Design a non-shitty Hokuto No Ken game
Design a non-shitty Hokuto No Ken game
Yakuza 0 team doing it right now.
>Sup Forums likes moralfags now
>musou cancer.
Still waiting.
the fact the Yakuza team is giving HOKUTO NO KEN a hub world is proof they have no idea what Hokuto no Ken is.
in the manga the towns were just an excuse to move no a new boss who did bad things to a secondary character. towns and places were completely featureless.
hokuto is about short chapters against henchmen, then boss then move to new town to new boss. NOT a hub world with bars and (reskinned Yakuza) streets you return to.
Maybe like a godhand like move combo system and a large open world post apocalypse with random super colorful raider encounters to break up the neutrality of the brown and yellow world. Like the mad max game with a fist of the north star skin.
>being subhuman scum with no morals
omae wa mou shindeiru
>start game
>game over
>you're already dead
The musou games already got the formula right.
It sounds a lot like the set-up the Rei Gaiden, honestly.
Also I'm pretty sure atleast one or two antagonists were lords over towns and shit even though we never really spent much time in those places.
it is already done
They could've just gone with Souten no Ken, which is literally Hokuto no Ken set in a 1930s asian mafia town.
>saying kill yourself
stop yourself from posting here
We need a side-scrolling beat em up of HoK (maybe there is one). The mechanics are that you can only kill your enemies with one hit if you know the combination to unlock Hokuto Shinken.
Playable Nanto Seiken characters for certain stages.
Replaying the whole story with the recurring characters would be great.
too bad it was a boring ass series that didn't have to be made
make me hombre
The manga is fun enough until it gets weird towards the end.
Pick one.
This. Its so much fun. Their anti-infinite system became the gateway to infinities.
I would just hire Platinum Games to do it, everything they do is fucking great
Mamiya looks shit. That's my only complaint about this game. The game is kick-ass otherwise.
I'll just wait for next year
Absolver but in a waste land
Yakuza + Hokuto No Ken
It's a 2d fighting game, except the combos do so few damage that you must cobsistently execute infinite combos until time runs out, proving your mastery as a Fist martial artist. Only true men will rise to the top in this videogame.
Hokuto no ken should have ended at Shin prove me wrong
You might be right because the story just dragged on and on, almost never stopping and going on forever. I think that the end with Kaioh could've been where it all ends.
shonen mangakas always set viable endings when they start because they're unsure of the echo it might gets and it can be dropped by the shueisha (or whatever it's fucking called) for not selling enough. That's why every two volumes end with a satisfying enough "final". Raoh arc is the canon ending for me as the authors were forced to carry on the story making them come up with retarded intrigue and twists (le omg that girl is the god emperor all along and she is abducted by not raoh to fuck her omg) brought good character like Ein and Sashi I guess so it's not that horrible
The Yakuza devs are already on it.
playable raoh
But Raoh is the best thing about HnK
should have just ended there then. It's pretty lame that the final big bad is a literally who blind gang boss