Now that we know for sure the game will not be turn based, how do you guys feel about it? Im a little pissed, but not much we can do.
FF7 remake not turn based confirmed
FF7 was never turn based.
Go play one of FF7 ports then. The point of remake is to make it different.
>Let's pretend ff had good combat
We have known this forever. And I gave up on TB after the XV fiasco. When it was first being announced and shit I use to complain endlessly about it but then grew to accept it.
AHKSHULLY it had the option to play as turn based or ATB.
This. I'm usually a purist, especially when it comes to games I am nostalgic about, but making this turn based wouldn't make a lot of sense. I'm interested to see how it turns out.
Depends on the combat, if it is FFXV combat then it will be one of the shittiest high budget remakes there are.
A shock to absolutely no-one
Is battle system really that important? Im ok with both turn or realtime
Turn based combat and contact damage are relics of the past.
Only two years late, op
Thanks for the update OP. Was not aware of this for 2 years already.
>contact damage
So the only way to deal damage in modern games is to not make contact?
I don't get it.
Touching enemies that aren't made out of spikes or lava has no reason to hurt you.
Super Mario Bros couldn't have a tackle animation for every enemy due to hardware limitations, but most games that keep the dated feature has no excuse.
It never was though. It was time based.
why do people say ATB is not turn based
It's not.
It is though
I thought this was already confirmed. I wish they'd just upgrade the graphics, music, touch up the script, and try to stay as close as they can to the original. That's all I wanted but they've already ruined it.
>FF XV 2.0
>Due to time constraints, story has been cut, please play the original FF VII to get the full story and then play FF VII R for the hack and slash button mashing
N-Not turn based? B-but I thought our lord and savior Nomura-sempai was going to make the FF7 remake everything that FFXV should have been.
It's literally not.
I don't see the point of even having a remake if the gameplay is unchanged. I can still easily play the original. If all you care about is MUH GFX then you're a pleb.
Having said that, the game has all the warning signs of being shit.
>high-profile Square-Enix property
>chaotic development cycle
>multiple directors
It'll be a miracle if the game isn't a total fucking mess.
>spending many years for develop to childish shit
>not much we can do.
american consumers really are the dumbest people in the world
Not him but it is
No one is saying it needs to be a 1:1 copy, but it doesn't need to be KH or whatever the hell XV was trying to be either.
I'd fucking love it if it played like X-2. X-2 is such a weird game, it's awful in almost every aspect but has the best battle system of any mainline game.
Gameplay is whatever, I just hope they are able to maintain the grim atmosphere of the game. Barret will be someone of interest on how that handle him. They're obviously not going to use random symbols to represent profanity anymore. If they can effectively show his frustration at Shinra while not overdoing it, I'll be convinced.
He's the deciding factor between dub and sub for me.
People dick ride X-2 too much around here.
It's just a poor man's Grandia.
>Another FF7 remake
Not buying it because it's not the same game. Changing the ENTIRE COMBAT SYSTEM means it's an entirely different game. Sony's retarded.
Because getting control of the menu doesn't stop your opponent from taking their action before yours if you don't act quick enough. It's functionally a cooldown timer in reverse.
Was there an announcement while I was asleep? I can't find anything except a comment about no Crisis Core Remake at the moment.
>how do you guys feel about it?
Anyway if it's about previous information: I'm angry, because a remake and re-imagining are two different things and changing of genres makes it the latter, so the deterioration of terminology is destructive. Now beyond that it is some sort of hybrid apparently, maybe, based on the gauges (that are fake CGI UI like they always are in trailers.). Therefore I can't definitively say it will be unfun, because there's just conjecture. Nevertheless conceptually I don't think action fits FFVII's themes and Materia in particular. I would've hoped for an expansion of the original system and the game's content. I have a personal extreme hatred for the AJRPG genre, but sometimes it can be tolerable with some gimmick or quality.
This is the only one you idiot. re-releases aren't remakes.
It's going to be an entirely different game no matter what. The game has aged so make an exact remake just with updated graphics won't sell.
>Was there an announcement while I was asleep?
OP is a slow idiot
it is. people are just retarded.
I just hope they make it play itself like XII, except maybe automate walking as well
watching XII was comfy, but it had a metric ton of walking which was seriously not fun, why not just let me order my guys where to go and they go there without me needing to push forward
ATB was never good
It was the best type of turn based-type of thing though.
I still enjoy ff7 combat to any other ff combat ever existing.
>he never played the Grandia series, Baten Kaitos Origins, Panzer Dragoon Saga or Parasite Eve
it's good, square just didn't much with it beyond creating it
I don't like 15s combat, which I'm guessing this is based on so I'm basically not even interested.
>which I'm guessing this is based on
it isn't