Monster Hunter Stories

Monster Hunter Stories thread.
Post Eggs.
Post Rider Cards.
Post questions.
Any of you guys waiting on your Amazon pre-order code to come in STILL?

>Any of you guys waiting on your Amazon pre-order code to come in STILL?
I sent them an email about mine, they said they'd try to get it to me by Sunday.

Post a fucking US QR you dumb faggots. Fuck all those virus riddled shit holes that force you to register.

stop tormenting me, i still don't have the game.

Oh it's you again.
Can't you purchase it locally and then return the one you ordered in the mail?

How soon can I have a Great Jaggi bro?

Woke up this morning to the same response so we'll see what happens. I guess it's just in game monsters you get early so I'm not too concerned. The Amazon rep I talked to was an ass though.

Around mid game I think.

You are confusing me with another user, i am the user from a third world country and amazon doesn't give a shit about us.

I just finished Mario XCOM so I installed this.
My 3DS gets stuck on the loading screen so I am currently attempting to troubleshoot the issue.

I want a Narga bro!

Can you even get Shrouded Nerscylla eggs in the same place as Nerscylla eggs? I just keep looking for them and they're nowhere to be found.

>Rider Cards
Oh, so that's what other anons were taking screens of, I kept waiting for the poses to happen during a cutscene for some reason, I'm not a smart person.

why not just hack your 3ds and pirate it

>g jaggi is a midgame monster

Because i like to have my games in retail form

Shrouded nerscylla eggs are in the desert, regular nerscylla lives in the forest

I don't get why tigerstripe zamtrios isn't in the game though

so you would rather not have the game than have it?

Not that guy, i just reached the point where you find it. The strongest armor i can buy has 50 defense and one shoulder charge takes half of my health. Its nests are full of other Greats instead of base Jaggi

He's not a powerful monster or anything, great jaggi just make their habitat in a late game area where they're laughably outclassed by that point

Great baggi isn't much better and it's stuck in the last area of the game

The thing is that my people is usually very fast in getting games (we got FFXV a week before USA), but this time, for some reason they don't have it. They already confirmed they WILL have it in these days, though.

I think I remember you too, don't feel bad about not getting a pre-order bonus. I pre-ordered through Amazon and I won't be getting my shit until maybe September 11.

The last for are DLC.

Oh you're dragonquest user. Cute

nigger you know that the game saves in the same place whether or not you use a cart, you can download it, play it, then buy it physical when your local shop gets it and continue playing

I want a Kecha Wacha!

I don't care about monster hunter but this girl is pretty cute

Again, my 3ds is not hacked.

literally no excuse


HAHAHAHAHA! nope, pic related is actually that character as a girl.

even better

Cheval a shit. He doesn't deserve Lute.


I would.

why do always the cutest anime girls end up having dicks?
it this a deliberate choice the nips are making to brainwash us or what?

Hey, in my comic pic at least he was rule 63.

Is this better than Pokemon? I need to scratch that monster collecting itch, since those games haven't done anything for me lately.

You are just gay user, unless you are talking about the r63 one.

There is one fact stories beat the shit outta pokemon and nobody can deny it: Stories' MCs actually emote and a lot.

the combat is a lot more simple, but there's a lot bigger emphasis on building up your own character and exploring the world

I got a bit burned out by other monster taming games, Pokemon, Digimon, even tried Yokai Watch. But this game and Dragon Quest Monsters 2 is what did it for me, I really like having a non-modern setting for once.

But I'm also a great fan of both MH and DQ, so my bias might be getting in the way, I suggest you to try the game yourself, it's pretty fun.

>kill agnaktor
>drops now agnaktor loot
Please tell me his armor is in the game

Yeah, it should scratch that itch well enough

>Tri was my first MH game
>have fun so far, kill the Jagis no problem
>see Barroth for the first time
Whole time I'm thinking "How the fuck am I gonna kill this thing?". Good times.

Oh, and being able to fight side by side with your monsters is the best thing ever.

Armor and weapons yes, but you cannot tame it.

If you can kill it you can make armor from it whether or not it's rideable, barring a couple exceptions

Here ya go, here's my Rider Card.

>localized version actually lets us have this

Why must there be so many Raths?

is there a guide for genes?

What the fuck is that thing?

Sounds good, guess I'll give it a shot sometime!

As somebody who has played each monster hunter since Freedom Unite and every Pokemon since R/B. Yes.

Monster Hunter Stories
>Much better customization
>More options in online battles(This may only be too soon to tell, but I'm digging it)
>Riding Monsters
>Grinding is fun
>Doesn't run at 15 fps during battles(what the fuck Pokemon this really doesn't make any sense)

>Adopts one good thing and ditches two good things from it's previous game
>Can't run in 3D, can't run at 30fps in battle
>Monsters don't follow you
>Random battles
>Metagame is a mess
>Grinding is NOT fun in pokemon

I love Pokemon, but I never trust somebody who says "They're all great games. I love them all". It's a dude with low standards.

