How would you do a God Hand 2?

How would you do a God Hand 2?

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Pretty much the same game, but balanced around pvp

Multiple martial arts style moves that scales as the game goes on

Kill yourself and stay dead

kill this meme

The ability to switch movesets on the fly.

Fix the fucking controls holyshit!

It's like they put 2D controls on a 3D game.

Easier gameplay. Ability to use items whenever instead of hoping they drop. Better controls. Better camera. None of that retarded punishing you for doing good by making the game harder.

a better camera would be nice

More moves equipped at any time and even more varied attacks

what a duo of faggots holy shit

Add more moves, more move combos to assign those moves to and co-op. That about would do it for me.

The first game was trash. When it came it, it was a meme here to talk about how good and fun it was to trick people into spending money on it. either renting or buying. Piracy wasn't was it was today so every few days you'd have someone posting a thread talking about how we were assholes for tricking them into getting it.

All were left with now, year later, is a bunch of retards putting in in their 3x3 and essential list who think it's a good game because Sup Forums told them it was. "No!, it really is a fun and good game!"

No. It isn't. You're an idiot.

What? Why would optional multiplayer be bad?

I love you

Just play the game on easy mode, casual dipshit

that would be too much senpai

>Camera zoomed in from behind as if it's one of those western third person games
>Right stick isn't even a fucking camera control.

go fuck yourself

All you need is new moves and roulette attacks, new/different places to fight, at least as many types of regular dudes to fight, and cool bosses

The barebones framework of the game is pretty much spot on perfect, same with the humor

Because it doesn't work in a game based around managing enemy groups

t. Imagine party babyz player


the time wasted making it multiplayer is not optional tho

That's because you rarely need to turn in this game. But you have to dodge a lot.

Someone posted this yesterday. I bet it's one of you. Cool ideas anons

Make it so you can't just duck dodge everything.
Enemies that rage out of a juggle are invincible until they hit the ground and are far more aggressive, but they take more damage and can't just reenter rage mode to escape all over again

Left stick = Left Arm
Right Stick = Right Arm
L1/2 = Upper/Lower Left Leg
R1/2 = Upper/Lower Right Leg

God Hand 2: God Body

Do it.

Sup Forums plebs will have no idea how clever this is either that's the worst part.

RAD (Robot Alchemic Drive, PS2) already did that but with gigantic mechs. It's fucking awesome

and how the hell do you walk?

That´s a part of the game yes, a big one, the other part is Devil Hand and Tiger Joe fights. Also they could make it deathmatch with several players in the same map.
Nigga really? It´s just a handful of maps and the same assets from the main game. Yeah maybe the netcode will take time spent on the main game but it couldn´t possibly affect it that much

Oh man I played the shit out of that with my friend. I loved having to balance between having a vantage point and exposing yourself.

With practice and discipline. One does not achieve godliness overnight.

In VR.

>It's ok when Japan does it

Go fuck yourself

Just more enemy moves that hit low/overheads.

>No. It isn't.

Can you explain what you find to be the core mechanical problems with the game?

>several characters
That will definitely not work well. 1v1 is the only way that it could work and even then you'd have to change the mechanics heavily to make it work

>cool bosses
This. Such a shame that most bosses in the first game were boring.

I don't think anyone can recapture weird magic of this title, not even Mikami somehow working with Platinum Games again. It's such a perfect of storm of shittines and genius, it can only happen once in 100 years.

you know it would be mvc3 where one touch turns into an infinite inescapable combo right

same for every stylish action game you retards want to turn into a fightan

When did I ever say that ? Did you even read my post ?
Let me repeat it for ya:

I know, but at least let me dream

You can have you 1v1 too, make up your mind kids. And yeah some changes are needed, but I don´t think it has to be something to drastic

Another problem is, like mentioned, a combo heavy game doesn't work well in PvP unless you like infinite stunlock

>Ability to use items whenever instead of hoping they drop.

I'll give you this, RNG drops are kind of bullshit. But you're forgetting that this game relies on skill, and RNG drops make sure you can't rely on being shit on a fight, and then healing yourself for the next. There should be one set drop for bosses though, a Strawberry or Banana.

>Better controls.

The D-pad isn't used for anything, and a technique switcher would be nice but pretty OP in the right hands. The controls are fine otherwise.

>Better camera.

Never understood this meme, the camera is fine. L1 does a 180, R1 targets the nearest enemy. You hardly need to turn.

>None of that retarded punishing you for doing good by making the game harder.

lol fuck off, that's the point of the game.

>I have enough autism to ADAPT to these shitty design choices by the developer and I think you should increase your autism level so that you too can achieve the same as I have


Tell me how the camera and the controls are bad and explain how they could be improved.

>Not tapping into your inner autism to git gud

C'mon bro.

>I'm too stupid to adapt to a working control scheme
I bet you're one of those guys that say that Dark Souls is too hard

Alright user, I'll give you the choice of choosing my response.

Do you pick A)

I'll give you a lengthy response to why you're wrong, and call you a casual.

Do you pick B)

I respond with "Not an Argument"

Do you pick C)

I respond with a similar greentext that condenses your post into you being a retard

Do you pick D)

I stop responding

Or do you pick E)

I tell you to go back to a site of your choice (reddit, tumblr, Sup Forums)

Answer on your phone now.

I'm sorry but your autism is too much for me to keep up with. I already establish that your autism makes you the Goku of GodHand, and I'm no Vegeta. I'm like Family Man Gohan. Sorry dad.

