>Sup Forums hates "casuals"
>Sup Forums keep telling people to "git gud"
>somehow Sup Forums also hates e-sports, the height of skill and gitting gud
Why such hypocrisy?
>Sup Forums hates "casuals"
>Sup Forums keep telling people to "git gud"
>somehow Sup Forums also hates e-sports, the height of skill and gitting gud
Why such hypocrisy?
Other urls found in this thread:
1: It's not any of us making money on it. Most of us are middle of the line, at the very least better than a tech journalist trying his hand at polygon.
2: Streaming and esports require knowledge of how that works. None of us do.
3: We understand the futility of everyone wanting to be an e-celeb and don't bother. It's not likely any of us is going to be the next Pewdiepie, despite everyone wanting to be.
Do these count as valid reasons?
I dont mind e-sports. i just think females should have their own league. its no fair to make them compete against men
>Sup Forums hates everything
I sure as fuck don't want to be anything PDP related and but I see where the rest of it comes from
>you can only like things you can become
its the censorship and marketing that comes with e-sports that is slightly too pervasive.
Well when you have 50 million subs or whatever he has, you're going to see a lot of money. It's not bad to dream of riches. It's more being rich and powerful instead of being some shitty finn who is the sole reason why the Google Crackdown happened.
this desu Sup Forums will find a reason to hate anything
We hate e-sports because it is the reasons why games are casualized these days.
If the game isn't "e-sports" it won't make any money, therefore it is dumbed down to have mass-appeal.
Because vs/multiplayer games are gay, I want demanding single-player games
>glorifying playing the same game over and over again
Yeah no, fuck off.
I don't hate pros. I just think it's absurd how much e-celebs make. Lirik is pushing for 20,000 subs. He gets $3 per sub. He also makes more in a day from donations than subs. That's more than $1,000,000 a year for streaming on twitch. He used to at least be funny, but now people are riding his dick merely because he's famous.
One should only git gud for internal gratification, not for money and vanity.
because this board is too contrarian to keep up with how contrarian it is
>everyone worse than me is a scrub
>everyone better than me is a tryhard loser no-life
that's the mentality of an immature child, a typical Sup Forums denizen.
Sup Forums is one single person and every single shitpost is always posted by the same people without exception.
Therefore, you did fell to point this hypocrisy out, so I, Sup Forums, the single entity who posts here will be able to correct my ways.
I don't hate esports, I hate when shitty casual braindead garbage like league is played as a sport.
>Streaming and esports require knowledge of how that works.
>"What do you for a living?"
>"I'm a pro video game player"
>the height of skill and gitting gud
Yes, that's what the post said.
Casuals are typically bottom of the barrel retards with godawful taste that set the low floor for both technical skill and cognitive ability that lowest common denominator gaming focuses around now.
Git Gud is typically recited when someone is blaming everything but themselves for how shit they play.
E-sports is often just a load of wank and tends to warp the general playerbase of a game that incorporates it into a stale mush of shit as safe metas employed in coordinated play by somewhat competent teams are enforced with an iron fist by the legions of uncoordinated mentally handicapped that play these games and further lead the development team to cater to this shit gameplay, ruining any appeal the game might have had in the first place.
Even if these aren't the non-conflicting specific reasons anyone hates on those specific things it must still be known that Sup Forums is not a single person but a mass of people with varying degrees of shit opinions and taste and can as such hold wildly conflicting opinions.
>e sports
Top Kek
esports are cancer
pro gaming isn't cancer. E-sports is cancer. Learn the difference, newfag.
We hate esports because every modern shooter is trying to be one. Tf2 went to shit when it added native esports features.
That's the problem.
That's not esports. That's just a pic of Joost.
Sup Forums is also trash at competitive single player games like shmups, and rhythm games. Sup Forums is a casual board for fags that like rpgs and story based japanese games.
Sup Forums hates that vidya is popular and basically just jumps on any occasion to belittle normies and their tastes.
This is the dumbest fucking post I've ever seen. You literally just said the equivalent of "people shouldn't get good for their jobs"
Sup Forums just hates people and video games, in general.
So if there are some people gathering to play video games together, it's Sup Forums's worst nightmare.
>the height of skill and gitting gud
we're on a vidya board, retard
wtf those arent headphoes but hearing protection
This. Look at the skill required for Quake and Brood War, the original e-sports, then look at the skill required for today's "e-sports".
It's just marketing and making yourself a personality, might as well watch wrestling.
delete this
Sup Forums hates everything. They're broken cynical people who don't even remember what it feels like to be happy or have fun, so they closest thing they can do to simulate it is try and tear down the fun and happiness of anyone or anything else they see.
t. Rabinowitz the Fun, Great, Good Times and Hype merchant
Some people want everyone to be average. Terrible at games? Git gud. Too good at a game? You spend too much time.
I am the same
>I'll put my blame on Sup Forums for remembering me e-sports are the lowest form of video games even niggers hate
Feels bad to be so insecure
You're not doing anything to disprove it you know.
>ironic weeb
>plays e-sports
every single t i m e
What exactly is the implication of you saying I "play esports?" That I'm one of the best players in the world at whatever game you're assuming I play? Or that I simply play any game that has a professional scene, which means you're claiming that you have never in your entire life played any game with a professional scene?
E-sports aren't the best of the best, they're sociable faggots, the real neckbeards are the kings of leaderboards, these e-celebs don't sit anywhere on the boards.
