An overrated franchise from an overrated company got a title that checked all the Triple A memes (Open World, Crafting, RPG elements) while sacrificing literally everything else about the game.
Some devs said they are now inspired by BotW success and will be using similar design choices (because it will sell if the game will be JUST LIKE BOTW or have WORLD BIGGER THAN BOTW).
Not to mention shitty DLC and other half-assed elements.
Did BotW ruin gaming forever?
>while sacrificing literally everything else about the game.
I'll definitely miss the handholding and intense plot of the classic Zelda games
Are people really that desperate? Get over it already, it's honestly pathetic
Will people ever stop crying over this game? It's been 6 months. Let it go.
BotW is the purest example of handolding. It's just hidden.
The game map and points of interest are structured in a way that no matter where you go you will always potentially find some re-used shrine or piece of tree poo.
It's made for retards who think they are "exploring" when in reality game subtly handles them everything on a silver platter.
I would like more devs to copy botw desu
What you described is literally map design. How is that handholding when you can choose not to do anything, and you aren't interrupted from doing so? Only the tutorial had any handholding
How mamy of these threads do we need per day? We get it, youdon't like the game. Move the fuck on
Its not handholding if the player doesn't feel like they're being hand held. That's called good game design.
>handolding. It's just hidden
then it's not handholding you fucking faglord
He didn't play the game either
There is no challenge in finding things and exploring, which should be the point of this game (since it was apparently meant to be like the very first Zelda).
You'd expect to find some huge, long dungeon with puzzles, just like in previous Zeldas, but nope. Here you have another piece of garbage. Repeat 900 times and you have whole BotW experience.
Only mechanics are fun to toy with but only for few hours.
>you may not think or feel that your hand is being held, but it actually is!
don't go full retard
If game makes sure you won't mess up and always rewards you with stuff for smallest and most retarded shit then yes, it is handholding.
lmao sony niggers are constantly triggered by the success of the switch and BOTW
You're still SEETHING about this score.
>game makes sure you won't mess up
what do you mean? What do you want to mess up? You can do literally anything you want except maybe killing people or blowing houses up.
>98 score given by people outsmarted by a pigeon
That speaks a lot about BotW fanbase.
>reddit spacing
"Won't mess up" means that people who designed the map were too big pussies to actually make more scarce but meaningful content, but instead decided that you will be rewarded with tree poo wherever you go.
This is not exploration. This is not fun. It gives you no excitement to find the same re-used assets over and over.
This game is literally just like another AC, Skyrim or Ubishit game. People give it a free pass however because Nintendo and Zelda.
He didn't review botw though
Except literally every journalist share his view. They all jumped to defend him and claimed that the second GG is happening because people called out journalists for being retards.
And people believe that opinion of those should matter. They probably didn't even play BotW. Just saw "Nintendo" "Zelda" and "Full Open World" in one sentence and spammed 10/10s because nostalgia and they love the taste of Nintendo's dick.
>>reddit spacing
please fuck off
>"Won't mess up" means that people who designed the map were too big pussies to actually make more scarce but meaningful content, but instead decided that you will be rewarded with tree poo wherever you go.
do you even know what you said you fucking idiot? Do you even fucking know the difference between map design and handholding? What´s next do you want to tell me that super mario bros has also handholding, because they actually used the first level as tutorial level?
well someone will have to go change minute tally again
you're right. everyone who's not retarded knows this already so your thread will be full of drones though so have fun being told that you've never played the game or were playing it wrong about 50 times. good luck user
The video game industry feels so creatively narrow, more so than ever. It should be the opposite in this day and age.
Zelda breath of the Wild didn't do anything
The reason people like it is because other than Witcher, it's the only game that made open world fun, every other game besides witcher sucked in comprison
It does all of those things better than any other open world game besides the best GTA games
I wish OP good luck too, as is anyone with half a brain with independent thought. The drones are a savage bunch.
>still does reddit spacing
Tsk tsk... Typical.
OP literally being mindfucked by a game, you cant make this shit up
>caring about metacritic
I shiggy diggy
>I want the world to be empty!
I have something for you and it's called real life
>they probably didn't even play
Do people really believe this? Nintendo games have reviewed poorly too
toddlers are funny
I'm not reading your garbage thread but BotW is shit. If the next Zelda game is anything like this I'm done with the series forever.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
You know what's funny. This reddit spacing meme spouted by people trying to fit in when posts have always been more or less formatted like that.
Not mindfuck, just "frustrated". You know like all sane gamers who play this sharted abomination.
Hahaha, nice catch bro. Drones need to go back to gradeschool.
Nah man I agree that BotW is the wrong direction but this is the part it did right. What you're describing, teaching the player in a hidden or intuitive fashion, is good game design.
Shame the dungeons, quests, and item system sucked ass.
don't worry user, you'll have some chinese knock-offs for your ps4
ban evading again?
t.Sup Forumseddit user
Wouldn't it be losers who don't like BotW that need to go back to school since their spelling and grammar are so bad?
You should vary your posting style more often, or you might as well have a trip
No, BotW is just another awful open world sandbox crafting survival simulator "game" for underage casual normie shitters who grew up on minecraft.
How many more buzzwords can you fit into one post
>admitting that botw is literally buzzwords the game
it's worse than bethesda shit desu
This girl is lovely but the people who post her are invariably stupid/ugly examples of humanity
ahem i've been browsing here for a decade, hand over your credentials now. You're like a cut and dry cliche. You can't even shitpost well, give it up. Go jerk off or something you sound worked up.