So why should I take your word when you can't even describe your problems with a system?

Goku of GodHand, your autism doesn't allow you to take the word of anyone. You are Son Goku of GodHand.

just stop responding, asshole

>Ability to use items whenever instead of hoping they drop.
>I want to remove every trace of difficulty from the game

>It´s just a handful of maps and the same assets from the main game.
Then the PvP babies show up, start whining about balance, and before you know it all the fun shit has been nerfed six feet into the ground, i frames become slow/shit while the most boring fucking moves in the game are all that's viable, and six months down the line doesn't resemble release whatsoever. Also, enjoy pay2win.

Oh, I'm sorry. That wasn't the answer we were looking for.

Would you like to play again?

Random health drops =/= fair difficulty.
the easiest way to fix this is by manually adding health items throughout a level removing the RNG bullshit.

same game but extra content, the game is good as it is

>Random health drops
They aren't random.

>Random health drops
just like random demon spawns huh
play the fucking game


I would like a nice remake of the first one because I don't have a ps2 anymore so my copy gathers dust.

>random demon spawns

Alexander as a boss

God Hand's controls and camera are not complicated by any measure. Why are you afraid to actually discuss them?

I would make it an actual good game and not a meme

It's because God Hand's controls aren't built for running away and kiting people, which is what people who are shit at it do

Or download it from the PS store on the ps3

Action Game Community. No, the Stylish Action Game Community. Also known as; Character Action Game Community and Cuhrayzee Games Community.

A place were having autism is the equivalent of Chi. The more autism, the more efficient you become at executing have level combos. Your reaction time is heighten 5 times of your normal human being, allowing you to dodge high octane incoming attacks and punish with the most efficient God Hand combos all while being smug/smirk. It gives you the ability to Star Rave in DMC, one of the most difficult feats, only acquired through the power of autism. The push forward while covered in blood, no health and no health items, in Ninja Gaiden. It is the absolute power to mastering these games and without it you are nothing more than a typical western god of war player that like to watch one button do all the work.
In these lands, Autism is ABSOLUTE Power, and without it, you cannot protect or save anything!

Christ dude, I suck at this game and even I think you're being a petty bitch.

What did he mean by this?

>implying most Action fans give a shit about combos
>implying they require a high degree of skill, and not just a general understanding of the mechanics
>implying the old God of War games don't have their own fair amount of depth
>using the phrase 'Character Action'

i would stick my dick in it

There is always a set number of demons that spawn in a level. They only change their position.
They are. Sometimes you get a lot of fruits, other times you don't get any in a level (only bosses have set drops)

>They are.
They aren't. Go run Death Shudder. The same healing shit will always spawn.

>needing health drops
You're not Alexander

I see, so you are a Warrior of Normie. Your kind will never see the benefits and sheer power of Autism. You will never achieve nothing more than a staple mindset. You never beat Alma.

Oh yeah, well with a mind like that you'll never be a king at Mahjong.

See I can be autistic too.

Gene goes to China, does kung-fu. Needs unlockable Olivia mode.

You know the rules

>You never beat Alma.
I beat Alma without upgrades.

Man, had it not been for my Autism flowing through body I never would have beaten God Hand. Let the Autistic Flow embrace you.

>I beat Alma without upgrades.

Such Autistic Powadah! You did record it right?

brainstorm, build castles in air, conceptualize, conjure up, cook up, create, depict, devise, envisage, envision, fabricate, fancy, fantasize, fantasy, feature, figure, form, frame, harbor, image, invent, make up, nurture, perceive, picture, plan, project, realize, scheme, see in one's mind, spark, think of, think up, vision, visualize-apprehend, believe, conjecture, deem, expect, fancy, gather, guess, infer, presume, realize, reckon, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for granted, take it, think, understand absorb, accept, appreciate, believe, catch, comprehend, conceive, digest, fathom, get, get the picture, grasp, have, imagine being this mad and shit at video games.


>Posting Alma
>Not even her awakened form

The normie here is you. She's one of the lowest tier bosses in the series, but you wouldn't know because you have only heard about her, not actually played against her.

If you knew what you were talking about you would have referenced Master Ninja Elizabeth. Or if you wanted to show what Autism SSGSS form looks like you would have posted something like this :

>I spent entire game on level 1 difficulty
eat shit bitch, you wouldn't know a good game if it hit you in the head


New moves, have 4 sushi upgrades for a maximum of 8 different punches, and have new roulette moves built around using both god hands.



Why does this always get these replies? Are you people blind or just ignorant? That's a 3d render, it literally looks better than her DOA5/NG model, how could anyone think HS would be capable of that? Also there would be no card to post either, all of the HS DOA girls are mods.

Get your shit together Todd poster


Fucking shit.
I died more times in my second playthrough since i was hitting level die most of the time and wasn't man enough.
If it's too much to grovel at your feet,I'd beg for mercy when I feel the heat.

I just went for hard mode right after my first playthrough and got my asshole torn apart by the first boss

Grovel doesn't work here.
I never used grovel though. Id rather die.

>this entire post
Such pathetic autism levels.

>merely "pretending" to be autistic acting higher than anyone

its called QWOP

Someone's definitely pathetic alright

God Hand is better than your favorite game.

Reminder that if you can't beat God Hand on at LEAST Normal mode, you don't belong on Sup Forums.


Then 99% of Sup Forums would have to leave

Some games are better off dead.