What skill based games are played as e-sports, pray tell.
I love watching people play games competitively and do so pretty much every weekend.
The only thing I hate about "e-sports" is that it's a shitty term because video games aren't sports and that in the effort to be "e-sports" communities/scenes end up becoming really sterile and plastic.
why are fighting game e-athletes so beta, pic related is a true alpha
Why is she smelling her fingers?
Lirik isn't a pro anything though. He has nothing to do with esports. He's just an entertainer, and entertainers of other types make a lot of money too.
Other than being a jelly fuck and wishing I could make that money playing video games I don't know how anyone could see anything wrong with it. He's still fun to watch.
There isn't any good e-sports left. I used to tune it all the time to watch Warcraft 3, Quake 3, and Starcraft streams on shitty asian clients that barely worked. Shit that people pulled in these games was insane. Whats there to watch now? Dota? Fuck off
There's plenty of starcraft to watch with Afreeca starleague starting today. I also watch Gera cup for WC3. The newer esports don't interest me.
People who are actually good but aren't attention whores don't bother with esports. Most of those players are fairly mediocre.
>console """"""""""""""""esports"""""""""""""""""""
esports fags don't play for the love of the game. They play for the money
People shouldn't play video games as a job
And Sup Forums doesn't play games at all.
>fps games on console
This. It's sports aficionados playing fantasy football instead of playing the real thing, because the social aspect is more important to those retards than the game itself.
>the height of skill and gitting gud
>wrist twitch and click speed
MOBAS and CS:GO are boring as hell.
are you retarded? esports are best of the best in the popular games such as LoL, Dota, HS etc
>thinking pixel hunting in cs:go is any better.
That gif is horrible but to imply e sports on the pc are any more legit is fucking ridiculous.
You know they give out millions in prize money right?
Why don't you just go win all the tournaments with zero effort just to take all the money user? You know because it's just so easy you could do that, wouldn't even need to try.
Oh wait I forget, you and all the other video game masters on Sup Forums just never feel like it. A millions dollars just isn't worth a few hours of your incredibly valuable time.
You can be good at a game without being an embarrassing pathetic sellout mess.
There is no difference
Who cares. E-sports won't disappear and Sup Forums will keep complaining about stupid shit that doesn't affect them at all.
>a few hours
>being this defensive about e sports
These are some impressive levels of desperation.
Because videogames are random. If you know how everything works you simply can't take it seriously. Margin of error, delay (even with LAN connection), miscalculations, no matter how long you optimise, there will be bugs. Especially in games with complex mechanics like shooters.
It's ridiculous that some events have huge price money. At most it should be about a bag of potato chips and some coupons.
Shitting on your opinion is desperation? I learned something today.
they probably hate the marketing with marketing aspect of it, like video game awards being one big commercial.
they probably also hate how a handful of games are being made with e sport in mind instead of making a good game.
they probably also hate how mp games are being tweaked for esport/"competitive" meta balancing.
Pretty much this.
What did you shit on exactly?
Do you actually 100% believe you are the best gamer in the world and could win every single tournament out there and become a millionaire with zero effort and that you simply choose not to because you don't feel like it?
Cause I think you're just an angry little shitposting fag who's never accomplished anything in life.
I get the feeling you're not going to answer the question this time either.
skill should be its own reward
I mostly hate the ego inflation that comes from memorizing patterns. The levels of smugness in that community is out of this world.
Haha what? When did I say I could do well in esports? Calm the fuck down kid, christ.
So you browse Sup Forums for how humble and down to earth it's posters are?
Ease up on the projection.
I wouldn't categorize Sup Forums as smug, more along the lines of contrarian and easily offended, but not particularly smug.
People who play e-sports on the other hand.. I mean it's well known it's full of some of the worst people who play games. At least people here don't try to make money off the games they (don't) play
e-sports are the height of shilling and marketing faggotry, you gay. The only games promoted by esports are the same ones everyone and their mother plays because their entry skill ceiling is for toddlers, and the high level players are good because of autism (high focused repetition of extremely simple shit)
Fighting games from the pre-esports era are the only acceptable form of competitive gaming bu e-sports cancer has killed that, too. Fuck these Monster drinking, Twitch viewer count pandering faggots.
from before the e-sports era*
csgo and assfaggots are terrible. i'm also too old to be good at games like unreal tournament ever again
Why do people get so offended that most people look down on e-sports? Play your little hobby and enjoy it and just ignore those of us that think you're faggots. Seriously if you are winning money you would be secure enough in yourself to not give a fuck what Sup Forums or anyone else thinks about it.
Unless perhaps the whole point is to have bragging rights in which case the hate is entirely justified.
90% of Sup Forums is horrible at competitive games.
git gud is just a meme people spout in order to fit in.
and they hate casuals cause people hate those that are more succesful than them.
simple, really
It is.
Git gud.
>casuals are more successful
In what metric? Lots of a casual video game players are doomed souls just like us. Have you seen the backgrounds of tournaments? Just a sea of people who are fucked.
Yeah, Sup Forums never brags about anything or looks down on others. esportsfags need to learn to be more like Sup Forums.
I mean, that's not what I implied at all, but cool m8. You do you.
>it's simple, they're better than you :^)
suck more sponsor cock to pay rent this month you unabashed pussy
What's your excuse for not watching Vainglory esports?
It is moba played on tablets
Extremes are bad? it's pretty obvious
No need to get so offended. Figured you were secure enough to not care what anyone else things.