>admitting you are shitposting hard
I got a switch and Zelda the other month.
I find it genuinely very fun. It's fun to explore, the shrines as fun quick little things to do, the "dungeons" are fun as well. The combat is pretty fun, but simple. Overall I find the game enjoyable, and I really do enjoy the "you can do anything" aspect of the game, because it really is the only open world game that you really can do "anything" in.
The amount of pure asspain this game (and PUBG) cause is just insane. Like, get over it dude. They're fine games, they aren't the most greatest thing ever unlike what the reviews say, but they're good.
>calling anyone else shitposters
don't you have some shit to go collect?
No, it didn't ruin gaming you dramatic fuck. And if it did get a bad score, you would just be shitposting about how it's the biggest flop in history and that Nintendo is doomed.
Fucking hang yourself you degenerate fuck. Everyone's been waiting for finally end it
I like how every single toddler post is a variation of "u mad".
Not a single argument, just u mad, u mad, u mad, over and over again.
I already finished the game a few weeks ago, but maybe I should fire it up again on my old PC. Heard it runs better now
Well yeah, they're weebs. There is nothing redeemable about smelly fat sacks of shit hugging body pillows.
BotW and the undeserved praise it received are not the cause, but rather a clear sign that video games are dead.
What's there to argue? The OP is barebones and says basically nothing. There is nothing to argue
Your butthurt is a fact though
Dislike BOTW all you want, just know that your opinion is shit if you think it's bad because of "towers".
hello op
unfortunately the OP's argument did not appear when I looked again. What do?
>They're fine games, they aren't the most greatest thing ever unlike what the reviews say, but they're good.
zelda games are expected to be more than fine games. botw is nintendo flavored generic open world trash and the positive reception basically spells the end of hope for the franchise being anything other than that. we get it you have low standards.
>samefagging this hard
It's not hard to see through you. Inb4 shooped image of only one (you)
Unfortunately 3D zelda games are never more than mediocre. BOTW is above medicore by one notch, so in effect it's better than the rest of the 3D series. The old 3D zelda deserves to die, let BOTW style and 2D zelda live on
>old pc
i don't know why i would expect a botw shitter to have any intelligence.
Well, I guess we should go to Sup Forums then. Video games are dead. user, let's do this together. Let's leave this board and never look back.
My PC is an i5 and it runs at 30fps. There's i7s now
But of course you don't know, you haven't even played the game have you
Your photoshop skills are coming along.
Thanks user
t. underage who played oot the first time in 2010 and he liked his open world trash games better
Persona 5 deserves goty but will lose to this shit
>My PC is an i5
>There's i7s now
really made me think, drone. you're such a fucking retard.
>Cookie cutter weebshit rpg doesn't get goty
Both companies are Japanese retard
Do you have autism? Legit question. i5 was years ago, it's old and outdated already. I suppose your namecalling should have tipped me off. I don't even have a nintendo console
botw isn't weebshit. persona is. know the difference fag. weeb isn't a synonym for japanese.
Did you just admit OOT is only good when you play as a kid?
P5 had the weakest story and characters of all personas, with its combat still weaker than SMT. it doesn't deserve shit
>6 months still mad
I wonder what the next autistic rage game will be? No man's sky didn't even have this much shitposting for so long, and that game was a literal scam.
>for a decade
>since 2007
You'll always be a newfag.
you're either a falseflagging drone or you have such a lack of knowledge of pc's that it's even sub Sup Forumsermin standards. either way you're an embarrassment. your posts are so stupid they're almost worthy of capping.
funny how nintendo made a reskinned skyrim and everyone called it the best zelda game ever
the game's fun but it's literally nothing like any other zelda game
>I wonder what the next autistic rage game will be?
For this year at least, I'm guessing Mario Odyssey. It's the only big-name exclusive that comes to mind for the remainder of this year, and this board fetishizes exclusives.
Oh okay I'll let you be then. Enjoy your spergout I guess?
>i5 was years ago
The latest i5 came out last month, user.
How are these threads not banned yet? Literally spamming at this point desu.
Grow up, sony pony.
>shit, i better stop posting
thanks. sincerely, everyone on all sides.
Still beats majority that browse these days, by a large margin
My i5 was years ago. It's a 3570
aren't you sick of posting the same image for 6 months straight?
please let people complain about a overrated game for once.
The OP was smart enough to save his ranting about "drones" and "toddlers" for the body of the thread instead of drawing unwanted attention onto himself by putting it in the title.
Aren't you sick of complaining of the same game for 6 months straight?
please just move on
>Did you just admit OOT is only good when you play as a kid?
no im saying that people who grew up playing open world games have shittier taste than people who haven't.
Bruh some i5s are old as fuck. Do you not realize this?
>That moment the bird stands on the block and goes "Wait a minute, I think I have an idea."
>damage control
don't user. you blew it.
I didn't play open world games until morrowind came out. I played OOT like 2 years before it came out. It's still mediocre.
>blew it
Blew what? Some basic reasoning would be useful to you in the future man. If I said my rig is years old do you think I will be using a new fanged i5?
I rarely post that pic, and I only do it because it makes insecure children like you upset. It's ok to like, and not like games, but when you sit there for 6 months straight bitching about how much you hate this game it just starts to get sad. It's time to move on champ.