Long live Belka.
Long live Belka
Other urls found in this thread:
best character from fates
>Heard AC5 and 0 now work properly with hardware rendering
>Think for a moment I will be able to play the games on good settings instead of laggy 30fps
>Hardware rendering with my in-board graphics card is even slower than Software rendering
fuck no and fuck you
Abandon hope and go emulate ACX instead
Burn Hoshido to the ground
"Belka" means "squirrel" in russian.
Might as well.
Enjoy, it's a really good game unfortunately underrated due to being on the PSP
long live.
Name a better one Protip: no one loves you you butthurt fag :^)
Strangereal FPS when?
Strangereal grand strategy when?
How are the controls?
Are there sticks on the PSP?
You move with a stick, there is no L2 and R2 so straffing is done on the d-pad, fortunately the gun has a tracking aim to compensate for the inconvenient straffing mapping, you also can't freely change camera so you gotta select between HUD Cockpit and 3rd person on the pause menu
Mobility wise i'd say the shitty planes feels as shitty as the shitty ones from 4 and the good ones feels as good as the good ones from 5
being this butthurt over better game taking over thread
Nice. Got something to play, then.
But really, I need to get a non-toaster by the time AC7 releases.
gibs back clay
Post planes, I wanna collect a bunch of pictures
dont worry bud
what the fuck?
what the fuck that isn't the image I posted
i blame those osean dogs
That happens every so often, someone must have just made that Morrigan/Yen copypasta thread at the exact same time
>doesn't even use her real name some made up mumbo jumbo """"""""""localization""""""""
kill yourself
Yeah here it is That happens pretty rarely
Isn't it just sad?
*blows up
I was disappointed by the lack of Ace fights in AC6, but I read the harder difficulties add them into the levels, is it worth going back and beating the game on Hard/Expert/etc?
I will buy back what i lost the day my parents sold me!
I think it's pretty fun on higher difficulties, but I can't exactly remember if there are more Ace fights. If you want those then you'd really want the Ace of Aces DLC which doesn't exist on Xbox Live anymore.
It prompted me to get that when I first booted up the game and then it wasn't available to download, what the fuck Scamco
This is like a Miracle. Between Trump and NORK, the hurricanes & fires, this is truly a sign.
The licenses for the planes ran out I assume, same reason why AC6 itself isn't available digitally now.
What the fuck really? That's stupid
The past Ace Combat games make the Ace Combat 7 plot sound realistic.
Requesting the dog.
Crux is cute
Your picture reminds me more of Shattered Skies than Zero.
Who is the dog and how do we stop him?
*sapinish guitar
Long live Belka and Strelka.
How new do you have to be to have never seen a thumbnail swap?
Why is Pixy so great?
I think it's because of how genuine he is
What? That wasn't what I was talking about at all. And I don't even care about the character really. I was just fucking around left to play soccer. This thread ended up being shit with no posters anyway
So I uhhh got lucky with my CYL rolls and got a BLucina and a BIke. Should I go for BRoy? I don't really have a horse team other than the BLyn I got for free. I missed out on Xander and Camus cause I took a long ass break.