Is there really any defending this game outside of "I loved it when I was 8"

Is there really any defending this game outside of "I loved it when I was 8"

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It was really fun and they made the Platforming more indepth with the addition of the FLUDD mechanic. It's good


I loved it when I was 9

the only good part about it was unlimited front dives

if you were under 14 when this game was released you need to stop posting on this website.

Sunshine came out in 2002, not 2013, retard.

No one cares about your shitty eceleb.

The movement options are great
It's better than 3d world

Look at the points, retard.

I agree but it's delusional to think the majority of Sup Forums users aren't under 25, especially under 29


I'm pretty sure 80% of this place was less than 7 when it came out when it came out


I miss open world mario

>expecting someone to watch an hour long video unless they're already in agreement

>not skipping around to get basic points
>not using speed up feature YouTube has had for a while now

>main objective of the game is to clean up someone else's mess
Why are Sunshinefags such literal cucks?

The only valid complaint about this game is the voice acting/mass of cut scenes at the start. Everything else is just

>I'm too low IQ to understand the fludd mechanics, so they suck
>I'm too shit at games to play the jetpack free levels without dying, so they're badly made
>I have a OCD and HAVE to collect things so blue coins ruin the game

Way too much effort unless the person already agrees with you, like I already said

Its state enforced, sunshine is dropping hard truths here.

Hi, grandpa

Except several of the blue coins are bullshit like spray water on this window hat doesn't look special at all and only on certain levels within the level. The physics are usually great except when picking up things and the pachinko level that feels flat out broken.

I was 11

>Except several of the blue coins are bullshit like spray water on this window hat doesn't look special at all and only on certain levels within the level.
The problem is that this doesn't matter because blue coins are completely optional and don't even unlock anything of value (just a different picture in the ending for 100%)

you really expect everyone here to be a manchild pushing thirty? kek

>it's a "sunshine is worse then 64 even though it has better core movment, a consistent theme, and the levels all actually feel like real places that are proper sandboxes just because getting completely optional objectives is too tedious and they removed 2 movement options that were completely surplus anyways" episode


shame about the level design though

why does this autist get shilled in every sunshine thread now

it does matter when the game's content is so sparse otherwise

There are some legitimately broken and tedious parts of Sunshine, sections that don't exist in other 3D Mario games, or at least not as numerous or lengthy. Sunshine is an unfinished game and those parts prove it. Sunshinefags are too autistic to admit this though

too bad the level design is total shit, huh

Here's hoping that Odyssey is at least as good

It's not a good game.

>I won't mention what these parts are though. I win!

>why does this autist get shilled in every sunshine thread now
It's one gamecube babby who dickrides sunshine and can't argue for himself so he just posts a shitty video expecting others to be as autistic as him and watch it instead of turning it off immediately when the retard appears on screen.

>consistent theme
Yes because transitioning from a beach setting to an alternate dimension filled with platforms and back totally isn't jarring and horrible juxtaposition.

You assume the video is shitty without watching it, gotcha retard

too bad it had more levels and also better missions, so in the end sunshine is just plain garbage

I'm 27 and I fully believe the majority of the website to be populated by literal underage now. Look at the fucking post quality in 99% of threads on any populated board.

how much does he pay you

Nothing. I don't know nor have I ever met this individual.

Everyone fucking knows them, I won't be adding anything by stating the obvious.

how many mario 64 levels are just a single screen with a big tower/mountian in the center and a bunch of random shit randomly thrown around it on the ground level

It's in the top three nintendo games with pm and ttyd

I bet you'll still be here when you reach 30.

most likely, but saying "Everyone that's not as old as me is dumb" is always retarded

Sunshine is the Sonic CD of 3D Mario. Try and disprove this.

I bet you'll kill yourself when you're 30 :^)

how many sunshine levels have practically no platforming at all outside of their secret stages?

Sonic CD's level design was pure garbage, Sunshine's was just bland and boring

sunshine frequently approaches garbage territory though, and at least CD forces the player to take full advantage of its mechanics

You picked maybe the absolute worst choice for this because this has the star where you have to platform past all the lava without the jetpack.

Sunshine is FULL of platforming in every level because it has the arbitrary block zones. Meanwhile mario 64 has barely any platforming at all because all it's full of shit like dire dire docks, ghost house and big/small island where you just run around solving """puzzles"""

you don't have to time travel once though.

>I never make effort to explore other ideas.

I played it for the first time last year. I liked it almost as much as 64, but two levels were shit (pachinko and getting yoshi to a island)

controls like shit, glitchy as hell, doesn't feel nearly as polished as 64

hey buddy, read my post again >outside of their secret stages
Secret stages are the only redeeming part about sunshine, otherwise it's stage design is absolutely vapid, often worse than 64's. Also Sunshine recycles content way more than 64 while simultaneously having fewer worlds.

>git gud at adapting to sunshine's shitty mechanics and broken physics engine the post.
why didnt you just say so?

I think that all the console war shit posting is from all the underage, or at least I hope so, if not that would mean there are grown autists plaguing this place

>I'm too low IQ to understand the fludd mechanics, so they suck
They're more of a hindrance than anything, mostly because the level design uses FLUDD as a lock-and-key mechanic 95% of the time and the hover nozzle kills mario's momentum.
>I'm too shit at games to play the jetpack free levels without dying, so they're badly made
They're clearly the best designed part of the game but the chuckster level is legitimately garbage.
>I have a OCD and HAVE to collect things so blue coins ruin the game
You're ignoring how the blue coins are just a cheap way to artificially extend the content of Sunshine. Totally ignoring them is the better option, but that only accentuates how bare-bones the game is.

