Why are PC gamers so pathetic?

Why are PC gamers so pathetic?


a thread died for this

They are truly disgusting creatures. Hunched over, bad posture, sweaty neckbeards.

There's just such a virginal air about them.

honestly this. When Yahtzee coined the term it was meant to deride the PC gaming community.

I play games on the PC and have a better computer than the vast majority of PC gamers, but damn they can be annoying.

ITT: shit stereotypes and anecdotes

Speccy thread

>PCfags took the "glorious PC gaming master race" literally and as something to wear like a badge of honor when it was meant as a satirical jab at elitist PCfags

Shows the intelligence of the average PC gamer.

"gamers" in general are pathetic. PC elitists are terrible though.

>when men are virginal its disgusting
>when women are virginal its purity

this is literal sexism

Disgusting virgin detected

No virgin shaming please.

cry more you fucking poindexter


>giving up your wizardhood for 10 minutes of pleasure


PC is better than console in every way

you can't prove me wrong

gimme (you)'s


theres no piracy on ps4/xb1
ps4 has better games than pc

Dunno man, why dont you tell me?

Is everyone who don't looks like a literal Chad a neckbeard now?
I'm curious what people always posting shit like that looks like.

Jokes on you faggot, I only lasted 30 seconds.

>I'm an idiot
>you can't prove me wrong

And I shan't try.

Gotta go fast, like the blue hedgehog says.

They look the same as you. They're just one layer of irony ahead of you.

Be a pc gamer permanently stuck at a desk hunched over a mouse and keyboard like i have a stick up my ass or lounging comfortably on my lazy boy recliner with a controller on my lap and my feet in the air?

Yeah I think I'll choose console, thanks "mastur-race"

grr, I need more, better ram badly.

Just download it bro :^)