abusive people and cut yourself off from them. If they beat the shit out of you they've already failed themselves in the eyes of God since they're not taking care of their children and ruining their lives. God and Jesus' message is to forgive them of their transgressions but ultimately if they are terrible people it's not like you can change that, only they can, and no one will fault you for staying away. Keep in mind we're also supposed to follow the laws of those who rule as long as they are just (Give unto Caesar, etc), and not only is it against the law but it's against our moral judgement as well to let these people act the way they do and they need to be punished for it.

It's a very difficult concept to deal with and understandably so when it comes to abuse and neglect, and while everything isn't sunshine and rainbows you be the better person and get out of there, report them, forgive them, but you don't even remotely have to be okay with abuse.

Sup Forums has taught me over the years there are a lot of kids out there who get the shit kicked out of them, that's for sure. Then go along protecting them.

I became a Libertarian because of that game


And we need to accept those religions' descriptions because?

>mfw avoid religion purely on the basis that the religious community can go fuck themselves, why should I devote my fucking weekend to doing shit I can't be bothered about

I'm from a religious family and believe in God but like hell I'm going to waste that much time doing literally nothing worthwhile. Religion is a joke, they don't care whether you actually believe or anything. All they want is more sheep for their "community", you can't just believe and be left alone, they expect you to actively do shit for them.

>Mistakes Satan for the individual

I can't tell if your on something or trying to sound deep but you tried and failed

That shit's just to mess with moralizing lefty atheists. Jesus (dissident jew who spent life saving "degenerates") takes a backseat for crusader shit.

>you can't just believe and be left alone, they expect you to actively do shit for them.
Faith without works is dead. You can pray for help but if you don't seek out the help you're not going to find it. The same applies to what you're complaining about, it's great that you believe in God and pray but you're helping only yourself which is self-serving which God doesn't want. You're supposed to help the community, help other people, bring your faith to other people. Say what you will but churches (The building and institution of it) brings the church (The group of believers) together to worship as we're asked and to help those via these groups. St. Vincent dePaul society, Goodwill, soup kitches, shoe drives, those back to school things churches do, etc, all conveniently brought together with this institution.

I remember when the third game came out, people complained and got refunds because the character gets baptized, how fedora do you have to be triggered like that?

You don't need to spread faith to be involved in faith. It doesn't really matter whether the faith is lost in other people, as long as the faith stays with you the individual. Humans are social creatures, so of course we like to be social and have communities. That's why it's encouraged more than anything. But that model doesn't work for everyone and shouldn't be imposed on everyone.

>Something good happens in life
"Thanks god!"

>Something bad happens in life
"This is god testing me"

>Decide to break the law or do something morally questionable
"God is giving this to us"

>Someone does something dumb and dies
"Well it was his time and god took him"

>Someone gets sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit
"Well god wouldn't put them in jail if they were completely innocent"

Imagine going through life completely free from any kind of sense of responsibility. I wish I could be a christian.

Which is exactly why I distanced myself from the religious community. I'm not interested in all of that.

Isn't Bioshock a massively SJW game that takes a massive shit on capitalism?

Imagine having a fedora stuck on your head for eternity

Can't be "God" a metaphor?

Yeah but bioshock 2 takes an equally massive shit on collectivism.

Then I guess I'm going to church tomorrow

Shiiet. If only her tits were smaller/real.

The thing is you're not being asked to be a missionary or proselytize, it's simply show your faith through your actions and if that brings people to the faith then that's great. Obviously Jesus and the disciples are told to spread the Good Word and that applies to us, and if you can that's great, but not everyone is up for that otherwise everyone would have to be a priest. The point is that you can't just be a self-serving believer, you're asked to help others, asked to help the poor and the meek, etc, in any way that you can. Even if it's just one person that you can help then help them, but you can't seclude yourself with your faith.


There were people with morals before Christianity as well you moron.

Yeah, nobody cares. Post black girls.

It's encouraged that you help others, yes. Just like a parent teaches you to share, etc. But it's not literally required. You can quite literally seclude yourself with your faith.

>Someone does something dumb and dies
>"Well it was his time and god took him"
Better that than "LOL Darwin Award! Let's laugh at another human being's suffering!"


At least post one with a nice face bro

>game seeks to shit on objectavism
>game makes me actually start reading into it
>mfw I realize Rand is mostly right



Of course. Because the truth is always in the middle, and people who aren't enlightened centrists like me are stupid.