It's the poster boy

You try the demo yet?

i have to say the game is actually really fun. it's different while still having core mon hun stuff. I'd like to see them branch out with other mon hun related games.

that being said I have a new found respect for Velocidrome

loli crotch

One thing I like is that Navi isn't an annoying tag along character he's actually funny


I don't like him.

you must be one bean stalk short of a paw pad then

Fuck off, navirou

>>Doesn't run at 15 fps during battles(what the fuck Pokemon this really doesn't make any sense)
Have you fought a frenzied monster?

Also the framerate in the overworld is horrendous.

Deviljho, Ivory, Stiggy, Elders, Rajang and Rares all with fart attacks aren't a "good meta"

And how can you call Pokemon's grinding horrendous while praising a game where you literally have to repeat over and over and over and over the same 5 floors to beat cats to level?

>grinding is fun
Oh, ok.

That little fag can take a hike. I don't need to have him explain literally what happens as it occurs

Not yet, but I heard you can transfer demo saves to the final game, so I'll probably play it.

>>Adopts one good thing and ditches two good things from it's previous game
The first one really bugs me, because it keeps happening, and makes the games less content-packed than previous entries. Even the shift from GS to RS, which happened a while back, removed a lot of great features like the time-based events and overworld, and FRLG removed time altogether. It wasn't until DP where it came back. And XY's considered weak, but it still had so many great new features that ended up getting cut in ORAS or SM. Makes me wonder why the series is so huge.
>>Much better customization
For both sexes? Didn't like how the boy gets nothing in Pokemon, had to be a girl there, and even then I screwed myself over because you can't change skin tones later on.

>throw a paintball at a shrouded nersc
>immediately after in the same turn, my monstie kills it
I thought this was supposed to make them run away instead?

Aloe Leaf is so hard to find for some reason.

Maybe I haven't gotten far enough then, only frenzied monster I've fought is still Narg.

I have only been fighting people within my range, but I don't remember pokemon doing that within game, you had to search for tiers.

I haven't gotten to tower, but maybe I should rephrase that then. Grinding is never fun, but in MH Stories I feel like I've grinded a lot because I search every nook and cranny for chests and poogies and haven't had a need to grind yet.

All valid responses though, man.

theres a bunch of plant spots in front of the forest entrance try there thats where i got mine

Heightens the chance.
Doesn't work on story-based mons though(I think, somebody should confirm this).

It has a chance to run away when defeated.

One question: with the gene thing, any (and i mean ANY) monster can be competitively viable?

Yeah, just found one there, 2 more to complete the quest.

No, each monster has a "rule" that makes it more likely to flee. es:Nerscys are more likely to flee if inflicted with paralysis

Lute is a boy, though

This game looks adorable.
Can you pet your monsters?

Never really tried playing online but some monsters seem to be took weak, for example I wanted to use Bulldrome and Shrouded Nerscylla but the defense of the former and attack of the latter sucked too much compared to my Lagiacrus.

Base stats are still a thing, you can probably make anything work ingame, but a kut-ku is simply never going to have as much firepower as a rathalos even with the same gene loadout

It also means monsters spliced with different elements are mostly just for looks, since the majority of monsters already have an innate proficiency at their regular element and it's more effective to focus on that than to swap them over to something else

Petting is for tamagochi-wannabe-fags, watching them hatch into a cute furball then growing up a second later is for real riders.

No, but damn.
That really makes me realize that Capcom fucked up.

>hatch my 4th egg
>all of them "boooooring" and light
>all of them Aptonoth
I'm off to a slow start

pay attention to what eggs you take user, different colored ones are different monsters



Have you not realized that monsters have literally zero new animations outside of the big super moves

I don't think he's funny but he's alright in the game. He was insufferable in what I saw of the anime though.

Does anyone have a picture of all of the armor sets in the game?

The difficulty spike at the doctors lab is insane

Neat. This is very helpful, thank you.

On a side note. I actually just got lucky and just hatched a Yian Kut-ku and for some reason I love him. This game is making me like monsters I never cared in MH before, even Velocidrome is cool now.

>we will get this but not the umaru costume
Why even live

Where can I grind agnaktor?

I wish I could pet my Tamagotchis

Before the lab there's this big ass lava pool with a Gravios in it. Just after it there's a Ioprey/drome and an exit. Enter and exit until it spawns instead of the Gravios.

Does anyone know where to get lifepowder book?

when do i get muddy buddy

IIRC he can spawn in the circular pit of lava in the volcano, you can also find Black Tigrex and Gravios in the same spot.

Is it worth actually grinding monsters early, or just fly through the story and farm end-game monsters? Seems there's quite a lot of things locked behind the story.

Thanks, looks like I'll be here for a while then.

Might as well color your armor blue and call yourself Saber.

That's unfortunate.
I'll still play it, though.