You don't even need to touch blue coins outside of completion because story progress is tied to getting certain shines.




Different user but I think he means legitimately broken parts like the Pachinko Machine

Woah back to hating on super mario sunshine? I just replayed it and still find it an incredible game.

Read my post again, dumbass. They are a substitute for what should have been more content, you don't have to actually interact with them to understand the effects of that.

tightest most responsive controls
still the most varied assortment of moves from any mario game
best atmosphere in the series
great soundtrack
mario 64's camera control was improved and carried over unlike galaxy/2/3d world
blue coins are optional and are there for the banjo kazooie crowd if they want it

camera is improved over 64, but it's still pretty shitty

This. I'll never understand how people make these hour-long videos ranting about shit.
Even if I agreed I wouldn't watch an hour of done sperg.

the consistent theme is what makes it worse, most of the levels are too samey in terms of being "a bay" whereas super mario 64 had incredibly diverse levels

Not as shitty as the fixed cam bullshit from the next 3 games they purported to be in the main series.

the camera in the galaxy games and 3d world is usually pointing in the direction you want to see anyways

There are way too many "that part" moments for me to want to go back to play it. Actually, that's pretty much the entire game. It feels like almost everything you do brings up that "uuugh, this part" feeling. There's just so much tedium, and that wasn't present in any of the other 3D Mario games.

>blue coins are optional and are there for the banjo kazooie crowd if they want it
As a Banjo fan, there is nothing fun about the blue coins.

Until it zooms out or cocks at an angle to purposefully give the simple platforming the extra challenge of depth perception deprivation. For most of the game it's fine but I'd rather not have to lose a life in order to judge a distance. It's mostly knowing I have control and can stop and look around and enjoy the environment if I want to.

But those sweet Jinjos amirite.

I like it more than 64 and no I didnt play it as a kid (didnt have consoles as a kid)
I played 64 for the first time on a emulator in 2009, and thought it was ok, nothing amazing, but considering the time it was released it probably was the best of it time on 3D free cam platformers
Flash forward to 2014 and I got myself a second hand gamecube with a copy of sunshine, and immediately it felt like what people were hyping up 64, everything felt great, the only drawbacks being the over reliance on FLUDD and having only one theme (tropical island), but those are quite minimal when the game was that good

Last year I got a WiiU and played both galaxy games and the WiiU exclusive 3D mario
Galaxy seamed like a more refined sunshine with no fludd, but god damn the motion controls killed for me what could have been the best 3D mario game, Galaxy2 didnt fixed how I felt on these games
Wish I could just play it with a fucking controler (I feel the same with the metroid prime games, they are perfect on the gamecube, but the wagan killed for me on the wii)

3D world felt ok, like it was NSMB but with an extra dimension, didnt feel like 64/sunshine/galaxy though

I tried replaying 64, played the DS port too, but it feels like an early 3D game, an early 3D game that figured out what you should do with the camera and how platforming should be in 3D, but did not refine those aspects to the near perfection the game is hyped for

I like Sunshine more than 64 and its not nostalgia

45 jinjos in generally obvious locations vs 120 blue coins hidden in wherever they could think of.


>I feel the same with the metroid prime games, they are perfect on the gamecube, but the wagan killed for me on the wii
I agree that waggle hurts the galaxy games a lot but pointer controls for prime is a totally different and actually improves the game.

Jinjos on top of poles, in holes underwater, combined with hidden jiggies, hidden eekum bokums, witch switches, honeycombs, and not to mention the 10 billion notes you have to collect all of in order to 100% the game.

Sunshine was better than the Galaxy games and I'd rather have a Sunshine 2 & 3 then those Galaxy games.

i loved it when i was 12

Only brain dead autists who don't know how to play videogames and need to have their hands held at all times hate this game

what is it about super mario sunshine that inspires so much shitposting?

it's fast
it's fun
it's super mario sunshine

Except FLUDD removes most of the potential difficulty the game could have.
The only remotely hard parts in Sunshine are just badly designed in general (Chuckster, Pachinko).


It's on the gamecube, and everything the gamecube had = best thing ever you have shit taste if you disagree.
Or that's atleast how Sup Forums thinks.

>88 replies
>thread still up
What the fuck do I pay these mods for?

It's one of the top 3 best games in the entire Mario series. I can't imagine what it's like in Sonic threads but I assume it's just discussion about how there's merit to not being able to see obstacles in front of you as you speed through a level.

you need a hundred coins in each stage to 100% sunshine, while the mumbo tokens needed are numerous they aren't really in short supply plenty are quite in the open and you don't need to get all of them. The witch switches are also not too hidden. In sunshine theres also shines that are hidden.

can we agree that the goop in the hotel level would taste the best

>It's one of the top 3 best games in the entire Mario series.
that's wrong though

>REEEE There can't be actual video game discussions on Sup Forums its supposed to be memes and feels threads!!!

>Water textures are top-notch
>The FLUDD mechanic while redundant at times, was fun
>The platforming was surprisingly responsive and smooth.
>The locations were visually stimulating
>Color palette was stunning
Why don't you like the game Sup Forums?

As someone who never get's 100%, it's my favorite mario game. I can understand why people who do go after all the stars would like it less though

>Metroid Prime 1 and 2.
>F-Zero GX.
>Double Dash.
They're right.

No one said that, you so-nigger. The mods are just supposed to take care of anti-nintendo trolls and other miscreants and from the "success" of this thread they're clearly not.

mostly shit level design, most of the missions are either boring or completely awful, fludd hurts the mechanics more than he helps